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difrangia, on 14 Feb 2017 - 08:03 AM, said:

'And The Beat Goes On' ...On...On...On...And On...And On.






0bama has been busy setting up what is being called a shadow presidency. 20 or so offices across the country. 


"This strategy kicked off with the $13 billion J.P. Morgan settlement … That changed with the Citigroup and Bank of America settlements, which outright required $150 million in donations. The BofA agreement contains a provision that potentially tees up nonprofit groups for another $490 million. …To further induce companies to go the donation route, Justice considers these handouts to be worth “double credit” against penalty obligations. So … a $500,000 donation by BofA to La Raza takes at least $1 million off the company’s bill."

With millions sitting around to pay protestors.
The good thing is most of the people that actually matter know what is in the works.
The liberal media hates that people know the protestors are paid.




Obama, Holder, Soros, etc. are just the hood ornament on the machine (culture/social engineering project) that is allowed to show. The drivetrain/suspension that are under the visible surface are what moves the whole schmear along. 


The machine is not very pleased with what has transpired over the past three or four months. 


The emergency brake has been jerked on hard resulting in a feared slowing of sixty-plus years of 'PROGRESSIVISM'.


The 'Man Behind the Curtain' is not very happy.

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This isn't the first time.




Read through that. At the end... our friendly neighborhood paid protesters get paid AGAIN by the city. Those 157 arrested split $1.25M in payouts. I was at those riots on 1 & 2 Dec 1999... it was insanity. The exact same shit that's going on now. The protesters attacking businesses were coordinated. Those of us that were just stupid kids trying to be peaceful were forced into the police sucking in lung fulls of tear gas, and pelted with less leathal rubber rounds.


They kept shoving us from behind to keep us as a meat shield between them and the police. The cops called in every available officer from every jurisdiction in the state. They worked in rotating shifts, sleeping in military tents that were set up in the "no protest zone".


By the time my friends and I were able to find all of us and gtfo it was nearly dawn... I couldn't believe what I saw there. I went as part of a college course on the Bill of Rights.... I was getting my associates degree in criminal justice and I saw how broken the system really was.

I remember watching that from home and wondering where those "anarchists" came from and how they were so organized.


Crazy hearing it recounted by someone who was there.


It'd be a very interesting "where are they now?" story for some journalist to track down the people arrested.

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I guess if you want a 3d version of this thread just walk on down to starbucks, pop a squat outside with all the silvet goatee wearing, dog breading, American spirit smoking dickweeds and see what thery are saying. Pretentious, skewed, and poorly filed in the cerebral melon.

I go in a port-a-john for the 3d version. There are a lot of swastikas in those things.

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"The whole episode is evidence of the precipitous and ongoing collapse of America's democratic institutions — not a sign of their resiliency. Flynn's ouster was a soft coup(or political assassination) engineered by anonymous intelligence community bureaucrats. The results might be salutary, but this isn't the way a liberal democracy is supposed to function."



the swamp draws first blood

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Standing up for the right isn't usually good for your career in the entertainment industry.


I bought her album. Just my way of "putting my money where my mouth is".

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Drakar has posted some interresting stuff. I actually read that 20,000 word sci fi novel you recently posted and loved it. Besides that im started to agree with you about this thread and General Discussion in gereral. Turning onto a meme youtube pro trump circle jerk. I dont read 90% of any of it anymore.

Without the party-bashing, name-calling, and pure venom-this would be a great thread.


Draker's plea for this thread to be a civil conversation should stand.


Obviously this thread seems to sway heavily right. There is nothing wrong with that. Just be nice to each other.



Not all the "libTards" or "democRats" are raising hell, fucking with the system. Most of them/us are just along for the ride.


Everyone ends up losing if we don't stay together.

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I'm eagerly awaiting the Republican civil war within our government when the Trumpet reminds them that part of his campaign promise was term limits.....oh baby!, I can't wait to trash those fuckers when this comes up, I remember a few months ago when that piece of shit Mitch McConnell was asked "what do you say about Donald Trump's promise to implement term limits?" He outright said, "we won't allow that to pass" both parties are corrupt as fuck and need to be cleaned up, term limits is a good start to get fresh blood in there, there's a guy in there that's got 5 decades in there....what the fuck does he know what's going on outside of DC????

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I'm eagerly awaiting the Republican civil war within our government when the Trumpet reminds them that part of his campaign promise was term limits.....oh baby!, I can't wait to trash those fuckers when this comes up, I remember a few months ago when that piece of shit Mitch McConnell was asked "what do you say about Donald Trump's promise to implement term limits?" He outright said, "we won't allow that to pass" both parties are corrupt as fuck and need to be cleaned up, term limits is a good start to get fresh blood in there, there's a guy in there that's got 5 decades in there....what the fuck does he know what's going on outside of DC????


