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I bought a rolling vagina... it feels so wrong.

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My brother just recently bought one too.... black with beige top.  Doesn't help that he's 33 and single..... and now drives a Miata.   My mom thinks he looks cute in it.... sadly, I think otherwise :rolleyes:   But, I imagine it's a fun little car to cruise around in, so I guess my opinion doesn't matter :P

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For anyone who thinks the Miata is stupid, or a "girls car", you haven't driven one. They are one of the best drivers cars out there. A whole lot of fun to drive.


Just like 125cc scooter. Great fun until your friends see you on one.


Mazda hit the biggest home run with the Miata. Who else made a small two seater true sports car under 3k pounds at the time. They look like hell.






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For anyone who thinks the Miata is stupid, or a "girls car", you haven't driven one. They are one of the best drivers cars out there. A whole lot of fun to drive.


I can't drive one, I have tried. Can't fit my 6'2" self in it and drive. I can't move my legs to press the clutch. Besides they are the poor man's midlife crisis car. All I see driving them is balding old guys.

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I've seen a couple around town tricked out lately. There is one in my neighborhood that is slammed with a hard top and has the camber trip going on. It actually looks a lot less nancy that way. Kinda like this one



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Oh, the Mazda Miata... My dad had 2 (at the same time) but my dipshit step-brother wrecked one whilst running from the cops. From what the officer told my dad he was actually doing pretty good until he went off the road. It was in a really hilly residential area with super windy roads. He'd get some distance on the corners but they made it up on the straightaways. But I digress...

Now my dad had long been suspected by my friends of being at least half-homosexual, so his purchase of two DDable Miatas (they were both in great shape, it wasn't like a project and parts car) didn't help the razzing much; especially after he started wearing visor-style caps and using sun-in (which he denied until his wife finally spilled the beans).

For a while he was working as a mud-logger on a Natural Gas rig and would drive one of the Miatas out there to his trailer. I asked him what the roughnecks thought about it (I was actually a bit afraid he was gonna get beat up or something.) and he said "They love it! It might as well be a fucking Ferrari to those guys!" So I guess you never know.

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My boss just bought one to use as a commuter to save wear and tear on his 1 ton diesel. He's about the last guy on the planet I'd call gay. They really are fun to drive. Plus, they're crazy reliable and get good MPGs. Not sure why Miatas are punchlines while S2000s, MGBs, and even Datsun Roadsters get a pass.

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I can't drive one, I have tried. Can't fit my 6'2" self in it and drive. I can't move my legs to press the clutch. Besides they are the poor man's midlife crisis car. All I see driving them is balding old guys.

alot of guys in d miata community are as tall as you...some taller. They just swap d seats w/ d elise ones. They straight bolt to d floor.


My friend has one. He even has Special leather gloves he wears while driving it. He looks like a fat guy riding in an easter basket. But yours is cool :thumbup:

i didnt understand that concepts at 1st but a few of my buddies had those gloves while driving. Our hands tend to sweat so much on d wheel. Prolly bec of d lack of air we are/were getting inside d cockpit....even w/ d fan blowing hard on us.

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