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Got offered a sweet job. Pros vs Cons

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So you guys generally seem to be pretty straight forward, insightful and helpful.


Those who know me know I've been stuck in a shitty parts house job for going on 3 years. Full time manager, all the perks. I still make shitty money.


A friend of mine offered me a supervisor position at a multi-billion$$$$ disaster restoration company that his dad owns, and he's heading up a few operations on. It means that I'll be away from home for up to 2-3 months at a time, basically supervising operations and watching over the sub-contracted workers to make sure tasks are completed as required. Same company headed up BP oil spill, the New York flooding, Katrina (I believe) and a metric shit ton of other big disasters. 


$40-50K STARTING average. $15 per hour minimum. $35 per diem ($245 per week in addition to the hourly paycheck) 50-60 hours on average, 6 days per week, hazard pay, covered expenses, etc. 


Seems pretty straight forward decision. I'd start work at a temp agency for a week or so as the company processes my paperwork, so there's no downtime in my pay. Once the paperwork is processed (generally within a week) I'd be employed through the company. 



A few downsides

-I've been dealing with a few small medical issues. Been to the doc probably about 25 times this year for asthma related issues and possibly blood sugar (maybe diabetic) shit. The  idea of being in an unfamiliar location for long periods just kinda makes me nervous. 

-The job only pays when someone fucks something up, or a natural disaster hits. There are generally pretty busy times and they stay pretty busy, but I don't make much money in my  down time. My friend that offered me the position made $10,000 during the New York mess. I could totally live off of that for a very long time...

-Just started dating a new girl literally yesterday. Superstar girl, very nice and accepting. and to top it off she LOVES the Datsun and loves to help me work on it. Not easy to find that  in a girl.. she also has a good forward plan. Not something I want to take a chance screwing up, since she's very good for me right now. 

-I'd be leaving my current steady and stable full time job I've been at for 3 years for one that seems to be great, but would be a huge change in my life...

-I'd be starting literally in a week. I wouldn't be able to put in my 2 weeks at AZ which would make me not possible for re-hire in the future. 

-The current job is in Maryland. I'd have my flight payed for and be there for a month or two until we finish up. 




He's a pretty good friend I've known for a while, and offered me a pretty good deal, since I'd be starting literally right near him. Nearly the same pay, and same status with the company. I know he would never steer me wrong and seems to be pretty happy with it where it is. 


It's a huge change and I don't want to jump into it without making sure I cover everything in my head first and making sure I fully understand the position it puts me in. 




I've spoken to other people who are in similar business, and they're pretty happy with their decisions. Seems like a good place to start a career. I sure as hell don't see auto retail in my long term goal. 

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Another girl??? You rebound fuck........................................ you da man, right on!


Sho nuff! 


Been two fuckin months man. not waiting along for some cowardly bitch who dumped me for some other dude because she's a selfish bitch. Fuck that shit.




I'm young. Known this chick since high school. Always had a hugeeee crush on her but I was a total puss and never went for it. Turns out she was the same way. Figured hell, why not? 


Plus she's pretty damn good looking. Muscular as hell. 



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They don`t call it a dead end job for nothing ,, your young,,  take a chance. 



UNLESS,  it is like a service master operation where you clean up houses of like sewer back-ups and suicides my buddy does that and the stories he tells when he gets liquored up ,, are fucking horrifying..

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So you guys generally seem to be pretty straight forward, insightful and helpful.


Those who know me know I've been stuck in a shitty parts house job for going on 3 years. Full time manager, all the perks. I still make shitty money.


A friend of mine offered me a supervisor position at a multi-billion$$$$ disaster restoration company that his dad owns, and he's heading up a few operations on. It means that I'll be away from home for up to 2-3 months at a time, basically supervising operations and watching over the sub-contracted workers to make sure tasks are completed as required. Same company headed up BP oil spill, the New York flooding, Katrina (I believe) and a metric shit ton of other big disasters. 


$40-50K STARTING average. $15 per hour minimum. $35 per diem ($245 per week in addition to the hourly paycheck) 50-60 hours on average, 6 days per week, hazard pay, covered expenses, etc. 


Seems pretty straight forward decision. I'd start work at a temp agency for a week or so as the company processes my paperwork, so there's no downtime in my pay. Once the paperwork is processed (generally within a week) I'd be employed through the company. 



