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"I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact."

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20 minutes ago, Skib said:

"I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact."


LOL you're just getting old, mate.


Advertising targets the young so you don't have much chance but as you get older they have less control (or you have more resistance) and you begin to see things differently. Advertisers don't waste time on us.

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1 hour ago, Skib said:

"I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact."


Madison Ave has perfected their voodoo potion that fills the public with feelings of inadequacy.


Economic slavory is real, but every generation has those who squander and those who push. I didn't do well in grade school so I drifted after graduating and got addicted to drugs. At one point in my life I pumped gas, waited tables, and many other menial jobs before I had the balls to stop partying and go after my dreams. I was 25 by the time I went to college, but by then I knew what I wanted and tore that place a new asshole. There but for the grace of God go I. 

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3 hours ago, paradime said:

One generation ago it would have been mostly white folks re-roofing those houses, and those same skilled laborers could afford to own one of those homes. This "divide" is being marketed by our media as right v left, black v white,  us v them. In reality it's always been a have v have not struggle for resources. That's the nature of survival and capitalism alike.


The productivity of cheep labor here and around the globe has created unprecedented wealth in this country, but rather than using that wealth to improve society, we've somehow become mentally soft because of it. Today's boob box "media consumers" would attack the integrity of an Edward R. Murrow, because he'd surely be holding a mirror up to how dangerously comfortable and complacent we've become. At the same time, anxiety and depression are rampant in our society. In my experience as a psychologist, what drives this illness is the lack of struggle that gives purpose and meaning to our existence. Humans aren't designed to coast in comfort, so it's theorized that in the absence of struggle we create conflict to fill our primitive existential needs. Rather than learning to take care of himself, average Joe American has become dependent upon the media system for having these needs met, and sent chasing products in search of happiness. I grew up poor, I've worked my ass off and literally built half the shit I own. Building these things have always been among the best times of my life, and I'm proud to live with what I've created. If a disaster took that away, as soon as my legs were back under me I'd start the same process over again just like bottomwatcher. 

One generation ago kind of hits a nail on the head. My wife and I split our time between a house in Florida in the winter and a house in Maine during the summer. I hired a roofer in Maine this year to reroof the Maine house in standing metal seam. I make a mess of metal roofing and didn't want it looking like shit ( like if I had done it). Maine is like stepping back a generation. Roofer was a white guy, hard worker and I hired him to do the polebarn I built roof too. Took a couple of weeks for both. He charged 35 an hour for any extra work which is dirt cheap I think but Florida is probably more like the rest of the US. I had the roof done on the house in Florida in standing metal seam and with 5 Mexicans it was done in less than a day. Today I knocked off about 430 and took the wife out in the powerboat with a couple of cold ones for our daily H2O therapy. We went to watch the birds come back to the roosting island at sunset. Our first time back to see them after the storm and their home is fucked too! A twisted mess of mangroves. We made it back home shortly after dark and the roofers on the other homes were still going at it Mariachi music and all. Sorry to ramble, wish I could straighten up the birds homes too. Time will fix all of this.

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On 12/20/2022 at 7:14 PM, Logical1 said:

While not as colorful, this is a storefront in my little mountain town...


I voted Trump and know he'd have been a better president than Biden but I'm not in the Trump cult anymore mostly because (right after he lost the election/Biden was declared winner, however you like) he said he would "declassify everything" and specifically mentioned the JFK stuff. Then he declassified none of it. When you tell me you're gonna do something you gotta follow through on it and he didn't. 

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Interesting subject when you look a little deeper. Would you consider Truman's succession into power equally tainted? Or dose this taint only apply to the assassination of a president?


Article II of the constitution is fairly mechanical and designates the VP as next in line to the Oval Office. Whether by natural causes, suspected covert coup d'é·tat, or criminal corruption there might be varying degrees, but all tainted power none the less.


Here's the interesting part: After a succession the next election redefines the legitimacy of leadership and we usually swap parties in that process. After Lincoln's assassination Andrew Jackson (D) took the over, and after his single term Ulysses S Grant (R) was elected. After Garfield's assassination Chester A Arther (R) stepped in, and after his 1 term Grover Cleveland (D) was elected. Eisenhower (R) was elected after 1 term Truman (D), Nixon (R) elected after 1 term Johnson (D), and Carter (D) elected after 1 term Ford (R).


The optimistic part of me believes this 5 for 5 phenomenon is our desire to wash the taint off and start over a new. The cynical side of me believes there's a shadow entity is pulling the strings. For instance Ford, Truman, and Andrew Johnson were Freemasons, so that 3 out of 5 who succeded into office. My philosophic side hypothesizes there is a collective unconscious Yin and Yang pendulum that brings balance between opposing forces of power. The honest side of me is completely disgusted by the open dick sucking and public castrations of our "Democratic" process. It's an obscene waste of energy and resources that could be used to solve our country's problems with bipartisan solutions. Yeahhh, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.  

