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I'd be interested to hear any of your guys' thoughts on the acceptance of bullying, bigotry, and sexism now being acceptable in America?


Since all of my friends feel this way.


Raping , bully, bigotry; using the government, not trumps style or 50℅?.. of the people that voted for him.


Let's all stop now?, including this underhanded corporate social justice money

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I'd be interested to hear any of your guys' thoughts on the acceptance of bullying, bigotry, and sexism now being acceptable in America?





You work in a shop. Do you practice any social outrage over a crass comment there?


Did these things not exist before Trump?


Have these things been present in former administrations?


Honest question.

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Are you thinking I was targeting you for an insult?

I was not.

I have never tossed any label of "Libtard", or "Sheep" at you. I have referred to you as a Liberal because of your expressed views. Liberal is also not an insult but a political identifier.

Assuming "It never occurred" to me the there are left leaning moderates is your general perception. I sure as hell didn't express that a monopoly on such things as "Moderate" was right side only.

It's like I said we are not so different. But it's hard to see if we are too sensitive. Change your minds eye about my demeanor when you read the things I write.

Already did that for you on this end. It's kinda why you are seeing me agree and like more of your comments.

No I was not thinking that at all, as written word contains no subtext or demeanor.


When you have insulted me it has been apparent!!


It's my fault that I let myself get pulled into an insult or argument when that is not my purpose for writing anyway.


And yes I did unfairly lump you in with the insult thrower(s). So for that I will make an amends.


I have always liked what you write because you have a command of facts and use proper spelling and grammar.

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As i said before, politicians are narcisistic by nature. They will say anything to get elected. They will stretch the truth, flat out lie, deny, cover up their misdeeds. Thats why most people cant stand politicians and lawyers. At least with a prostitute, you know what you are paying for. Both Trump and Hillary are crooks. But Trump won and thats because people are tired of the establiahment and business as usual. What i dont understand are the protesters who are destroying property. Its done....lets move on.

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This is America, that's all acceptable. First fucking amendment. It might not be an "acceptable" behavior but its completely legal to say what you want.




Go read his 100 day plan, mostly shit to try and fix the crap in government/country.

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I've sexually assaulted women before.


In the mid-eighties when I lived in Madison, Wisconsin.


One night I was higher than f@#$ on ecstacy.


I was walking around in a blackout and when I came to on no less than three occasions it was in front of different girls that I knew and I proceeded to stick my tongue down their throats.


Not one of them stopped me, I guess it was cute or something.

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Since all of my friends feel this way.


Raping , bully, bigotry; using the government, not trumps style or 50℅?.. of the people that voted for him.


Let's all stop now?, including this underhanded corporate social justice money

Let's not blow things out of proportion here. Only 20% of Americans voted for Trump.

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If there is no effect, the president isn't fulfilling their historic role. The presidents words are the depth of their role. A President should in many ways have overall affect on society. Speeches and addresses are civic rally crys. Designed to strengthen understanding and support for decisions and policy. If he doesn't affect you, he does affect others around you, which affect you. Four years of it minimum. If the president did embolden a crowd/group, take the KKK hosting a Louisiana parade to celebrate the new president as a random example. That walking down your street might cause you to react. Perhaps in annoyance, perhaps some might see it as slightly more acceptable, perhaps encouraged. This is how we change as people in the midst of cultural turbulance. I'm insulated from it, but shits getting worse before it gets better. I wish everyone would chill the fuck out. I didn't want Trump to win, but taking to the streets is a waste of energy.

I see your point. I too live in a place insulated from all this nonsense in the news. We have our own issues to deal with, and I focus on those. I can make a difference there. Not much I can do from my couch, to help calm the masses in the city who feel the need to riot. I'm OK with that.


What I will do is wait for the new president to get into office, and allow him to do his job, before I let his influence affect me. I will still maintain my compassion for others, as I always have, however.


Since you mentioned the KKK... I have seen, first hand, them rally when I was a teenager. It was unnerving, to say the least. Their presence in our town was made known, simply as their way of responding to the Rodney King event. Their demonstration was non violent, an non disruptive to our community. Very organized and civil. I was amazed. Glad that was the only time I've witnessed the KKK, since I don't agree with their agenda.

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All men perve on some good ass. 


That's not sexism,that's sexual attraction.


Looking @ a woman is vastly different to assaulting woman.


Umm looking can be an assault also. Specially if not wanted or intrusive/offensive. Tread carefully.

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In the current political climate and media redefinition of words among all things. Sexual attraction is every bit a part of sexism now. 


Not to mention the crass braggadocios story telling of how women "Let" a certain person grab them by the pussy was then flipped into sexual assault. The account of last minute sexual assault victims were also shown to be political maneuvering in hopes of detracting from the subject of hacked emails..


I sure as hell don't condone Sexual assault.


As for the bullying....Ha ha ha ha you do know he got as good as he gave. I have never seen so many people against one person running for office ever. They tore him up over his looks, His wife being naked in pictures, the visual anatomy of his children, and dang near anything associated with the guy. For some reason it was only him though.......


Just like every prisoner in prison is innocent. Just ask them.  The single lane views are laughable. No one is innocent of "Bullying" the last year and a half. Its political process practiced by every campaign running for an office. 


Stop acting like Trump was the first and only doing it.

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Did we not watch the same debates?

Do you ignore the allegations?


Female reporter being ridiculed for being on her period?



You all have no feelings against Donald Trump for the way he treats people/acted during this entire election?





Grab life by the pussy, boys. Cuz y'all are winning.

The prime word here is ALLEGATION. What Bill and Hillary have DONE to women is worse then allegations made against Trump.


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