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federal swamp switch flipped to self-draining mode!


‘I Can’t Get Out Fast Enough’: Meet the Feds Who Say They’re Leaving Under Trump


“Most people are pretty somber,” says Antoinette Henry, a long-time employee at the Housing and Urban Development Department. “They’re either quiet or manic.”


Henry has worked as a career civil servant for 33 years. She had planned to stay at the department and apply for a promotion, as her boss recently left federal service. When President Trump took office, however, those plans changed.


“I think I’m going to go,” she said. “There’s too much uncertainty.”


Henry is not alone. In interviews with Government Executive, federal employees across government -- speaking in their private capacities -- said they had become too disheartened to continue in public service. In a post-election Government Business Council/GovExec.com survey of the federal workforce, about one in four employees said they were considering leaving their jobs. Many have now decided to follow through.


One employee who has worked at the Bureau of Land Management for three decades said she is counting down the days until she becomes eligible for retirement.


“I can’t get out the door fast enough,” she said, adding that she is not alone. Some of her colleagues are “going to get out as soon as they can,” while others are going.......



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Honestly the last "new car" I bought was assembled in America. I bought a 2015 Toyota Tundra.... made in the US. The last Ford I bought in 2010 was mostly assembled in Mexico...


There are countries that are obsessed with quality. They make great stuff. The bolts and such I've tested that were forged in Nippon were hard as fuck. Most of their Rockwell Hardness Test results came back higher... same with sheer forces. American made products are the same. When I was a dumb 17 year old kid I fought wildfires in the summer for the US Forest Service I bought a pair of White's Boots made by hand in Spokane WA. They're still in my closet.... nearly 20 years and literally thousands of miles later...had then resoled once.


If I buy a regular pair of boots... a year tops...

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federal swamp switch flipped to self-draining mode!


‘I Can’t Get Out Fast Enough’: Meet the Feds Who Say They’re Leaving Under Trump


“Most people are pretty somber,” says Antoinette Henry, a long-time employee at the Housing and Urban Development Department. “They’re either quiet or manic.”


Henry has worked as a career civil servant for 33 years. She had planned to stay at the department and apply for a promotion, as her boss recently left federal service. When President Trump took office, however, those plans changed.


“I think I’m going to go,” she said. “There’s too much uncertainty.”


Henry is not alone. In interviews with Government Executive, federal employees across government -- speaking in their private capacities -- said they had become too disheartened to continue in public service. In a post-election Government Business Council/GovExec.com survey of the federal workforce, about one in four employees said they were considering leaving their jobs. Many have now decided to follow through.


One employee who has worked at the Bureau of Land Management for three decades said she is counting down the days until she becomes eligible for retirement.


“I can’t get out the door fast enough,” she said, adding that she is not alone. Some of her colleagues are “going to get out as soon as they can,” while others are going.......



They can't get out fast enough because Trump might hold them accountable to actually do their jobs.If there's one thing government employees fear it's being asked to perform.

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Shit, I forgot you were God's gift to comedy. Buddy Christ would be rolling over in his grave, er, on his cross knowing you used his likeness to refute an Oprah joke...she's the goddamn devil.



Actually Christ is no more in a grave than he is on a cross.  Fact is, no one has seen him for millennia.



Let's look at other things science said were true when THEY KNEW it was a lie:


Lead is safe in paint and gasoline (the Roman's proved lead was poisonous)

Tobacco is good for you (know to cause cancer in research from Boston 1834)

Mercury is safe to handle (again... Romans proved it was poison more than 1,000 years earlier)

Margarine is good for you (trans-fats were proved toxic to all mammals in 1954, including humans... still legal in the US for two more year, illegal in most EU)

Granite Countertops emit alpha and beta radiation... which causes cancer in humans... still people prepare their fucking food on them.. known for AT LEAST 70 years commonly in the scientific community.

Wood dust, coal dust, agricultural sprays, pesticides.... all well documented killers of humans... still our government Labratories tell us they are safe "within specified exposure limits"


There is also VERY COMPELLING evidence that the consumption of processed sugars by pregnant women causes type 1 & type 2 diabetes in their children. This evidence has been occurring since the 1850's AND THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A VERIFIED STUDY....


I don't trust scienctists because scientists were BOUGHT in all of those cases to make a fucking profit.


SMH By this list, you should include water as well. Too much of it is a killer.

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federal swamp switch flipped to self-draining mode!


‘I Can’t Get Out Fast Enough’: Meet the Feds Who Say They’re Leaving Under Trump


“Most people are pretty somber,” says Antoinette Henry, a long-time employee at the Housing and Urban Development Department. “They’re either quiet or manic.”


