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I see lots of banter about lies and corruption of the system being unacceptable(Hillary.)



But no one wants to address the elephant in the elephant in the room. Are we going to OK with these known horrible acts?


We're going to let this slide in front of our children?

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I don't know. Seems to be an awful lot of name calling from BOTH sides on social media.


Haven't seen anything first hand, in the real world yet, personally.


Lots of the same old shit stirring on TV. What else is new?


As far as I can tell, nothing has changed.

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You have to be careful about who you select for cabinet positions. If you want to maintain control of the house and senate you have to be sure when the positions are back filled its with someone with your party affiliation. 

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I'd be interested to hear any of your guys' thoughts on the acceptance of bullying, bigotry, and sexism now being acceptable in America?







None are acceptable. Why would they be acceptable starting now?

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None are acceptable. Why would they be acceptable starting now?

Did we not watch the same debates?

Do you ignore the allegations?


Female reporter being ridiculed for being on her period?



You all have no feelings against Donald Trump for the way he treats people/acted during this entire election?





Grab life by the pussy, boys. Cuz y'all are winning.

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I see lots of banter about lies and corruption of the system being unacceptable(Hillary.)



But no one wants to address the elephant in the elephant in the room. Are we going to OK with these known horrible acts?


We're going to let this slide in front of our children?


Lets just assume, for the moment, Hillary was now the president elect. How would everyone feel about that? Would you all just ignore 'things'? Would a special prosecutor be appointed for Trump's crimes? Not against the law to be a douche but if laws were broken and provable, he should be accountable same as Hillary. Fair to say Trump is the lesser of two evils.

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Did we not watch the same debates?

Do you ignore the allegations?


Female reporter being ridiculed for being on her period?



You all have no feelings against Donald Trump for the way he treats people/acted during this entire election?





Grab life by the pussy, boys. Cuz y'all are winning.



By that logic if I voted for Hillary I would approve corruption at the highest level of government. I would support rapists, racists, and liars? 

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It's called moderate when you hold values from both sides of the isle. Most of us labeled Righty are this way. Just usually liberals are too passionate to see we are not much different.


Gee, that was kind of hard to tell when all I was getting for a while from y'all was "libtard, sheep, and liberal".


Like it never occurred to you that there are left leaning moderates as well?

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Racists and liars...thryre on the same playing field.



Rapists seems moot. She supports them; he is one.


When he is convicted, I'll agree with you. None of those cases will go to trial, they will never see a courtroom. Because they are all political and the "victims" are paid from the DNC/Clinton campaign.



Here is an ad from the DNC plotting these allegations May 2016. 




"Like it or not, he may greet you with a kiss on the lips or grope you"





Hillary is no stranger to making false allegations. In a private paid speech, she admitted she framed a completely innocent Iranian man for attempted assassination of a Saudi diplomat. Also found in wikileaks.



https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/927(see attachment, page 16) or read below.


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Again, gato.


I am who I am. I don't need to change myself every time a new president is elected, to suit what stereotype people want to assign me.


Feelings for Trump? What do my feelings for Trump have to do with the way I treat people in my life??

If there is no effect, the president isn't fulfilling their historic role. The presidents words are the depth of their role. A President should in many ways have overall affect on society. Speeches and addresses are civic rally crys. Designed to strengthen understanding and support for decisions and policy. If he doesn't affect you, he does affect others around you, which affect you. Four years of it minimum. If the president did embolden a crowd/group, take the KKK hosting a Louisiana parade to celebrate the new president as a random example. That walking down your street might cause you to react. Perhaps in annoyance, perhaps some might see it as slightly more acceptable, perhaps encouraged. This is how we change as people in the midst of cultural turbulance. I'm insulated from it, but shits getting worse before it gets better. I wish everyone would chill the fuck out. I didn't want Trump to win, but taking to the streets is a waste of energy.

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Gee, that was kind of hard to tell when all I was getting for a while from y'all was "libtard, sheep, and liberal".


Like it never occurred to you that there are left leaning moderates as well?

Are you thinking I was targeting you for an insult?


I was not.


I have never tossed any label of "Libtard", or "Sheep" at you. I have referred to you as a Liberal because of your expressed views. Liberal is also not an insult but a political identifier.


Assuming "It never occurred" to me the there are left leaning moderates is your general perception. I sure as hell didn't express that a monopoly on such things as "Moderate" was right side only.


It's like I said we are not so different. But it's hard to see if we are too sensitive. Change your minds eye about my demeanor when you read the things I write.


Already did that for you on this end. It's kinda why you are seeing me agree and like more of your comments.

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