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I think someone hurt my dog

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My bro walked outside to feed Our dog Delila. She like always was happy to see him. But this time when my brother went to rub her and pet her. My bro felt like she was wet on her side. This is what he found... Cop can't take a report since there is no proof of someone doing it. Nothing was done other than taking her to the vet. It's really deep... Finger deep....


I am trying to figure about what you guys think. Was she hurt by someone? Or did she get stuck somewhere... I am so going to do something about this shit...





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Do you have any sharp fences? Barbed wire? Cut-off utility poles? I've had dogs tear themselves on that stuff before. My old dog Cobi once took a stick in her leg that we couldn't find for three days.


Hard to say with a wound like that. Could have been someone, may have been some metal part or something common that's around but was overlooked. I'd look at anything about that high around your yard and just check for hair and blood. If someone did get her, it's hard to say with what.

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^^ what he said.



its a rough cut ie not a knife ect.



if it was done by a person it was with a stick/bar/ect or something of the sort


what ever it was looks like the dog was moving forward into an object or the swing was from head to tail direction, you can see that piece of missing fur by the start of the cut where it dug in and then broke the skin

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Is she fenced in or free to roam? If fenced in or has a small area she stays in take a look for something sharp at dog height she may have run into. Eliminate that first.


Needs a few staples or stitches.

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She snaged something, I cant tell you how many times I patched Konan up from tripping or snagging stuff at the scrapyard. That one needs a vet vist for some stiches and a cone of shame. She is ok as long as she still can/wants to move ok and her nose is cold and wet. She willing to eat and drink? Or does she lay down and stay down? Was she cowering when he checked her out or does she yelp/whine at all? I hope she will be ok.

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Also the sooner the better for the stitches. I left a cut once acting all tough and shit. Doctor shook his head and said I should have come in sooner. It will heal without but will take longer and may tear open several times.


"Bones heal, and chicks dig scars"

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ouch poor dog. I grew up in orchard and ranch area and of the few times I saw a dog injured like that a wild animal that was tougher than the dog did some swipeing at it, another time my 2 cats went after the neighbors rottie to teach it a lesson that they were in the neighborhood first.

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I understand the protection mode thing, I've went stupid crazy over pets especially when I knew that someone intentionaly hurt them, but on the other hand I would have to stand back and see what really happened in what ever situation it was. Even my kitty "babygirl" would have little scratches (but nothing as major as what your dog has suffered) and I even went nuts. I'm even protective over friends pets and every time 1 has an injury for what ever reason I investigate even though the owners already resolved the issue lol. I wish that beautiful pooch the best and it might make a real noticeable scar but look at it this way....she's beautiful and rugged :thumbup: .

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My back yard is a small but its all green. There are two small spots were she could of gotten hurt. But I dont see her getting lots of top speed and hitting herself that hard... Well this is how she is now... All drugged up and hurt.








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What did the vet say. He sees this all the time?


I don't think a nail. That would puncture and shin stretches an unbelievable amount. It would have stretched like rubber and slipped off. A sharp burr of metal or glass maybe. And, hey! It's ok to feel mad. This a normal reaction to something you can't control. Dogs are a member of the family except maybe some places in Kentucky. (if you know what I mean).

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Good lookin dog sorry she got hurt.

You might want to think about the side of your house. I see some metal stuff there. she could have been runnin back there and got cut on something.

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I looked around and there is metal. But it's nothing that could cause that big of a damage. I am going to clean up back there and organize. all the nails on the wood are bent down. I don't know..... But I am going to clean that up and throw away a lot of crap...

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