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10 hours ago, difrangia said:

Western Alliance (yellow)     vs     Global South (gray)

If you don't know what this map represents, just keep it in the back of your mind. You'll see it again.



Western Alliance -vs- BRICS.jpg


That map is misleading. Besides the US, there's only a few eastern European countries that aren't full communist, as the rest of the yellow is besides Asia. Not sure if Japan will remain free after China annexes Taiwan and South Korea. Then there's the Islamic infection:



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10 hours ago, difrangia said:

Western Alliance (yellow)     vs     Global South (gray)

If you don't know what this map represents, just keep it in the back of your mind. You'll see it again.



Western Alliance -vs- BRICS.jpg


Greenland should be yellow also. So yeah this map is inaccurate.

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The deeper meanings and relation to global society/culture/finance of communist and free have changed a bit over the past three decades and longer. Just ask yourself 'How free am I today compared to how I view my freedom a decade ago and what I consider my condition will be in a decade'? A lot depends on what you accept as an truly honest evaluation of current events; said another way 'where you get Ur news/opinions from'.

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2 hours ago, difrangia said:


jb510, to add to my perspective, could you briefly comment on a couple of the major portions that you see as inaccurate ? I'll have to admit that I know little or see very little in the news about Greenland. Thanks.

Certainly, the grey area is misleading. There are 195ish nations in the world and many deserve a third color and fourth and fifth color. because its much more complicated than West Vs other is all im saying.


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43 minutes ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:

Ummm......Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon are both now unemployed. Within like an hour of each other.....


Tucker got canned for speaking the truth about Dominion, like their ability to be remotely accessed via the internet and their Top Secret vote manipulating algorithms. Lemon will probably be hired by Faux to spoon feed Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel's controlled opposition line to the rubes.    

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4 hours ago, jbirds510 said:

Certainly, the grey area is misleading. There are 195ish nations in the world and many deserve a third color and fourth and fifth color. because its much more complicated than West Vs other is all im saying.



You are quite correct, jbirds, in that it is not just cut-&-dried Team #1 vs Team #2. Many countries are currently and will be, over time, in flux. The yellows are pretty much solidly, at the moment, with the WEF as I see it. Which gray areas do you see as WEF leaning ?? What gray area do you see as changing to a solid yellow. And yes, as you stated, many of the gray areas could and should be a color besides yellow or gray, and where are they likely to gravitate ? The map basically says to me pretty much all the yellows are locked into heading one direction together pretty solidly and the non-yellow tend to be much more uncommitted, and gravitating to new alliances that are yet to be solidified. Everybody wants as much power (=money) as they can snag on to and are looking for the 'Big Dog' that will allow them to gain that power and security. 

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3 hours ago, SWFL said:


 Lemon will probably be hired by Faux    

Hoe lee hail lol! Five years ago I'd a-said yer butter done slipped off'n yer biscuits but in 2023 I think you may have accurately predicted the future! Pair him up with Sean "not the rank and file FBI agents" Hannity and we can have a revamped version of Hannity & Colmes for the Nu-GOP Lite era of Tolerance, Inclusivity and Mandatory Hormone Replacement Therapy. I'm wondering if 1999 Alan Colmes wasn't more of a right winger than 2023 Hannity!

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7 hours ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:

Ummm......Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon are both now unemployed. Within like an hour of each other.....

Lemon lasted as long as he did because he's gay and Black.Carlson kind of surprises me.I liked most of what he had to say.He wasn't afraid to point out things that should concern any American citizen no matter which side you support.We need people willing to do that instead of jumping on the government supporting bandwagon like most of them do.

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8 minutes ago, flyerdan said:

I found it rather amusing that in the aftermath of the media culling Fox stocks were taking a 930 million hit and CNN was actually going up a bit.


Makes sense. Lemmon got the boot for being dead weight and an angry gay misogamist with a fat mouth. That doesn't mesh for profiing from the liberal agenda. Carlson's more popular fat mouth cost Rupert nearly $800 mil in the settle with Dominion, and there are other similar cases working their way through the system relating to more of Tucker's fake sorry unsubstantiated election stories. And that doesn't mesh with profiting from the conservative agenda.


These walking turd sticks are not ethical journalists, they're political propagandists. IMO, both deserve to get flushed down the F'n toilet; along with the rest of their unworthy bias fake news organizations, and the entire cable news industry. They've done enough damage to the American political landscape to warrant execution by cancelation. 1st amendment rights shouldn't apply to criminals who abuse it.

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Not to run stuff into the ground, but bounce these two images around together in one of those foggy little rooms-of-the-mind. I see sociopolitical alignments at various stages of evolution. Besides, it's a pretty good geography study that many could use now-a-days.



Western Alliance -vs- BRICS.jpg

GDPGrowth 2000-2020.jpg

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6 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

I quit watching the news in 2020 and life is much better now, have to say. Some news is bound to filter in... like here, but generally I don't think about all the BS in the world like I used to.


Yup, amazing how intelligent persons develop filters as they age that help streamline their life. I guess when you get closer to the end, you get much better at realizing how valuable time is and using it for the really important stuff.




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2 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:



Basically what I said above. Tucker Carlson's biggest advertisers started abandoning him in 2020, so although popular, he didn't benefit Fox News profits. Tuckers derogatory statement about news media advertising was in the middle of this in 2021. As if he wasn't riding the money train for years before shitting the bed.


Don't forget his on air rants about low sperm counts in men being connected to low birth rates. He then started plugging his 30 min "investigative report" exposing this hidden crisis that threatens humanity, and he did this on air during his show. All it turned out to be was a long add for his revolutionary nut sack laser business. Not even SNL could come up with this shit, so arguing this guy or any of his money grubbing ilk have journalistic integrity is an F'n joke.


If I really want to find out what's going on with something interesting, I follow the money because that's always what's driving the show.  

Edited by paradime
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Fox has liquidated all of its populous contributors too. They're going to fold right into the singular consolidation of spouting non stop agitprop. Dan Bongino was cut from their shows too. People who question the narrative are not welcome.

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I think Fox News found their misanthropic messaging approach less and less lucrative within the corporate power structure. Little Donny Lemmon was a loyal agitprop for the left, but trashtalk'n women is what made him dead weight at CNN. This has nothing to do with informing the public to events and decisions that effect the outcome of our well being. It covers up, rationalizes, and forms alternate meaning for these events in order to maintain the current power structure. The puppet show manufacturing consent is VERY BIG business indeed.

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For you younger guys, mark my words; before long the left vs right divide will expand into a women vs men divide, because there's profit in division. Oh wait, that's already happening guys. It's all part of the greatest BS puppet show on earth, and I'm sick of it.

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