Edited by paradime
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If FDR died of natural causes, and no reason to assume otherwise, then shit happens and there is recourse provided by the Veep. If assassinated, then someone or some people have willingly, not only forced an early change, but have eliminated the present president from consideration in any future politics. There is no telling what Lincoln or Kennedy would have or could have done in the remainder of their term or if they were re-elected. In Lincoln's case, the 22nd amendment didn't even exist for another 80 years. He may have been president for a decade or more. Even the completion or the remainder of the term in office or a re-election completely changes everything that happens after. 


I remember where I was when the news came that Kennedy had died. I always wondered what things would be like here, in the US and world wide, if it had never happened. To widely varying degrees everything today is affected by that event. Vietnam may have ended, Vietnam vets may not exist today, HUEY helicopters, claymore mines, TOW missiles, grenade launcher and F-100 Super Saber might have been invented but much later or skipped over entirely. The list is endless. One thing affects everything else       

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I agree, the Kennedy assassination, is a scar that hasn't healed, and that echos in our country to this day. And the POS Warren Commission did nothing but infect and poor salt in that wound. That said you can also add RFK, MLK, and Malcom X to that wound.


To a.d._510_n_ok's point, if all the relevant documents were released and the truth revealed, would it restore trust in government or destroy it? The only thing I can semis after transparency laws were passed and these government secrets of the past are still kept hidden, it remains that way for reasons of preservation of power at present. 



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A pretty terrible movie. It did nothing to help and just served to muddle everything. Lots of made up shit. Exciting though.


"a man of technical skill, scant education and negligible conscience." .................. George Will, Washington Post... on Oliver Stone

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19 hours ago, paradime said:

Interesting subject when you look a little deeper. Would you consider Truman's succession into power equally tainted? Or dose this taint only apply to the assassination of a president?


Article II of the constitution is fairly mechanical and designates the VP as next in line to the Oval Office. Whether by natural causes, suspected covert coup d'é·tat, or criminal corruption there might be varying degrees, but all tainted power none the less.


Here's the interesting part: After a succession the next election redefines the legitimacy of leadership and we usually swap parties in that process. After Lincoln's assassination Andrew Jackson (D) took the over, and after his single term Ulysses S Grant (R) was elected. After Garfield's assassination Chester A Arther (R) stepped in, and after his 1 term Grover Cleveland (D) was elected. Eisenhower (R) was elected after 1 term Truman (D), Nixon (R) elected after 1 term Johnson (D), and Carter (D) elected after 1 term Ford (R).


The optimistic part of me believes this 5 for 5 phenomenon is our desire to wash the taint off and start over a new. The cynical side of me believes there's a shadow entity is pulling the strings. For instance Ford, Truman, and Andrew Johnson were Freemasons, so that 3 out of 5 who succeded into office. My philosophic side hypothesizes there is a collective unconscious Yin and Yang pendulum that brings balance between opposing forces of power. The honest side of me is completely disgusted by the open dick sucking and public castrations of our "Democratic" process. It's an obscene waste of energy and resources that could be used to solve our country's problems with bipartisan solutions. Yeahhh, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.  

IMO, FDR's presidency was tainted after his 2nd term was over. 

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On 12/24/2022 at 1:33 PM, paradime said:

Interesting subject when you look a little deeper. Would you consider Truman's succession into power equally tainted? Or dose this taint only apply to the assassination of a president?


Article II of the constitution is fairly mechanical and designates the VP as next in line to the Oval Office. Whether by natural causes, suspected covert coup d'é·tat, or criminal corruption there might be varying degrees, but all tainted power none the less.


Here's the interesting part: After a succession the next election redefines the legitimacy of leadership and we usually swap parties in that process. After Lincoln's assassination Andrew Jackson (D) took the over, and after his single term Ulysses S Grant (R) was elected. After Garfield's assassination Chester A Arther (R) stepped in, and after his 1 term Grover Cleveland (D) was elected. Eisenhower (R) was elected after 1 term Truman (D), Nixon (R) elected after 1 term Johnson (D), and Carter (D) elected after 1 term Ford (R).


The optimistic part of me believes this 5 for 5 phenomenon is our desire to wash the taint off and start over a new. The cynical side of me believes there's a shadow entity is pulling the strings. For instance Ford, Truman, and Andrew Johnson were Freemasons, so that 3 out of 5 who succeded into office. My philosophic side hypothesizes there is a collective unconscious Yin and Yang pendulum that brings balance between opposing forces of power. The honest side of me is completely disgusted by the open dick sucking and public castrations of our "Democratic" process. It's an obscene waste of energy and resources that could be used to solve our country's problems with bipartisan solutions. Yeahhh, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.  


Lincon's sucessor was Andrew Johnson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Trump was the 1st legit freely elected POTUS since JFK. CIA offed JFK and vowed never to leave the choice up to American voters again. Reagan was also a deep state pick. Find the YouTube video of Reagan on "Firing Line" being coached by spook William F. Buckley on what to say to appease the American military-industrial complex that was desperate to foment conflict between the US and the USSR at the time. The way Buckley feeds Reagan talking points in the "interview" is cringe worthy. Trump had an army of keyboard warriors working for him on what was (at the time) mostly uncensored social media + a democrat opponent,  Hillary, who greatly underestimated his broad, populist appeal and ignored the advice of her husband Bill (twice elected POTUS himself) that she needed to reach out to white males. She refused to do so. White males pushed Trump over the top in 2016 and was the only group whose support he lost in 2020. Elites clamped down on social media and spread mail-in voting far and wide so that a true outsider could never again win the seat @ 1600 Pee Ayyy Avenue. 


