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23 minutes ago, Ooph! said:


Have you listened to Tucker, Marjorie or anyone you take a dislike to without someone else's filter presenting them to you and telling you what they said by restructuring/editing as those two video's have done?

 The video Mattndew76 posted of Tucker is a really good place to start.

Tucker is popular with the right but to me he's not really right wing, more of a centrist. He and some of his guests like Tulsi Gabbard are vilified in the same way that Trump is because they go against the party line and they have power, power of the mind to get an alternative message out to the masses.  I think he's taken up the role of Andy Rooney or Rush Limbaugh similar to Ernie Pyle or Will Rogers.

 Marjorie is definitely right wing but with a refreshing honesty that she seems to still adhere to. To me she represents what I saw in the Reagan revolution that the middle class, the little guy wanted in a political representative, honesty well as honest as a politician can be by walking the walk she talks which is the same thing that Trump does.

  Stoffegrenmotorsports brought up Mitch McConnell, He represents what I saw as the country club Republicans they are the administration, the people that say one thing and do another as long as it benefits them or their paying sponsors, in other words the uniparty.

 That brings out the larger idea of people that are attempting to better America to a larger extent than trying to benefit themselves. Trump had always been a Democrat and still largely is just like Tulsi, BUT they go against what the bureaucracy wants and therefore must be destroyed, but to me even though he is a Democrat I voted for him and will again because there is a chance that some restructuring of the political world will occur and the bureaucracy will be diminished possibly leading to a new era of prosperity and freedom, freedom of thought and action.

I think those that have been conditioned to dislike Tucker Carlson would never sit and listen to him for long at all.Without even hearing his point of view they don't like him period.The guy is a very reasonable person and points out things that the left just refuses to believe.Or they just don't want to hear it because it hurts their feelings.It's strange because they'll listen to a wackjob like Rachel Maddow or the Morning Joe guy that spew 100X the bullshit that Carlson does.Look at who gets the ratings and who doesn't.

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36 minutes ago, john510 said:

And there it is.That was easy.

John, I'm probably one of the most conservative people here.  I much prefer long format discussions where there is actual two-sided dialogue. Pretty much everyone on these short format shows falls into my previous statement.

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That commentator in the MTG video I posted earlier jogged my memory.


Now that Hillary Clinton is back in the news, what happened to the Hillary Clinton investigation vis a vis the previous administration?


In 2015 and 2016 one of the promises of the previous Presidents campaign was to complete an investigation of HRC and throw her into prison as she was so obviously a criminal.


2017 came around, the republican President was accompanied by a republican majority and leadership of the senate, the same for the house of representative, and...nothing happened.


So where did it go?





Edited by dhp123166
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2 hours ago, Ooph! said:


Have you listened to Tucker, Marjorie or anyone you take a dislike to without someone else's filter presenting them to you and telling you what they said by restructuring/editing as those two video's have done?

 The video Mattndew76 posted of Tucker is a really good place to start.

Tucker is popular with the right but to me he's not really right wing, more of a centrist. He and some of his guests like Tulsi Gabbard are vilified in the same way that Trump is because they go against the party line and they have power, power of the mind to get an alternative message out to the masses.  I think he's taken up the role of Andy Rooney or Rush Limbaugh similar to Ernie Pyle or Will Rogers.

 Marjorie is definitely right wing but with a refreshing honesty that she seems to still adhere to. To me she represents what I saw in the Reagan revolution that the middle class, the little guy wanted in a political representative, honesty well as honest as a politician can be by walking the walk she talks which is the same thing that Trump does.

  Stoffegrenmotorsports brought up Mitch McConnell, He represents what I saw as the country club Republicans they are the administration, the people that say one thing and do another as long as it benefits them or their paying sponsors, in other words the uniparty.

 That brings out the larger idea of people that are attempting to better America to a larger extent than trying to benefit themselves. Trump had always been a Democrat and still largely is just like Tulsi, BUT they go against what the bureaucracy wants and therefore must be destroyed, but to me even though he is a Democrat I voted for him and will again because there is a chance that some restructuring of the political world will occur and the bureaucracy will be diminished possibly leading to a new era of prosperity and freedom, freedom of thought and action.

I hear you oops, and I understand the attraction to that message. As I see it, the right or left MSNM and the "personalities" who deliver their message are propagandists, not journalists. They don't inform voters, they tell the faithful how to think by framing news stories through a very narrow and bias lens, akin to disinformation. Because I strive to to find accurate information, fear peddling pop tart propaganda insults what little intelligence I have left. Give me the data, first hand witness accounts, and verifiable objective facts so I can research it and think for my self. I've been registered as independent my entire voting life and that's the way I think.

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19 hours ago, wayno said:


Most the time I think about something long enough for it to make sense to me, work out everything and see if this or that could be used against the population, the(in my opinion) fake Covid19 vaccine is one of them, I read or heard somewhere that this fake vaccine had actual influenza in it, it would not surprise me if the more contangoes flu they were working on in the lab in China was in it, give everyone vaccinated the flu and send them home to infect their family and friends, what better way to start an epidemic, one could certainly raise the infection numbers that way even if the person vaccinated did not get sick, but you could actually kill your grand parents that way, I got it from someone that was vaccinated 4 days before I visited them, they(people giving the shots) did not tell people to isolate themselves after vaccinated.


Trump really screwed up their plans, and we have seen nothing but hate for him from them since.