Henry has worked as a career civil servant for 33 years. She had planned to stay at the department and apply for a promotion, as her boss recently left federal service. When President Trump took office, however, those plans changed.


“I think I’m going to go,” she said. “There’s too much uncertainty.”


Henry is not alone. In interviews with Government Executive, federal employees across government -- speaking in their private capacities -- said they had become too disheartened to continue in public service. In a post-election Government Business Council/GovExec.com survey of the federal workforce, about one in four employees said they were considering leaving their jobs. Many have now decided to follow through.


One employee who has worked at the Bureau of Land Management for three decades said she is counting down the days until she becomes eligible for retirement.


“I can’t get out the door fast enough,” she said, adding that she is not alone. Some of her colleagues are “going to get out as soon as they can,” while others are going.......




The less people on the gubment gravy train, the better.  Hopefully their positions dry up with their desertion.


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Wow talk about getting it wrong from the get go. So I poked your religion. waa waa waa. You blunder out something in left field,...well that kind of fit that is your space.


What a chicken shit reply CSL. Zero response to the points I made? Only "Getting it wrong". Weak. Look at the funding source for studies denying any man made climate crisis and the polarizing rhetoric blocking real debate, you'll find it leads straight to the oil industry. Coincidence, or... Corporate funding and ideological polarization about climate change



No, I'm not sticking my head in the sand and following ANY party line or the religion of oil. I choose not to turn my back on conclusive evidence that shows the planet is warming at a very rapid rate due to burning fossil fuels and deforestation. "Global warming" aside, we are fucking up the planet PERIOD. No doubt liberals are being hyper reactive and illogical, but conservatives are completely dropping the political ball.


Climate study, funded in part by conservative group, confirms global warming



I grew up in SoCal and remember the brown layer of smog that sat over the cities. The problem was clearly visible so we fixed it, but not without huge resistance from the automobile, aircraft, and oil lobby. The cost of oil often comes at an unrealistic price so it clearly makes sense to conserve it. Once again, every time the mandated fuel efficiency of cars are raised, the auto manufacturers and oil lobby resists it like they are trying to same the plant.


The first scientists to start recognizing and reporting visible climate anomalies was in the late 70s. 40 years later there are many dramatic observable changes that are happening to the planet that point to burning fossil fuels and deforestation. Yet again, the Automobile and oil industries are stepping up to protect their golden cash cow. If climate scientists are in it for the money, they’re doing it wrong.



Science has always been a threat to power, be it religious or secular. Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler were demonized for contradicting the establishment's structured belief system. The oil industry has tapped into that tradition of demonizing science to protect the establishment status quo. If Trump wanted to upend the establishment and make America great again, he'd end the oil industry's grip on the global economy, because oil is at the center of power and corruption around the planet. Global industries have their eyes open  and are preparing for climate change, including the oil industry. 


Big Oil braced for global warming while it fought regulations



Climate Change Is Here. How Companies Are Preparing For It



NOAA awards funding for research projects to study climate impacts on fish and fisheries


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What a chicken shit reply CSL. Zero response to the points I made? Only "Getting it wrong". Weak. Look at the funding source for studies denying any man made climate crisis and the polarizing rhetoric blocking real debate, you'll find it leads straight to the oil industry. Coincidence, or... Corporate funding and ideological polarization about climate change



No, I'm not sticking my head in the sand and following ANY party line or the religion of oil. I choose not to turn my back on conclusive evidence that shows the planet is warming at a very rapid rate due to burning fossil fuels and deforestation. "Global warming" aside, we are fucking up the planet PERIOD. No doubt liberals are being hyper reactive and illogical, but conservatives are completely dropping the political ball.


Climate study, funded in part by conservative group, confirms global warming



I grew up in SoCal and remember the brown layer of smog that sat over the cities. The problem was clearly visible so we fixed it, but not without huge resistance from the automobile, aircraft, and oil lobby. The cost of oil often comes at an unrealistic price so it clearly makes sense to conserve it. Once again, every time the mandated fuel efficiency of cars are raised, the auto manufacturers and oil lobby resists it like they are trying to same the plant.


The first scientists to start recognizing and reporting visible climate anomalies was in the late 70s. 40 years later there are many dramatic observable changes that are happening to the planet that point to burning fossil fuels and deforestation. Yet again, the Automobile and oil industries are stepping up to protect their golden cash cow. If climate scientists are in it for the money, they’re doing it wrong.