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8 hours ago, MikeRL411 said:


Lincon's sucessor was Andrew Johnson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We all make mistakes Mike. Lincoln not Lincon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😜 Johnson/Jackson what ever, it's close enough for government work.


Honestly don't know how I missed that because it's one of those creepy Lincoln/JFK coincidences. Both VPs who succeeded assassinated presidents were Souther Democrats named Jackson Johnson. 



  • Both presidents were elected to Congress in 18/1946 and later to the presidency in 18/1960.
  • Both assassins, John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald, were born in '39 and were know by their three names.
  • Booth ran from a theater and was caught in a warehouse; Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater.
  • Both of the presidents' successors were Southern Democrats named Johnson and both were born in '08.
  • Both Lincoln and Kennedy were particularly concerned with civil rights and made their views strongly known.
  • Both presidents were shot in the head on a Friday.
  • Lincoln had a secretary the last name Kennedy who told him not to go to Ford's Theatre. Kennedy had a secretary with the last name Lincoln and she warned him not to go to Dallas.
  • Both Oswald and Booth were killed before they could be put on trial.
Edited by paradime
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6 hours ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:

Trump was the 1st legit freely elected POTUS since JFK. CIA offed JFK and vowed never to leave the choice up to American voters again. Reagan was also a deep state pick. Find the YouTube video of Reagan on "Firing Line" being coached by spook William F. Buckley on what to say to appease the American military-industrial complex that was desperate to foment conflict between the US and the USSR at the time. The way Buckley feeds Reagan talking points in the "interview" is cringe worthy. Trump had an army of keyboard warriors working for him on what was (at the time) mostly uncensored social media + a democrat opponent,  Hillary, who greatly underestimated his broad, populist appeal and ignored the advice of her husband Bill (twice elected POTUS himself) that she needed to reach out to white males. She refused to do so. White males pushed Trump over the top in 2016 and was the only group whose support he lost in 2020. Elites clamped down on social media and spread mail-in voting far and wide so that a true outsider could never again win the seat @ 1600 Pee Ayyy Avenue. 


Do you have a link for that vid?I search and couldn't find it. What about Jimmy Carter? He seemed like a straight up legit elected POTUS. 

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15 hours ago, paradime said:

Do you have a link for that vid?I search and couldn't find it. What about Jimmy Carter? He seemed like a straight up legit elected POTUS. 

Here's the link, para. If you've never listened to Buckley before just be aware that his voice is an acquired taste kinda like Bob Dylan's. Carter was certainly a decent man and (even as a child) I do remember genuine enthusiasm for him when he won in 1976. On the other hand the man was literally attacked by a killer bunny rabbit in a canoe during his tenure as POTUS so maybe the spook factions installed the peanut farmer to show their russkie KGB masters just how weak the USA was in the disco/malaise era ;)

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17 hours ago, paradime said:

We all make mistakes Mike. Lincoln not Lincon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😜 Johnson/Jackson what ever, it's close enough for government work.


Honestly don't know how I missed that because it's one of those creepy Lincoln/JFK coincidences. Both VPs who succeeded assassinated presidents were Souther Democrats named Jackson Johnson. 



  • Both presidents were elected to Congress in 18/1946 and later to the presidency in 18/1960.
  • Both assassins, John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald, were born in '39 and were know by their three names.
  • Booth ran from a theater and was caught in a warehouse; Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater.
  • Both of the presidents' successors were Southern Democrats named Johnson and both were born in '08.
  • Both Lincoln and Kennedy were particularly concerned with civil rights and made their views strongly known.
  • Both presidents were shot in the head on a Friday.
  • Lincoln had a secretary the last name Kennedy who told him not to go to Ford's Theatre. Kennedy had a secretary with the last name Lincoln and she warned him not to go to Dallas.
  • Both Oswald and Booth were killed before they could be put on trial.

 Lincoln was killed in Ford's Theater. Kennedy was killed in a Lincoln manufactured by Ford. Also, Oswald acquired his Carcano carbine in an interesting way. In early 1963, Oswald (freshly returned from his defection to the Soviet Union where he renounced his American citizenship) he was working for the National Coffee Company in (New Orleans) which was right next to an FBI parking garage. Like any good Marxist during the height of the Cold War Oswald naturally chose to eat his lunch in the lounge of the FBI garage where he perused the new copies of the NRA's monthly magazine as they arrived. He found an ad for the Carcano from a place called Klein's Sporting Goods in Chicago. He created quite the paper trail in doing so too. Odd thing is you could buy that same bolt action rifle out of a 55 gallon drum of the things at Sears or Monkey Ward for about $5 with no paperwork at all being generated. 

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