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this is for kamakazi620

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My dime is worth more than that vw. good luck getting more than 2k out of it.


ANd you know that place for your plate makes you look like a idiot. You know if you get in a wreck, it can become a flying projectile, and decapitate you? or fly out the car and seriously hurt someone else. YES your intelligence has been shown in this thread.



Seriously, you want to come in and start talking shit about another member. I dont care how long youve been here, but thats bull. Unless the person has been causing a shit load of problems, then STFU. This is a family forum, with people that help eachother out, not cause issues. If you have a problem with him not wanting VW's on a DATSUN/NISSAN forum, then go post on your vw forum instead of here, because your not going to get any sympathy here.

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Double post. but might as well make it worth it. I think someone needs a vacation, time to spend some time on the vw forums because you cant here.




Your like this guy, who thinks his sti is the SHIT.IMG_0543.jpg


Like this guy stiz.jpg


This is for you as well. sig111.gif


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that jetta aint nicer than my 411 and its got no interior or winsheild and doesnt run yet. and yes jettas a re girl cars. ill get flamed for it but i gotta prove a point. i drive my moms old jetta(2000) and the license plate says "chikkar" so there u have it. had to prove that point even if it gets me neg rep and almost perma banned to the point of no one talking to me lol.


jettas r teh ghey!!!!!!!!!

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prove me wrong on Kamakazi's vehicles...i know for a fact my Jetta is nicer than any of them.


he wants to start a thread about no more VW talk, well some of us are in fact VW people. hell my 620 was nicer than any of his cars, and it was a piece of shit


that truck was not a piece of shit, it needed a carb and a new trans and would have been fine. I drove that thing to and from work every day for months. Maybe if tuner magazine had bolt on parts in thayer Catalog you could have fixed it but no, you couldn't even get a stock carb to work. Tons of members on this site have made show cars out of much much worse.

And fuck you this is fucking RATsun, hes (kama) working with what hes got.

who the fuck are you to start talking shit about other members datsuns.

its one thing to bash VWs on a datsun forum but its another to bash datsuns on a Datsun forum just because some one dont like you VW.




and by the way VWs are cool, but only the ones made before the 90's.

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i dont fit in a jetta and its bigger then my datsun yet i fit quite conforably in my datto and i get alot more compliments on what alot of people around here have called the "mini mopar" then i have seen any ricer with a vw get


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wow this a hole says on his other forum he hangs out on while a couple people bash ratsun that he doesnt post here anymore but yet he keeps his selling his crap here and doesnt seem to be able to stay away...hmmmm your vw sucks and no one here cares... why would you even start this stupid thread ...i guess it goes to show ......you have talked your shit about ratsun so why dont you GTFO........

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This thread is funny. I love VWs and Datsuns. I dont love all VWs because they are VWs, and I dont love all Datsuns because they are Datsuns. I like Jettas, I have a friend with a MK1 and MK2, I have a MK4. I dont like the MK3,5,or 6. VW performance cars = WTF with me. They dont make sense as they are always breaking, But VW econmy car is awesome as they just keep working. I dislike Golfs because I think hatchbacks are gay. Now there are alot of Datsuns I dont like, but I dont go naming them off in case I might anger someone. Everyone has there opinion on which car is better, but it really depends on the type of person you are. I would be happy with a mk2 or a datsun. Datsuns are way easier to work on. VW interior, is well on a mk2 about 10-15 years newer and you can feel it. But some people dont care so much about interiors. I really like both my VW and Datsun alot. Basically this post is pointless as well as this thread. Why are you bringing back a subject that has been layed to rest after 2 bannings? That right there speaks volumes about you.



PS I have seen your PB account with all your Jetta oics. It is a nice car. This does not mean you can have an ego. Just be happy.

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