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Covid-19 Prepared?

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15 hours ago, Str8jacket said:

"We need to look for another cause" wtf could it possibly be? I mean if unvaxed don't seem to have heart problems after covid and the vaxed do... wtf could the cause be? 


I'm still leaning towards climate change, or solar flares. It's a toss up between the two. 


I just started watching these videos (love this ol' English scientist! 😎 & again, thank you dguy210 for continuing to post his stuff!!).  I think what he is "CAREFULLY" saying (so as not to get booted off youtube for spreading misinformation (truth)), is that the actual CV virus itself is NOT the cause of these cardio issues.............and he is "IMPLYING" that it is the jab.  This is exactly what I have believed since very early on...............the "vaccine" was NOT properly tested, over the normally required time period, to make a proper study!  So who is going to be held responsible?

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Silly question, Trump of course!  Then the liberals can go back and say how they were against it (well, because Trump) before they were for it and for forcing everyone to get it (well, because authoritarianism and bonus virtue signaling) to maintain their job or other life options. 

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For eons Canadians had remained polite by channeling their rage threw droppin the mitts on the ice....

But then... not even the goons could contain the fury of Canada.




A polite violence unleashed that hadn't been seen since the great war.




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Most locked down city in the world, heavily vaccinated like actually real 90% plus numbers not the made up stats, hard core push for everyone. Pregnant women were pushed hard. You can dance around the edges denying as much as you want with this shit but they fucked up this Vax scam and people are only just seeing the tip of the ice berg of fuckulation they are about to collide with. 

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My wife and I both got vaxxed early (her job required, and they were still claiming 90% efficacy). I drink Mtn Dew to stay awake, keep my cell phone next to my balls, and in general not particularly all that healthy, aside from being at an okay weight...and we still got pregnant at 40 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

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4 hours ago, Str8jacket said:

Most locked down city in the world, heavily vaccinated like actually real 90% plus numbers not the made up stats, hard core push for everyone. Pregnant women were pushed hard. You can dance around the edges denying as much as you want with this shit but they fucked up this Vax scam and people are only just seeing the tip of the ice berg of fuckulation they are about to collide with. 


It's common here to have a birth spike in September caused by a bad winter storm event including and specially a blackout. There's nothing else to do but go to bed and screw.


So what happened in Victoria? The vax caused people not to screw? Stress over the unknown caused depression of libido? Caused temporary infertility? If the vax was the same, why didn't it affect other places? Maybe the propaganda in Victoria? Maybe it was a government sponsored experiment? .... unlikely as the results are out there for anyone to see.

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On 12/30/2021 at 6:47 AM, jbirds510 said:

IgG suppression, The big question now is how will these findings effect (alpha) HCoV-229E, -NL63, (beta) -OC43, and -HKU1 ? Not to mention future potential Susceptibility to zoonotics, delta and gama (GTEV)(BCoV)(FCoV)? Are we headed toward a Mareks disease type scenario? Pondering.

 Thank goodness there's always LY-CoV555 for leverage against the potential worst case scenario.



This link is to Dr John Campbells YT channel today!

Best Doctors and scientists working on this shit??? Maybe they should have just come to me a year ago and saved us all a lot of time.. I am after all a highly skilled WELDER haha.. These fuckin kooks dont care about us. we are and have been on our own all along. Make sure to wear a mask and staying away from everyone and anything with scary germs, wouldnt want your immune system to be robust and capable of crushing a cold.

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Well we are all in the same lifeboat so although some passengers don't care about all the other passengers I can't see them doing anything deliberate  that would harm us all, like drilling holes in the bottom. Other passengers would put a stop to that. You want an example of drilling holes in the lifeboat? what the fuck was the virology lab in Wuhan and Fauci doing experimenting with co-vid to make it more lethal in the first place???? This is a crime against humanity. What directly the fuck?????

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