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I find fault with any politician's view. Up here we have the Liberals, the Conservatives and the NDP. By not aligning myself with any, I an free to fling shit at them and no one can say 'then why did you vote for them????" They simply do not deserve my vote. Voting against the worst party (at the time) simply empowers the other equally douche.

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As you can see, choosing a side in the corporate sponsored political puppet show makes it impossible to have a meaningful conversation about anything. That is exactly what the program is designed to do, and it would appear some of us have bought a front row seat.  


If you think what I said is "liberal", you are exposing your ignorance. The view that we are not able to shoot our way out of the ISIS situation, and the radicalization of Muslims is shared by Robert M. Gates, James Woolsey, George Tenet, Porter Goss, and David Patraeus. The strategy of imbedding special forces in local communities was what my uncle did in Vietnam as a Green Beret. This strategy is something he is behind 100%, and he is a republican. The fact is, we've already got special forces teams on the ground in Syria and Iraq doing that very job, just not in significant enough numbers. 


Read Sun Tzu's book, The Art of War, the first chapter stresses the importance of understanding the enemy and what motivate their actions. Have you ever asked yourself why they are targeting the West? I'll give you a hint, it's not because they hate freedom. Any successful military campaign requires limiting the cost of competition and conflict. The most effective way to limit the cost, and our exposure to negative propaganda is to interrupt and weaken the ISIS financial structure. We need to engage them in IT sabotage and counter propaganda as well as force. In order to create the divide necessary, we must support individual communities in standing up for themselves. This is the best way to take the fight directly to the ISIS machine while minimizing what we arrogantly call "collateral damage".


If you are brainwashed by the puppet show, and all you have to offer is name calling, I'll bow out politely and you can say you won. Otherwise I suggest we respect each others opinions so we can share ideas. You may not agree with my view, but maybe we can drop the political bull shit so we can talk REAL military strategy.

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Trump is just a candidate that can easily be defeated by opponents, my question is why isn't the media concentration on the true story, the one that our president flies under the radar as he single handedly underminded and violated and continues to our constitution and non of these media outlets reports on it, that's the real threat, not a loud mouth candidate.

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What motivation do politicians have to change the system? It works perfectly for them.

Humans are generally largely self serving. But there is an element in all of us that is willing to do what is better for most, even if it does not include self. I expect this of any politician, though I am not often satisfied.

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That it does. 


Oregon has one of the most embedded politicians in the whole union. Has never once had a private sector job. Went right into a tax paid position after the air force. People around here idolize him to sickening lengths. 


While in office has gone from a adequate paid position and zero liquid financial worth to a multi millionaire. All while in office. My question is how does one like this Mr. Pete create such wealth while holding a public office?


Insider trading perhaps?  Bundling? Money for political favors maybe?.........  

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I will be voting Trump. The Dem's hate him, the republicans hate him, the media hates him, and all 3 are afraid of him. That's good enough for me.

Besides . He will work for free.

In our present situation that is a big plus by itself. 

This country doesn't need another politician in the white house.

It needs a manager. Love him or hate him, it's hard to attack his managerial skills.

You may now start the hate.....

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Dude. He has some of the worst managerial skills I've seen. He couldn't keep a Doberman working without a paycheck. He leads by carrot. He drives business into the dirt while dodging taxes and collecting welfare (oops. I mean bankruptcy) Where are you getting this stuff?

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I will be voting Trump. The Dem's hate him, the republicans hate him, the media hates him, and all 3 are afraid of him. That's good enough for me.

Besides . He will work for free.

In our present situation that is a big plus by itself. 

This country doesn't need another politician in the white house.

It needs a manager. Love him or hate him, it's hard to attack his managerial skills.

You may now start the hate.....

After reading the last few pages of barf somebody finally typed something that makes a little sense.Exactly the reason i will vote for him.

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How could you guys feel comfortable putting the poster child for the master class 1% in the White house? Do you really think he has your best interests in mind? I understand that he doesn't sound like a politician, and why that's appealing, but what he's Trumpeting is pretty divisive, and hateful stuff. I don't know where that kind of rhetoric is going to take us, but I doubt it will restore our prosperity, security, or credibility. Desperation is a opportunity for change, but I don't like the kind of change he's selling.

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