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What is the big fuss about secret documents.All our stuff is so out dated.We fight among our selves so much and don't spend a dime on new high tech anything.China is going to blow us off the map.Their navy is now bigger than ours.We are 50 years behind time and get our Presidents from the Senior citizen centers.We can't even detect a Balloon.Canada has no radar's.Every one up there is Stoned.I bet Canada has the best weed though.California is turning everyone into homeless addicts.They have the most public bathrooms,just drop your pants anywhere and take a dump.Imagine the smell there.That balloon was just to make joke out of our dead beat what you call them in that White House.China's plan is too get us to go total electric,then blow up out transformer's.Climate change my tail.It's called China take over.When the electricity goes out,Debit card will not work.Remember growing up and the older people would say Chinese are down there,watch,they are coming for us.First,you take away the food chain...All our borders are wide open...One day the American's will be going out the border's.Only people going to Canada is running from the law,right.The best place is Brazil,The women their have the nicest butts,right.Come to America,the land of the homeless junkies...


Edited by Thomas Perkins
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The reason,jobs can't be filled nationwide,cause someone with gray hair,old as dirt opened the borders wide open and let them  drugs go all over and it's so sad that people are helpless cause of the bad drugs.It is real bad in the west but it's coming our way fast.Think about it.When this generation of military people leave the service,we won't have a military.Drug addition is very hard to beat.Places now don't give drug test to hire you cause not many people will pass.They stopped it here.What do you think them panhandlers are doing with that money you give them,A guy here on the news said,he buys,cigarettes,drugs and a girl for the night.He said downtown,they have free food and stuff.But can't say,may I take your order.

Edited by Thomas Perkins
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The chicom spy balloon that spent a week gathering up info could actually be seen by people and there were lots of pictures in the media through telephoto lenses; has anyone seen any physical proof of these alleged objects that are supposedly popping up everywhere?  There is a theory going around that it might be misdirection to keep attention away from some supposed train wreck caused massive chemical fire going on in Ohio.

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4 hours ago, iceman510 said:


I'll take your word for it, as I did not verify D-guy's work.


Well, pretty much everything in the Covid thread he posts is SPOT ON, so................😂 😎

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3 hours ago, yenpit said:


Well, pretty much everything in the Covid thread he posts is SPOT ON, so................😂 😎


7 hours ago, iceman510 said:


I'll take your word for it, as I did not verify D-guy's work.


Lol, I think it is right but I won't make any promises, I tried counting it a couple times and kept losing track.


99 balloons in the sky, 99 balloons
Shoot one down and report it around, 98 balloons in the sky....

Edited by Dguy210
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