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Looks like King Trump will be visiting Vietnam during his Asian trip.


I betcha not on the agenda is Hoa Lò Prison (also known as the Hanoi Hilton).


This is where during the Viet Nam conflict,  P.O.W. John McCain was getting his bones broken while in captivity.  


Meanwhile, back in the world, future royalty Trump was getting his bone spurs massaged, with a medical deferment from military service for stated malady.





There isnt much left of the Hoa Lo.. Maybe 20% of the structure.

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Looks like King Trump will be visiting Vietnam during his Asian trip.


I betcha not on the agenda is Hoa Lò Prison (also known as the Hanoi Hilton).


This is where during the Viet Nam conflict,  P.O.W. John McCain was getting his bones broken while in captivity.  


Meanwhile, back in the world, future royalty Trump was getting his bone spurs massaged, with a medical deferment from military service for stated malady.



John McCain performed less heroic acts that furthered American greatness than did Benedict Arnold.


Benedict Arnold's treachery to the US did less damage to the USA than has been inflicted by McCain's three decades of senatorial service.


John McCain flew a jet. He got shot down and was tortured by his captors. He recorded propaganda for the enemy that was then broadcast to American troops to cause mass demoralization among them. McCain should have gone to jail for the Keating Five scandal. McCain consistently votes against the wishes of his constituents in matters of immigration and Obamacare. McCain is a raging hard-on tool for the military industrial complex who never met a war he didn't want to see American soldiers die in. He has known ties to terrorists.


Benedict Arnold fought hard for the American revolution at Fort Saint-Jean, Battle of Quebec, Saratoga, Ticonderoga and many other places before he turned traitor. In the 230+ years his treason, Arnold's name has been an rallying cry against treason. He has been useful to the US as an example of what American fighting men must never do. McCain breathes air, sucks up taxpayer $$$ for premium healthcare that he denies to his constituents because of his personal dislike of Trump (his past unflinching call to repeal Obamacare at all costs proves this) and will be remembered as a contrarian, not a statesman.


Again, Benedict Arnold performed more heroic acts and perpetuated less treason upon the USA than has John McCain.

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John McCain performed less heroic acts that furthered American greatness than did Benedict Arnold.



Again, Benedict Arnold performed more heroic acts and perpetuated less treason upon the USA than has John McCain.


You can write that because your opinions in the matter are more valid as you served and are respected for it.


I have no idea what being an enemy prisoner would do to me (thank God).


McCains career as a statesman is definitely not exemplary, you forgot this one;




It is the first time in US history that there has been an attempt to sell US land  to foreign interests.


McCain is definitely not the only veteran who went into politics and...wasn't very good at it.


The point is...I like McCain better than Trump and at least McCain signed on the dotted line to serve before any of the other events went down.


Donald Trump...didn't.

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You can write that because your opinions in the matter are more valid as you served and are respected for it.


I have no idea what being an enemy prisoner would do to me (thank God).


McCains career as a statesman is definitely not exemplary, you forgot this one;




It is the first time in US history that there has been an attempt to sell US land  to foreign interests.


McCain is definitely not the only veteran who went into politics and...wasn't very good at it.


The point is...I like McCain better than Trump and at least McCain signed on the dotted line to serve before any of the other events went down.


Donald Trump...didn't.




And your current President



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We all know that the majority of people who serve now a days is because they are a fuck up right???


Some also serve just for the later benefits.


A very few just want to serve their country.


Its way different from the majority of people serving in those pictures.  


Serving back then was kinda a way of life, or you were drafted/forced by other circumstances.


Now a days, you just couldnt make it anywhere else, and the recruiters know where to look for you, cause they were a fuck up, just a few months ago...


I chose not to have to have to serve.  


Love the country and all, but bullets, and bombs and shrapnel oh my.   Let the dummys catch that shit!

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You can write that because your opinions in the matter are more valid as you served and are respected for it.


I have no idea what being an enemy prisoner would do to me (thank God).


McCains career as a statesman is definitely not exemplary, you forgot this one;




It is the first time in US history that there has been an attempt to sell US land  to foreign interests.


McCain is definitely not the only veteran who went into politics and...wasn't very good at it.


The point is...I like McCain better than Trump and at least McCain signed on the dotted line to serve before any of the other events went down.


Donald Trump...didn't.

So what if Trump didn't serve in the military.Why does it even matter ? are you aware that Clinton and Obama didn't either ? or was it ok for them to not serve because they're Democrats ? this is one of those weak points i don't get.

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We all know that the majority of people who serve now a days is because they are a fuck up right???


Some also serve just for the later benefits.


A very few just want to serve their country.


Its way different from the majority of people serving in those pictures.  


Serving back then was kinda a way of life, or you were drafted/forced by other circumstances.


Now a days, you just couldnt make it anywhere else, and the recruiters know where to look for you, cause they were a fuck up, just a few months ago...


I chose not to have to have to serve.  