A vast understatement !!


I perceive that some here are rubbed crossgrain by and don't watch tube news of much any sort, but just watch some of the nursing home candidates in both houses of Congress, either party, who can't even read a damn prepared statement from paper or prompter with acceptable second grade proficiency, let alone enunciate an intelligent stand on any of a number of subjects and there is no valid argument against term limits.


I got a lot of room to talk; that last sentence should have been broken up into about three or more sentences.

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I'm eagerly awaiting the Republican civil war within our government when the Trumpet reminds them that part of his campaign promise was term limits.....oh baby!, I can't wait to trash those fuckers when this comes up, I remember a few months ago when that piece of shit Mitch McConnell was asked "what do you say about Donald Trump's promise to implement term limits?" He outright said, "we won't allow that to pass" both parties are corrupt as fuck and need to be cleaned up, term limits is a good start to get fresh blood in there, there's a guy in there that's got 5 decades in there....what the fuck does he know what's going on outside of DC????

I support term limits, but with some hesitation. As you stated above, what the hell would a generation deep politician know about non DC shit. I agree with that. But I do accept that the long standing experiance is not without value. I wish there were a way to always have a certain amount of experiance on board. Some ratio that works. Perhaps local level term restrictions. You've gotta win by 10% margin more per election after established term limit?

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I remember watching that from home and wondering where those "anarchists" came from and how they were so organized.

Crazy hearing it recounted by someone who was there.

It'd be a very interesting "where are they now?" story for some journalist to track down the people arrested.



It felt very setup. It was too coordinated. This was in a time and place without smart phones or FaceTime. None of us had cell phones. There was clear comms between the cops, I know several guys that were there. At the Police Academy they brought in some cops from the State Patrol, Seattle PD, and a guy that was a Sgt in the State Guard to talk to us about it. Two others in my class had been there as protesters. Most of the colleges in the state had offered credit, or had organized trips to attend the protests. I'm sure my professor had no clue. She resigned right after.



Or don't get in a situation where your going to be shot at ie a riot.

Once we got there, our friends in masks and bandannas moved us up. I was 18. No mask, just a sign that said "respect our opinions". The people in masks that I saw were all fit, strong, and moved as though they knew what they were doing. In hindsight I had all kinds of warning bells going off. I wanted to leave once my Vans hit the pavement but there were 5 of that had ridden over in a station wagon, and I hadn't driven.


Now when I attend a protest, it's different. I go alone. I take my kit, and I use my WTO experience to my advantage. I stay in the back, no sign, no mask. I know my exits, and if I don't like something, I walk.

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"The whole episode is evidence of the precipitous and ongoing collapse of America's democratic institutions — not a sign of their resiliency. Flynn's ouster was a soft coup(or political assassination) engineered by anonymous intelligence community bureaucrats. The results might be salutary, but this isn't the way a liberal democracy is supposed to function."



the swamp draws first blood


Collapse of democratic institutions??? Give me a fucking break. You mean institutions built on lies and deception and coverups? That exposing this shit is the end of everything? It should strengthen them and the respect for them by weeding out the old guard that can't be honest with the citizens they work for.  


Flynn fucked himself by not being truthful about what he did or did not do. Got caught/exposed and had to quit... boo fucking hoo. How he was caught doesn't matter, what matters is that there was something to be caught over!. Politicians need to man up and realize that this is a new age and nothing is secret any more. Said this about the Tic. Just imagine how the world would be if there were no secrets, no lies and that secrets couldn't be kept, impossible to keep, that sooner more than later you will be exposed. Knowing this, maybe there wouldn't be any in the first place. Maybe new politicians would stop all the bullshit right up front and deal honestly with people. Racism didn't stop overnight, changes in attitudes took time

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Collapse of democratic institutions??? Give me a fucking break. You mean institutions built on lies and deception and coverups? That exposing this shit is the end of everything? It should strengthen them and the respect for them by weeding out the old guard that can't be honest with the citizens they work for.


Flynn fucked himself by not being truthful about what he did or did not do. Got caught/exposed and had to quit... boo fucking hoo. How he was caught doesn't matter, what matters is that there was something to be caught over!. Politicians need to man up and realize that this is a new age and nothing is secret any more. Said this about the Tic. Just imagine how the world would be if there were no secrets, no lies and that secrets couldn't be kept, impossible to keep, that sooner more than later you will be exposed. Knowing this, maybe there wouldn't be any in the first place. Maybe new politicians would stop all the bullshit right up front and deal honestly with people. Racism didn't stop overnight, changes in attitudes took time

Hahaha! When you do tell jokes, they are quality.

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