A few downsides


-I've been dealing with a few small medical issues. Been to the doc probably about 25 times this year for asthma related issues and possibly blood sugar (maybe diabetic) shit. The  idea of being in an unfamiliar location for long periods just kinda makes me nervous. 

-The job only pays when someone fucks something up, or a natural disaster hits. There are generally pretty busy times and they stay pretty busy, but I don't make much money in my  down time. My friend that offered me the position made $10,000 during the New York mess. I could totally live off of that for a very long time...

-Just started dating a new girl literally yesterday. Superstar girl, very nice and accepting. and to top it off she LOVES the Datsun and loves to help me work on it. Not easy to find that  in a girl.. she also has a good forward plan. Not something I want to take a chance screwing up, since she's very good for me right now. 

-I'd be leaving my current steady and stable full time job I've been at for 3 years for one that seems to be great, but would be a huge change in my life...

-I'd be starting literally in a week. I wouldn't be able to put in my 2 weeks at AZ which would make me not possible for re-hire in the future. 

-The current job is in Maryland. I'd have my flight payed for and be there for a month or two until we finish up. 




He's a pretty good friend I've known for a while, and offered me a pretty good deal, since I'd be starting literally right near him. Nearly the same pay, and same status with the company. I know he would never steer me wrong and seems to be pretty happy with it where it is. 


It's a huge change and I don't want to jump into it without making sure I cover everything in my head first and making sure I fully understand the position it puts me in. 




I've spoken to other people who are in similar business, and they're pretty happy with their decisions. Seems like a good place to start a career. I sure as hell don't see auto retail in my long term goal. 

So they cleaned up my old companys oil spill and some other natural disasters.


1]Can you take a 2 months off leave of abcenses to see if you like that kind of work

2]You are in retail you said,what would be your role or function there?

3] You will have to take a 40 hour Hazwopper class to just respond to oil spill clean up sites ope he told you that. 

4]You met a new girl is just another sperm bank no offense or you trying to make something work with this girl,so why would you leave if you just met her and like her.

5] Does your so called shitty paying job offer retirement and if so is it worth staying with a for.

6] does the new job offer retirement or stock options,a lot of people forget that when you get a job its not about Datsuns for today but about working on your Datsun tomorrow.


I hope some of these things i mentioned above help.

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Has the asthma issue just become more intolerable? Have you been around anything different recently that might be setting it off? My brother has asthma and had recently been having serious issues. Found out the place he was staying had black mold. He moved and now his asthma is less problematic. That's why I ask. Might be something you're around setting it off.


How long you been with the new girl? If she's really cool and you want it to work sit down and tell her what you've been offered. My bf and I have been together 4 years now but I'd say we were pretty stuck on each other from the beginning...barf, haha :) But if she's as cool as you say and she's not all needy and shit she'll be ok with you being gone from time to time. My bf is a prop builder for film and tv and sometimes he has to go away on location. I think it bothers him more than it does me but we make arrangements to see each other on some weekends. I'm very independent and not an attention whore so if he has to go away for work it's cool with me. Part of the job.


Does going to new places always spaz you out? This might be the perfect time to try something new and get out of your comfort zone. Makes you a stronger person in the long run. It will also give you new skills. Try it out for a year and if you hate it then look to get out.


Can they not bend on your start date at all? Have you asked? They might just understand if you want to give your company 2 weeks notice.


Ultimately the decision is yours. Never be scared to try new things but be smart enough to make the right decision that makes you most comfortable.

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I hate decisions like this one   look at everything in detail talk it over with the new girl see what she thinks 

talk it over with your parents if you can and dig in to your friend to see how much down time there is 

retirement/ stock options etc are all things to think about 

also are you ready for a change something new and exciting or do you like routine 

good luck with your decision 

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I always stuck with "it's not about the money" and it works most of the time... other times, I wish I hadn't passed up certain offers. I stayed where I was for a girl and ignored a job offer. 3 years later, we split, and now I am where I am. But I wouldn't have given up the memories for anything.

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I wish I'd taken more chances when I was your age. Having an opportunity like this will just open an innumerable amount of other future opportunities... think of all the experiences you'll have, places you'll go, and people you'll meet.. on the company's bill, to boot! You're young, the world is your oyster. Not many people have a chance like this dropped in their lap. I'd say go for it, you have nothing to lose. If it completely falls apart, you can still get another job elsewhere for probably more than you're making now(Working for a disaster relief agency looks much better on paper than just retail).