Science has always been a threat to power, be it religious or secular. Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler were demonized for contradicting the establishment's structured belief system. The oil industry has tapped into that tradition of demonizing science to protect the establishment status quo. If Trump wanted to upend the establishment and make America great again, he'd end the oil industry's grip on the global economy, because oil is at the center of power and corruption around the planet. Global industries have their eyes open  and are preparing for climate change, including the oil industry. 


Big Oil braced for global warming while it fought regulations



Climate Change Is Here. How Companies Are Preparing For It



NOAA awards funding for research projects to study climate impacts on fish and fisheries


pooped out something else, you should really stick to what you are good at angry liberal race things.

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What a chicken shit reply CSL. Zero response to the points I made? Only "Getting it wrong". Weak. Look at the funding source for studies denying any man made climate crisis and the polarizing rhetoric blocking real debate, you'll find it leads straight to the oil industry. Coincidence, or... Corporate funding and ideological polarization about climate change



No, I'm not sticking my head in the sand and following ANY party line or the religion of oil. I choose not to turn my back on conclusive evidence that shows the planet is warming at a very rapid rate due to burning fossil fuels and deforestation. "Global warming" aside, we are fucking up the planet PERIOD. No doubt liberals are being hyper reactive and illogical, but conservatives are completely dropping the political ball.


Climate study, funded in part by conservative group, confirms global warminghttp://www.csmonitor.com/Environment/2011/1021/Climate-study-funded-in-part-by-conservative-group-confirms-global-warming


I grew up in SoCal and remember the brown layer of smog that sat over the cities. The problem was clearly visible so we fixed it, but not without huge resistance from the automobile, aircraft, and oil lobby. The cost of oil often comes at an unrealistic price so it clearly makes sense to conserve it. Once again, every time the mandated fuel efficiency of cars are raised, the auto manufacturers and oil lobby resists it like they are trying to same the plant.


The first scientists to start recognizing and reporting visible climate anomalies was in the late 70s. 40 years later there are many dramatic observable changes that are happening to the planet that point to burning fossil fuels and deforestation. Yet again, the Automobile and oil industries are stepping up to protect their golden cash cow. If climate scientists are in it for the money, they’re doing it wrong.



Science has always been a threat to power, be it religious or secular. Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler were demonized for contradicting the establishment's structured belief system. The oil industry has tapped into that tradition of demonizing science to protect the establishment status quo. If Trump wanted to upend the establishment and make America great again, he'd end the oil industry's grip on the global economy, because oil is at the center of power and corruption around the planet. Global industries have their eyes open and are preparing for climate change, including the oil industry.


Big Oil braced for global warming while it fought regulations



Climate Change Is Here. How Companies Are Preparing For It



NOAA awards funding for research projects to study climate impacts on fish and fisheries


I find it funny that you assume there's no collusion between government and scientist (most of wich are funded by government)think about that for a moment....might take you decades though since you're sold on "government is transparant with the people and doesn't lie" ya......very naive of you to believe them when time and time again they proved that they just want your money.
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SMH By this list, you should include water as well. Too much of it is a killer.

Mike, look, I respect you and I'm thankful for the assistance you've given on my 620. But to dismissvely equate hyperhydration to lead and Mercury poisoning is fallible. The list I provided displays a number of instances where scientists were paid to provide scientific proof that substances were safe, that were in fact not. Their results were falsified to produce the evidence they were funded to produce.


I have attended several national climate discussions and lectures with regards to my current position in the nuclear industry. I have seen brilliant scientists on both sides of this go at each other ravenously. Until I attend one of these where the scientific methodology used to present a conclusion isn't immediately destroyed because of lack of sound practice, I'm open to both sides of the discussion.


To VTR: the Trumpet of my post got a solid laugh out of me. Good job.


As far as "are humans fucking up the planet?" I have seen conclusive, physical evidence that used sound scientific methodologies to conclusively prove that we are. The reason I took the job I have now is I wanted to mitigate that damage in the very small way I could personally change it. Will I save the planet? No. Will I make the drinking water in Flint, MI, Parkland, WA, or Raleigh, NC safe to drink? No. But I have been able to assist in mitigating some hazardous chemicals from being dumped into the local environment. Small bites out of a colossal elephant.

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Couple of points towards dimes post

How I understand it- Copernicus etc. were rejected(because nobody believed that shit).. but than accepted by the Churches, and everybody else since.

Oil owners/companies, told us it was a'fossil' fuel. Now smog is invisible because of clean burning additives, great. Some are good and ngines are efficient now , maybe a benefit of regs. But electrified drive cars are toxic to build ? To say the least.


