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insurance; how much are you paying?

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im insured through AMICA, and they just quoted me 1500 to insure my old ass 610 wagon. that blew my mind.

what are you guys paying and who are you insured though? that just seems crazy high when i had a TE51 sport coupe for 550...




i have 1 ticket, and one accident

i am 21, which plays a factor...

and i live in a rural area.


still, that doesn't seem to validate the massive increase in cost

I have a 95 240 that i ensure for 550 as well.

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my datto only cost about 170 for 6 months, full coverage. Age, family situation, and driving record have lot to do with what you pay.


I would check with some other companies...that is way to high for that car.

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

$12/month through State Farm classic car insurance (low miles, not for use commuting), includes stated-value.


thats highway robbery






Joe King

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these were the responses i was expecting... it just makes no sense, and is rather annoying.


having the "classic car" special stuff wont work: i daily mine, but not much, 20 miles a day or so.






add in who your insurance provider is, if you dont mind.

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dude i pay 38 a month for my datsun AND subaru thats liability and uninsured motorist i want to go full coverage on the datsun but they wont give it to me because according to them it has no value


i go threw progressive

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I have Amica also, seems a bit steep, as I have a business truck and the mini insured for about $1000.00, but my driving record is good(only 1 speeding ticket), with no wrecks/claims, I have everything except comp.

I have been with Amica for 35 years, that might help some.

I have most my classics covered by "hagerty" classic car ins.

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some may not know this but you have to purge your driving record. I had a accident and a ticket from 2001 and it still showed up! So when they search your record all your history will pop up. (4 years and it will be erased is not always true) I "purged" my record two days ago... So that could be something to do with it...

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i want to go full coverage on the datsun but they wont give it to me because according to them it has no value


i go threw progressive


same here. i cant get full coverage on the trucks. no value, although i might be able to on teh red truck when i'm done. and i too am through Progressive.

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So yo...


Fifteen hundred bucks a year for liability? You didn't tell us how may moving violations, DUIs and accident points on your license!!


I don't know how insurance works in other states, but in Oregon, different areas with different population densities effect premiums a lot. Living in the woods vs. living in Metro.


'73 620: Farmers Insurance, with comp $100 deduc, collision $500, $100K Bodily Injury each person / $300K property each occurrence.


$418 a year for DD, 20 miles a day for work. Garaged in Portland. I have no tickets, accidents in 15 years, and I'm over 55.


There is a small window in there where it somebody hits me in a parking lot and does a thousand to two thousand bucks worth of damage they will fix it... and I chip in $500. Anything over that and the truck is technically totaled. Seems like a deal for $8 a month. If my windshield gets cracked or some vandalism occurs, a hundred buck deductible ain't too bad for like a buck twenty a month for comp.


In Oregon, let's say a 16 year old in Mom's Surburban runs a red light and T-bones your Datsun. It is wadded up and your back is broken. Your PIP or personal injury protection part of your insurance pays for the ambulance, ER, doctors visits, surgery, medications, etc.


My agent and most good agents won't sell you the legal minimum policy because it's not enough. The legal min. PIP would be blown away in one days bills. Your insurance company takes care of you, then puts a lien on the other drivers insurance policy to recover your costs. Good luck on that, specially if the at fault driver has no insurance, or is a cheap fuck and only has the legal min.


The idea of a cheap insurance bill each month sounds great, but the reality is that you get what you pay for... no, that's a fucked up metaphor... If you don't pay, you don't get shit. In other words, the more PIP you pay for, the more coverage you get. Believe me you want as much PIP as you can afford.


Isn't insurance like playing Craps or Roulette? You pay a bet each month that you will have a wreck and get fucked up and lose your Datsun... so that they will restore you to pre-loss condition. Hahaha, aint that a buzz word? I heard that on a TV commercial for auto body shop. But, the House wins most of the time because nobody wants to get wrecked, so the premiums pile up. Then when you do finally win... and get wrecked... you have to fight it out with adjusters... and they might let you have some of the money you should get for 'winning'.


The trick is to have as much PIP protection as you can swallow each month, because that is what is going to save your ass if you do get hit by the 16 years old. The other item that I don't have is underinsured/uninsured motorist/property damage on my truck. It for sure is the biggest bang for the buck premium wise. It doesn't cost much, but when you actually need it, like when my wife and I got our car totaled by a 16 year old and broke her back... it was the difference between personal disaster and life's just normal fucked up shit.


It's not that much money for me to have each month. I guess I'm the kind of rolling the dice thinking... I have been in so many wrecks in the last ten years... that the odds I'm going to get wrecked again is worth saving eight or ten buck a month. Is that stupid? Yeah, probably. Who knows?


I'd rather be lucky than smart.


On that...

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Country Insurance - $450ish/yr for the 510 full coverage with stated value. No tickets or accidents + multi-car, multi-policy discounts. Still seems like too much though. Insuring anything older can be a hassle. Most insurance companies just don't know what to do with them.

On a related note, I got collector insurance through Hagerty for my Cutlass ($200/yr) and they couldn't believe I was using my 510 and a "reliable" daily driver. Most collector policies require a newer DD and have mileage and usage limits for the collector car.

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