Go for it, homie.

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For what it's worth, you'd be surprised at how much hard work and a more careful diet can calm the pre diabetes blood sugar readings.  Keep the carbs low and don't eat so much meat protein that your kidneys start to fail.  A moderate high protein and a carefully moderated low carb diet [don't forget physical activity and/or exercise] will go a long way!  Get a meter / lancet / test strip combo at your local full service drug store / pharmacy and run a few checks, beats paying Lord knows how much to have a doctor do it every so many months.


P.S. You're only 22, live a little!  Take the job and have some good "war stories" to tell your grandchildren [because your kids won't listen to them].

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Hey MM47, I just figured I would pipe in here. The only thing I would see that should be the ultimate deciding factor would be the health issues. Go have a full work-up done and make sure you are healthy enough to handle travelling plus longs days of above moderate physical activity. Me and my dad helped clean up efforts in New Orleans and, while it wasn't the hardest job, those long days can really beat you down.


As long as your health permits I would go for it. This is not an opportunity that comes often and could be a start to a great career or even lead to contacts that may help you build your own company in the future. I've been stuck in a pretty bare bottom job for almost 5 years and would give my right nut to go back and take the position I was offered with the civilian EODT when I was 21.


As far as your new girlfriend, that will be difficult, but just be honest and up front with her and if it works out then you guys will be stronger in the long run. If not there will be others in the future. Don't let someone who doesn't have to depend on you influence a choice that could set you up for a better life. Been there, done that, still stuck in this hell hole called Macon.


Best of luck to you. Remember that ratty 620 owner in Macon when you need a database developer for you future company.

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Guest Rick-rat

Do they pay medical insurance? any or all? is there a retirement plan? Do they pay overtime for anything over 40 hours a week? Supply the proper gear and training for haz-mat work. Will you be on salary or hourly pay. yes you are young enough that if it doesn't work you can recover. I started a new career when I was 34 and am now retired from that job and never had to worry about losing my job so offers for higher paying jobs for part of the year work and being away from family were not interesting to me


Is the job you have dead-end or is there opporutunites for advancement, weigh the differences between year round work and who knows how much work you will get from the new job


 The bottom line is its your decision, hope the bgest for whatever you decide

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wtf is wrong with the US of A?  15 bucks after 3 years as manager!?!

... my toilet cleaners get 15 to start.. hell i pay 16 year olds $13 to start,

.. can't get good helkp for less... We all have medical... its called Cana- fucking Da!  


Take the chance of you are healthy enough... AZis a dead end, there is no way up past where you are other than up and out...  get and job there, then 3 months from now, get the GF a job there... she looks strong enough...

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MM ultimately the decision is yours but I will tell you this, it would be alot easier to do something like this now than say in 10 years when you've had all the AZ you can take. Resposibilities change and from what I see, right now you have few. Change is alot more difficult when you have a house note and a family to support. I've played the safe road. Sometimes it's bitten me, sometimes it's saved me. Although I have been at my 5 year job for 17 years now. J.O.B. = just over broke, they pay you just enough to keep you there. I would think the new girl would understand and if you will be making a good bit more money you both would be just a plane ticket away from each other. See the world. At least the damaged parts of it. A man that does the same thing day in and day out will never have more than he already has. Oh, and I have diabetes as well. Easily controlled with diet, excercise, and a pill twice a day. Don't even have to check it but every 6 months. But make sure if you do take the job that they won't deny you health insurance for a pre-existing health condition. It can happen if obamacare hasn't fully kicked in.




Good luck in whatever you do.

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I've always been a risk taker, so I'm saying go for it.  I have to tell you, if you need to come home, you can get the same Auto Parts Store job with a competitor in 15 minutes.  If you don't take this opportunity I'll brand your candy ass with my D hood ornament from the max.  That "D" will forever stand for (insert insult here) and I know you are better than that.  I've been a road dog for most of my life, it has allowed me to see 48 states, several countries, make and loose lots of money, but I would not trade it for anything.  Plus this opens doors for the big bucks doing contract work overseas if you wanted to go that way.   If the new GF is worth having in your life, fly her up there once a month, you should have the money to do those things.  Have you packed yet?

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