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On an unrelated note, I think I finally understand those stupid red trucker hats. I may buy one.


Where are they made? Someone check for me if you're in a place where your bald spot won't be seen.

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He has ties to Yemen, you libtards are hilariously absurd, lets just continue Obamas do nothing anti terror policy, idiots....

Multiple notes of interest in this post.


A: I was joking, but not joking. The tangerine king of America has dealings with yemen?


2: I love being dismissed as a libtard. Guess I'm a fake republican.


C: Obama did nothing to combat terrorism while the white house says they're copying something Obama did.

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Multiple notes of interest in this post.


A: I was joking, but not joking. The tangerine king of America has dealings with yemen?


2: I love being dismissed as a libtard. Guess I'm a fake republican.


C: Obama did nothing to combat terrorism while the white house says they're copying something Obama did.

I think it's  A,B,C,not A,2,C .

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Received what is possibly a temp ban on a Star Wars forum for posting in a section they call "The Senate" (for political discussion/s) cause I said in a "Israel/Palestine" that it'd be awesome to just nuke the middle east.


It's "hate speech" apparently.



Soft cocks.


Being ban by everyday star wars citizens is a pretty deep compliment.

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Being ban by everyday star wars citizens is a pretty deep compliment.



The relevant post content word for word - 


It'd never happen but how awesome it'd be to nuke all of the middle east and take out all of the inhabitants and let someone else come in and have the land that these two idiotic groups have been fighting over.
Violence of that magnitude so obviously not really an option but at times this whole Israel/Palestine and their never ending fight gets way tiring to listen to the kindergarten level "logic"both sides use about their claims etc.



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Lucas ranch is the next county over from mine. Anything starwars, pixar, is gonna be so far radical left and ultra p.c. in fact if you wanna talk about being prosecuted for your beleafs try surving in the creative animation world as a trump supporter. Theyll put you on the death star with Israeli flag in your gut.

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When a federal judge issued a stay to an executive order, and the President acts against the court, that is going against constitutional law. Thus, you guys getting hardons over this are heralding acts against our constitution. That kinda matters.


I never made a fuss about the travel ban. It's dumb and the timing is ridiculous, but whatever. I see logic in sorting out customs as a new admin. It was issued as temporary, whatever. But defying a federal stay is an act against country.

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Question for all and not asking like to troll the Right Wingers or to stoke the Lefties but . . . 


In the case of Trump (his admin) hypothetically defying a court order,thus being an act against the way the Republic was set up - that something that would be viewed by Trump supporters as "ok" ? 


Supplementary edit - if it was bad for Obama to allegedly do similiar then now it's ok for Trump?  

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Question for all and not asking like to troll the Right Wingers or to stoke the Lefties but . . . 


In the case of Trump (his admin) hypothetically defying a court order,thus being an act against the way the Republic was set up - that something that would be viewed by Trump supporters as "ok" ? 


Supplementary edit - if it was bad for Obama to allegedly do similiar then now it's ok for Trump?


I would ask the same about Obama, he wiped hiss ass with the constitution for 8 fucking years and NONE OF THESE PEOPLE THAT ARE ALL OF A SUDDEN WORRIED ABOUT OUR CONSTITUTION, gave a flying fuck....ya....i don't call....I scream HYPOCRISY!

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Here, maybe this will help you...

What totally shocked me is how many business people have fallen for this fake new. Zuck I get the guy is a total tool. These other people have to realize essentially telling most people do not use my company, I am to stupid to figure out it is fake news.

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