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How to take care of a bully

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for a second i thought the skinny one was the winner and the fat one the bully till he wwf body slammed him into that planter box shin first. first rull of fighting, dont pick on ppl 3 times ur size, they wont feel it. and they will toss ur ass like a fucking frisbee. unless uare super chuck norris and shit

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Guest DatsuNoob

HAHAHA. I love seeing cocky little shits getting their asses handed to em. Fuggin pile driver just makes it so much better :lol: I'll bet the mom and dad are little pussies too :lol: Sounds like they had an opportunity to teach their brat an important lesson and instead went the way of the typical spineless New American :no: :rolleyes:

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HAHAHA. I love seeing cocky little shits getting their asses handed to em. Fuggin pile driver just makes it so much better :lol: I'll bet the mom and dad are little pussies too :lol: Sounds like they had an opportunity to teach their brat an important lesson and instead went the way of the typical spineless New American :no: :rolleyes:


The new spinless American is rubbing off on the Auzzies.

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This reminds me of me and my ex best friends husband. He was a small lil shit who constantly said he could take me cuz he knew lots of differnt forms of martial arts. Im a big guy, and if you want to do any dmg u need weight, a weapon, or muscle. He didnt have any weight or muscle and as i always told him, id grab him get him on the ground and hed be screwed. So being a bigger guy, im happy to see thsi bigger kid stick up for himself and kick the lil punks ass.

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Ive read some where that the kid (bully) parents are sueing



I'm sure their "parenting" created the little pest. He got what he deserved. I have no doubt they're suing. They'll probably win, then sue the school district...then the principle, personally...then any spectators...and on and on...

I wonder why everyone around the world hates Americans and has no respect for us?

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I knew a kid just like that in school. In fact, even going on 20 years later, I still owe him an ass-kicking. Scrawny little shit pissed off at the world with a hair temper, just like that kid. I should google him to see if he still lives in the area, but I'd bet he's probably in jail or dead at this point.

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Fuckyeah! reminds me of my youth when people didn't know me and thought they could fuck with me laugh.gif



Got my ass kicked one of the times though, cuz those cheap little basterds thought 3 on 1 was funny. At least one went to the hospital when I was done :rofl:

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