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My pledge and my punishment....


what do you think of dwnshfter?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. what do you think of dwnshfter?

    • dwnshfter post to much, but he sure is a swell guy :)
    • dwnshfter post to much, thats why i hate him....
    • dwnshfter does not post to much, but his choice on wheels leaves something to be desired....
    • downshfter does not post to much, i still think he needs to die....
    • who the hell is dwnshfter!?! (by choosing this one you admit to being a noob to this site)

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I here do by declare that i post too much.....not for other forums, but for this one. To truly learn the way of the Datsun i must learn to show some restraint and try not to piss everyone off as i would like to be a member on here for a long long time......


that being said, i will not post anything for 1 week starting tomorrow......i will post all through today and tonight, but after that i am off till next Tuesday. some of you may be wondering what would make me do such a thing....sell do a search on my name....it's sad. i didn't realize that posted so much...once i saw that i realized my problem was much more than i thought it was. i will still be trolling on here as i need my fix, but all i get is the contact buzz, im not taking a hit.....


i made it a poll so that i could see how bad i was.....please don't be too harsh....




and i just noticed i spelled my name wrong in one of the poll options.....wont let me change it, shipoopie!

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dude just lay off on the energy drinks, and one week without posting will do you good, it will give you time to read everyone's posts and actually learn something before speaking.


I seriously search for about a month on all the old archives of posts and threads before i even think about making a post, or even joining in a new forum. that is just my rule, maybe its something to concider. not to say i have not said some stupid stuff myself. i have learned its best to not say and appear stupid, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.


my .02

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it will give you time to read everyone's posts and actually learn something before speaking.


nothing against that, but i do search.....for anything.....this is about all i do. i look, and i read....i watch videos of dattos scrapping (you know who you are :cool: ) i read how to's on disc brake swaps even though i have a 79 and dont need them.....i am a blackhawk mechanic and love working on things, but can only do so on drill weekends....so the datsun is there.....i try and learn, and do what i can afford to get it like i want it. no the wheels were a bad choice, i know. but there almost sold and my titans and xterra's will be here this week, so....

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2eDeYe;49787']Good luck with your self imposed exile...:D


It's not that your post whore so much' date=' it's that your a starting a new thread whore :P[/quote']


thanks, and yeah, that too lol. this is gunna suck isnt it....

and i did the poll wrong, meant to make the last one



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Join Date: 02-27-2008


Total Posts: 344 (10.33 posts per day) including 28 posts today!!!

Find all posts by dwnshfter

Find all threads started by dwnshfter... 20 including 4 today!!!




(dwnshifter.... a great big J/K,.... you make me look good) :lol:

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At least you got rid of that goofy ass looking dude that was on your avatar!:D:fu:


leave your mom out of this! yes this is my last thread and possibly my last post for a week. maybe when i come back i can get back on track with getting this thing slammed with beebani's help :D one of my good friends in my unit welds for a living and said he would do my c-notch so imma knock that outa the way and then start looking into the 3 and 4 way rears....

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I must not be on here enough because I don't remember any of his posts... I like posts if they have pictures :D Project progress is my favorite! I have a bunch of pics I need to post but have been to busy.

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nothing against that, but i do search.....for anything.....this is about all i do. i look, and i read....i watch videos of dattos scrapping (you know who you are :cool: ) i read how to's on disc brake swaps even though i have a 79 and dont need them.....i am a blackhawk mechanic and love working on things, but can only do so on drill weekends....so the datsun is there.....i try and learn, and do what i can afford to get it like i want it. no the wheels were a bad choice, i know. but there almost sold and my titans and xterra's will be here this week, so....


Above is from today's posts below seen on a few others...


half ass did, all i found was titan and x-terra, but arent the frontier and x-terra wheels the same pattern?


Note - "half ass did" yes it is pertaining to wheels but I have seen others regarding the same...


Search, search, search...

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i wish some others would use your therapy. you know who u r. it's actually not that hard to read every thread on this forum, it may take a few days but it's fun and you learn alot. i've done that on a couple sites including this one and odpl,nwde,audiokarma. recently read a good chunk of the amc forum and saved me from asking a bunch of shit.


it's not about searching it's about reading the whole damn site or most of it. at least the tech stuff and not so much all the bullshit threads in the general section that should be in the off topic section.


IT SHOULD SAY TALK ABOUT ANYTHING DATSUN!!! and save your bullshit for the off topic section.:D:D

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You do post a lot, it drives me and others crazy. I admire the fact that you can calm yourself down a bit and take some time off from posting. How bout you post once a week for one month:D This forum is growing like crazy so it is understandable that some newbs are going to be "dumb" with posts.


There needs to be a : You post too much, thats why your extremely annoying. I dont hate you or like you cause I dont know you thats why its just annoying.

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^--- nube


I like spelling it that way because it makes me think of nudes


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I just read this................


Well, at least He's not looking at porn!!!!! He Has a productive outlet.


But if Ya' gotta' get help, there's always rehab, which is a 12 step program and We all have only 10 fingers, so how's that supposed to work?!?!?!

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^I agree^


WAY to much truck stuff! Some of its cool, but if I have to read another thread about how whoever it is is going to bag their truck so that it rests frame and tucks hella hard I'm gonna pull my hair out! Don't get me wrong, I think it looks cool to have a slamed car/truck (hell, my car is one of the lower 510's around) but I like it when it is slammed all the time, not just when parked. Not to mention the quality of some of the fab work on some of the trucks.


And Dwnshftr, you post way to much, but what is the most annoying thing is that they usually give little to no posotive contribution to the thread.


There's my rant for the day...well I never really rant, so for the month.


I'm going back to the510realm!

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