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Interesting....ya we won't know anything for a while witch explains Hillary "demanding" the FBI tell us what they found.....she knows very well the procedure here so she used the opportunity to look tough.


also, Hillary demands immediate FBI transparency after she made them wait how long for these same emails....? vesides , she knows what's in them - she wrote them ;)



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here is the most simplified summation of yesterday's events:


>Huma Abedin was included on multiple deleted emails (a few hundred or a few thousands of the 33k missing emails).


>HRC's team deleted them from absolutely everything the FBI seized.


>Huma used Weiner's laptop on occasion and synced her email profile to it, HRC's team DID NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS and thus failed to scrub it.


>The FBI seized Weiner's laptop over the pedo scandals and found a local copy of hundreds or thousands of the 33k deleted emails.


hence, Huma's Weiner dicked Hillary.

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We must be living in that old Chinese curse, because these are some pretty fucking interesting times indeed.  Look to the third ring soon, when Hillary and Huma blame each other over who's fault this latest shitticane is, chances are that they'll go after each other like Wilma and Nettie, even though they're scissor sisters.

Hopefully it will get bad enough that the Hildabeast goes out on a presser and does her best Budd Dwyer impression.

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ALL of this can be laid at The Tic's door. Arrogant cunt that she is. This may be all the leverage needed to turn Huma. Wow, just hope she isn't in a suspicious accident. Her husband it a perv? on top of being a sleaze too???? You can't make this shit up!!!!!! You just can't.

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ALL of this can be laid at The Tic's door. Arrogant cunt that she is. This may be all the leverage needed to turn Huma. Wow, just hope she isn't in a suspicious accident. Her husband it a perv? on top of being a sleaze too???? You can't make this shit up!!!!!! You just can't.

Yet people still want her elected?????

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Comey looked like a fool when he did not make attempts to uncover the 30,000+ emails, or connections to what is a very corrupt Clinton foundation, or recommend indictments with the info he had.. With most people saying about time, it might also be a bit of "reading the tea leaves" With the scandal of poll fixing from the Clinton camp, Looks more like Trump will win, Comey would have gone down with the Clinton ship. 

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Comey looked like a fool when he did not make attempts to uncover the 30,000+ emails, or connections to what is a very corrupt Clinton foundation, or recommend indictments with the info he had.. With most people saying about time, it might also be a bit of "reading the tea leaves" With the scandal of poll fixing from the Clinton camp, Looks more like Trump will win, Comey would have gone down with the Clinton ship.

Obama too. there was a picture of him yesterday striding across the White House lawn about an hour after all this broke and the man had the biggest grin on his face, like the cat who got the canary! he was a happy camper. did you know that in the eight years he's been in the oval office he's had the Clintons to dinner like three times? they are not friends. I guarantee you Michelle told him he wasn't taking any hits for a KKK-kissing (Hillary), segregationist supporting (Hillary for Goldwater, Bill for Senator W.J. Fulbright) couple of crackers.

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Yet people still want her elected?????

Yes,amazing.I get why people hate Trump.What i just cant understand is the support for Clinton.I thought most Americans wanted a good house cleaning in Washington.Corruption,lying,special interest,political favors for donors.All of the things we dislike.WE have a chance to elect someone that might accomplish some things.Unfortunately i think most Americans fear taking that chance.The way i see it we have nothing to lose.Oh and fuck Hillary Clinton,anybody but her.

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Said this before....Trump can be fixed (4 years at the latest) The Tic? well we'll never know the depths of corruption that went on. It's business as usual boys!!!! This may be the last chance for correcting the problem that is the political system. Justice delayed is justice denied.

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I personally don't think politics in this country can be changed, not unless the whole thing collapses/implodes like 2008 except worse, if they(politicians/lobbyists) were to flee the country in fear for their lives then maybe something could be done, but it would take some honest people sticking their necks out big time to succeed.

We need to make stuff in this country again, it's not going to work any other way, companies like Monsanto and Bayer are going to to cease to exist the way they do now also, like with Monsanto doing what they are doing to farmers that didn't buy seed from them, just because the farmer next door did buy their seed from them and then have the wind blow the pollen from that field next door and pollinate the farmers field next door that didn't buy seed from Monsanto and then have Monsanto lawyers show up and test the non-Monsanto grain for Monsanto DNA and then have them say that the farmer cannot sell his grain because it has Monsanto DNA markers in it is a crime against humanity, that is just not right, and they are doing this all over the world, and do we really have to wonder why the rest of the world hates us.

Other companies are doing the same type of thing, it may not be pollen, but it is the same type of shit, and it is the very rich people and the politicians they control that are doing this crap, they have no morals what so ever, it's all about their god the almighty buck, the almighty buck determines what is right and wrong, not what is really right and wrong.


This is a headline from a watchdog group I received from Us @ SumOfUs


The hens are finally coming home to roost for Monsanto. A tribunal of witnesses and experts from across the world are coming together to hear charges of human rights violations, crimes against humanity and ecocide.



This shit above is Hilary Clinton and all she stands for, business as usual is what she is about, you will not hear about all the bad shit she has done, all the money she has excepted for her votes/considerations on major TV networks, as they are owned by the rich people she takes money from, they will censor everything bad for Hilary, and they will promote or even fabricate bad stuff to make Trump or any other viable candidate running against her look bad.


You all know that Trump can get the most votes and not win, I don't believe he can win because enough of the electors have already been bought or will be bought and are pledged to vote Democrat(Congress appoints Electors), he may win the popular vote, but the electoral college is what votes in the next president.

Search electoral college and read how it works, it is rigged as the Congress has never wanted the people of this country to pick the President, they want to control who is President, Trump is a fluke, they wanted someone else to represent the Republican party, and it would not surprise me if they made a law that says only politicians can run for President in the future, and they will make that law behind closed doors.

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Silly ass question: Just for argument's sake,let's assume Hillary gets arrested. What happens to the Democratic ticket?


There is nothing they can do because there was closing dates for ballots. I don't even think they could replace her with Bernie. There has to be some rules for this in our election system. similar to just incase a death of a candidate happens so I imagine the same rules could be applied if one is removed by way of arrest? 

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