Jesse video was old but good


How can we fall for the UN climate change committees???

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fuck climate change. fuck global warming. but globalism poisoning the earth? yeah, that shit is happening.


it's being carried out on a massive scale by China where they have no serious environmental regulations and where the USA and most of the world have outsourced our manufacturing.


Ironically, the Kyoto protocol that the environmentalist wackos wanted the world to adopt sought to make the USA impose stricter EPA regs on itself to compensate for Chinese pollution (and to further destroy American industry) while asking the Chinese to do almost nothing to clean up themselves!


wanna clean up the world? bring manufacturing back to the USA and let us build stuff with common sense environmental regs.


China’s environment: An economic death sentence


The World Bank estimated, in a 2007 report, that pollution caused 5.8% of China’s GDP in premature deaths, health care costs, and material damages. Air pollution alone is estimated to kill 700,000 people a year.


•A 2012 MIT study estimated that air pollution in 2005 cost the Chinese economy $112 billion in lost labor and healthcare costs, roughly five times higher than it was in 1975.


•In 2010, airborne microscopic pollutants caused an estimated 8,600 premature deaths in four major Chinese cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Xian.


•According to a Chinese vice minister of environmental protection, the water quality in five of the nine bays along China’s coast was “extremely poor.” Results from monitoring stations along 10 major river basins show that 40% of the water is polluted. And 55% of the underground water in 200 cities is polluted. On top of that, about 300 million rural residents do not have access to safe drinking water.


•Soil pollution is endangering China’s food chain. Roughly 10% of the country’s arable land has been contaminated by heavy metal, based on scientific studies conducted in the late 1990s. In 2006, the Chinese government began a nationwide survey of soil pollution. However, it has not released the results, most probably because the findings are too alarming for the government to release.



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Mike, look, I respect you and I'm thankful for the assistance you've given on my 620. But to dismissvely equate hyperhydration to lead and Mercury poisoning is fallible. The list I provided displays a number of instances where scientists were paid to provide scientific proof that substances were safe, that were in fact not. Their results were falsified to produce the evidence they were funded to produce.


I have attended several national climate discussions and lectures with regards to my current position in the nuclear industry. I have seen brilliant scientists on both sides of this go at each other ravenously. Until I attend one of these where the scientific methodology used to present a conclusion isn't immediately destroyed because of lack of sound practice, I'm open to both sides of the discussion.




Not really. Chlorine is deadly poisonous as is fluoride, and is in your drinking water but in levels a scientist could prove were safe. Other than tobacco, all those are 'safe' to handle. Just about anything is toxic if ingested at the right levels. Lead, mercury, water, air. Lead and mercury are safe to handle just don't lick them. Margarine is no more dangerous than a sedate lifestyle or poor diet. Granite may (I say may) give off some radiation but in insignificant levels. Sunlight is far worse, then your microwave and flat screen. Granite? hardly.

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pooped out something else, you should really stick to what you are good at angry liberal race things.



I find it funny that you assume there's no collusion between government and scientist (most of wich are funded by government)think about that for a moment....might take you decades though since you're sold on "government is transparant with the people and doesn't lie" ya......very naive of you to believe them when time and time again they proved that they just want your money.


Bias in research is a massive issue in the credibility of science, and as a researcher I am very sensitive to this. Even in the field of psychology there are sharp divisions along conservative cognitive (thinking) theory vs. liberal psychodynamic (unconscious) theory lines. With the lack of a unified theory (one that explains everything), this stupid division has stunted my area of study (personality stable trait) and has damaged what little credibility the field of psychology enjoys. Because I don't subscribe to one of these warring camps my prospects for research funding are next to nil. It seems perfectly clear to me that human behavior emerges from both conscious, and unconscious constructs, so why the fuck should I choose one or the other to test my theories? I belong to a small community of outliers who work outside the grant funding box. Sitting outside though, I can see clear evidence of bias promoting the validity of one side or the other. These battle ground studies are heavily effected by the tools used to measure personality. The 16pf (16 Personality Factor) or the big 5 (5 personality factors). Every time I hear A New Psychology Study Shows" Bla Bla Bla. The first thin I look for it who under wrote it, and who funded it. 99% of the time if it's on every news stand the study quality is crap.


I will admit after reading this article, I am re-thinking my view of climate research, but still have faith in the quality of the data being collected. It shows more than circumstantial evidence there is a causal link. The political influence left and right is undeniable. 


Is federal funding biasing climate research?



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