Love the country and all, but bullets, and bombs and shrapnel oh my.   Let the dummys catch that shit!


Motivation, shmotivation...if one has served the country in the armed forces, one is eligible for the respect of having done so.


Doesn't matter why, you did it where others (including myself) did not and that is what matters.

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So what if Trump didn't serve in the military.Why does it even matter ? are you aware that Clinton and Obama didn't either ? or was it ok for them to not serve because they're Democrats ? this is one of those weak points i don't get.


Short memory eh? What is not to get?


King Trump attacked John McCain as a P.O.W., it would have been a different ball of wax if he attacked him over his political record.


Oh and King Trump also attacked the family of a fallen soldier, do you remember that one as well?


I can't recall any President ( Repub. or Dem.) who has attacked members or families of members of the armed services.


Donald Trump is a parasite and nothing more and will never be anything more as he aspires to nothing more.

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We all know that the majority of people who serve now a days is because they are a fuck up right???


Some also serve just for the later benefits.


A very few just want to serve their country.


Its way different from the majority of people serving in those pictures.  


Serving back then was kinda a way of life, or you were drafted/forced by other circumstances.


Now a days, you just couldnt make it anywhere else, and the recruiters know where to look for you, cause they were a fuck up, just a few months ago...


I chose not to have to have to serve.  


Love the country and all, but bullets, and bombs and shrapnel oh my.   Let the dummys catch that shit!


That's some seriously ignorant shit. "Serving back then was kinda a way of life" You mean those people who were drafted into "service"? 


Today you get to choose not to have served, because we have a totally voluntary military. I'm sure if you said this shit to anyone who chose to serve today you'd be corrected right smart up the side of your head. You've obviously never been on a military base. There are millions of families across America with members who have served for generations. 

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I'm going to be attaching my 25" bar stihl.. just working out the mount points.


I'm going for the subway sandwich "mod" ,,, cuz there's nothing more annoying than blowin mutherfuckers away on an empty stomach.

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Short memory eh? What is not to get?


King Trump attacked John McCain as a P.O.W., it would have been a different ball of wax if he attacked him over his political record.


Oh and King Trump also attacked the family of a fallen soldier, do you remember that one as well?


I can't recall any President ( Repub. or Dem.) who has attacked members or families of members of the armed services.


Donald Trump is a parasite and nothing more and will never be anything more as he aspires to nothing more.

Thanks for the info,i had no idea it was only Trump doing the trash talking  B) .McCain was definitely attacked over his political record.If you consider Trump's take on that fallen soldier an "attack" i'm sorry.Now again,why does it even matter if Trump served ? we know you don't like him but is that all you got ? I didn't like Obama but could care less if he served or not.Stick with the Russian collusion argument.Now just what is it Mccain did to be a hero ? Did he save lives ? pull civilians from burning buildings ? what ? i say that with great respect to those that served.Your last sentence looks like a tweet from a Liberal wingnut.Rosie O'donnell is that you ?

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Uhhh what was that about attacking the family of a fallen soldier???? I must have missed that one entirely.

Come on Mike you should know by now that anything Trump says is considered an attack by Liberals.He could say good morning everybody and so many would feel attacked.i just read that link,oh Trump is so mean.

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Thanks for the info,i had no idea it was only Trump doing the trash talking  B) .McCain was definitely attacked over his political record.If you consider Trump's take on that fallen soldier an "attack" i'm sorry.Now again,why does it even matter if Trump served ? we know you don't like him but is that all you got ? I didn't like Obama but could care less if he served or not.Stick with the Russian collusion argument.Now just what is it Mccain did to be a hero ? Did he save lives ? pull civilians from burning buildings ? what ? i say that with great respect to those that served.Your last sentence looks like a tweet from a Liberal wingnut.Rosie O'donnell is that you ?


Seriously are you A.D.D. afflicted?




If you cannot grasp this then you do not have "great respect to those that served", nice try at saving face though.


Pretty limp final attack on me as well.

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A lot of people don't like Trumpcheeto because he comes across as a "know it all" cocky s.o.b. Didn't he say that he knew more about ISIsthan the generals? For a guy who never served, that's a tall order to fill. So people in general are turned off by this cheezball because its always about him.

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Seriously are you A.D.D. afflicted?




If you cannot grasp this then you do not have "great respect to those that served", nice try at saving face though.


Pretty limp final attack on me as well.

You feel attacked ? 

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Well certainly there is an argument for him being insensitive, but 'attacking them' I don't think so. Trump is a dick. (see below) I'd also be willing to bet she wasn't allowed to speak rather than still being emotionally upset by her sons death 13 years previously in the Bush presidency. Maybe a bit of both. Grief can take a long time. Thirteen years is also a long time. If anyone was attacked it was the Dems for allegedly putting them up to it.



Calling out McCain was a hoot. But would have been better if he had also served. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. McCain should be in an analzheimer's retirement home. There's more checks for gun ownership than requirements for being a fucking politician.

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