I've posted it here before...............I did NOT get the jab, for my own personal reasons, many of which cuz I was suspect of things.  I still am 🤨


Yes, Trump REALLY screwed up their plans!! 😎

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7 hours ago, john510 said:

I didn't mention Hillary but since you did what happened there ? I'm referring to the others that took home records.Biden and Pence and I would imagine even Obama.Trump gets raided by the FBI and then the others decided they better give up the goods after the fact.I'll say it again,my problem is the focus on one guy that scares the hell out of the establishment while the others (career establishment people) get overlooked.There are also some serious concerns about Biden's dealings in the past.Is the DOJ or FBI looking into that ? No,they're actually stonewalling those that want answers.If there's nothing to hide why not just cooperate ? They've been out to get Trump for over six years and continually fail so they just keep digging for anything that might stick.Imagine if they did that to more of these politicians.


I don't see Trump as undeserving of this attention from the legal "establishment". What separates one from there others is he's the only one who refused to return classified top secret document after leaving office. He knew he had them, bragged about it, and lied to federal investigators. He signed the damn laws that apply to this crime, and put himself in this pickle. He handed this indictment to the leftist establishment and Old Man Joe's DOJ on a gold platter. What you're overlooking is that if Biden did the same, you'd be calling for his execution because of course you'd see his guilt. 

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The lawyers "Rats" are abandoning the SS Trump sinking ship just like the false stolen election claims ship a few years ago. Not usual behavior for Lawyers if there is a chance at winning. This will be a good thing for the Republicans so they can actually put up a candidate that has a chance at winning a general election. The competition now isn't too hard to beat. They do have a habit of stepping on thier own dicks though. Doubling down on abortion just before midterms cost them dearly. Taking away people rights is never a winning strategy. Guns is the third rail for the left, abortion third rail for the right. It is a game now of who fucks up the least. Best bet is to let Trump sink himself and stay away from the vortex that drags everything down with it.

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40 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

The lawyers "Rats" are abandoning the SS Trump sinking ship just like the false stolen election claims ship a few years ago. Not usual behavior for Lawyers if there is a chance at winning.                                                          


Liars get paid weather they win or loose don't they?

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2 hours ago, dhp123166 said:

That commentator in the MTG video I posted earlier jogged my memory.


Now that Hillary Clinton is back in the news, what happened to the Hillary Clinton investigation vis a vis the previous administration?


In 2015 and 2016 one of the promises of the previous Presidents campaign was to complete an investigation of HRC and throw her into prison as she was so obviously a criminal.


2017 came around, the republican President was accompanied by a republican majority and leadership of the senate, the same for the house of representative, and...nothing happened.


So where did it go?





Good question on what happened to the Hillary thing.I just assumed the Republicans (because they won) wanted to take the high road instead of stooping to dirty politics.They got rid of her and were fine with it.The right does seem to be all bark and no bite.

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5 minutes ago, john510 said:

Good question on what happened to the Hillary thing.I just assumed the Republicans (because they won) wanted to take the high road instead of stooping to dirty politics.They got rid of her and were fine with it.The right does seem to be all bark and no bite.

Hillary also a never-was, not a threat.  Democrats still see Trump as a threat, hence the continued saga.  Wish they'd all take a puddle jumper and crash into a mountainside somewhere, but that doesn't seem to happen very often anymore...

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2 hours ago, paradime said:


I don't see Trump as undeserving of this attention from the legal "establishment". What separates one from there others is he's the only one who refused to return classified top secret document after leaving office. He knew he had them, bragged about it, and lied to federal investigators. He signed the damn laws that apply to this crime, and put himself in this pickle. He handed this indictment to the leftist establishment and Old Man Joe's DOJ on a gold platter. What you're overlooking is that if Biden did the same, you'd be calling for his execution because of course you'd see his guilt. 

No I wouldn't be calling for Biden's execution.And in the current bribe money situation regarding Biden I don't see his guilt yet.I'd like to know exactly what went on though without anybody redacting,covering up or neglecting to look into it.I'm curious why Biden had documents since Obama left the White House and didn't return them until after Trump got raided.That's like robbing a bank and returning the money before you get caught just so you can say you're innocent of any wrongdoing.If Trump never would have created this mess for himself would Biden still have documents in the trunk of his Corvette ? I bet he would.

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On 6/16/2023 at 4:06 PM, Logical1 said:


While that may be if you know him in person, I can only base my thoughts on what I have seen here. 

There's no may about it, its a fact. Ive known the man in person for YEARS but its not time that gives him the title of friend its actions, He's a damned good guy who doesn't deserve someone who doesn't know him throwing his name around in a shit talking manor. Im asking you to stop, you dont know the guy you are talking about. 



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1 hour ago, john510 said:

No I wouldn't be calling for Biden's execution.And in the current bribe money situation regarding Biden I don't see his guilt yet.I'd like to know exactly what went on though without anybody redacting,covering up or neglecting to look into it.I'm curious why Biden had documents since Obama left the White House and didn't return them until after Trump got raided.That's like robbing a bank and returning the money before you get caught just so you can say you're innocent of any wrongdoing.If Trump never would have created this mess for himself would Biden still have documents in the trunk of his Corvette ? I bet he would.


Agreed, hollow contrition when the house of cards is falling might be the way the game is played, but in my book, it's cheating Jerry Falwell style. Like any criminal, you don't sits in the Oval Office without knowing how to dodge the executioner's ax. I'll never understand why Trump would live his cheese hanging in the wind like that. Makes no sense.

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18 minutes ago, paradime said:


Agreed, hollow contrition when the house of cards is falling might be the way the game is played, but in my book, it's cheating Jerry Falwell style. Like any criminal, you don't sits in the Oval Office without knowing how to dodge the executioner's ax. I'll never understand why Trump would live his cheese hanging in the wind like that. Makes no sense.


leave his cheese... right back at cha. English is over rated but I usually do a better job than today.

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18 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


leave his cheese... right back at cha. English is over rated but I usually do a better job than today.


You can take a break form imperfection now. I got the whole creative selling thing covered. 

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