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510 realm people

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I don't mean this in an offensive way, but the realm is more composed of mature members; people that have been there, done that, know what's more than likely going to happen with a given project, and generally are more busy/consumed with their lives/work/careers so they don't have time for the BS, and what they want in a car isn't necessarily what ratsun members want in a car. If you have a 510 question it will get (or already is) answered there without a bunch of BS. The realm, like most of the members' cars, is a purpose-built, 510 only car forum, not a social club.


Most people there seem to want their 510 to be a nice car, not a beater. That is an entirely different mindset. It doesn't mean they hate on the beater Datsun, but when you DO want to take your girl to prom in it, then the example you posted is not, and never will be, what they want to drive. It's not a matter of being a hater or stuck up (or maybe you disagree, but I bet there are some things in life you want to be/have nice and wouldn't settle for a beater version of). Hell, my daily driver is already pretty much a beater; I don't want another one! I want my 510 to be nice looking as well as fast and fun. When I see your race car, and look at it as a whole car, I see a waste of money and time, even if you got it for free. Every panel is damaged, it's missing a lot of worthwhile parts, etc etc. Datsun or not, it's no where near restorable to a car I'd want to drive and I and many others don't have the extra money to throw around or the desire for a weekend destruction derby car. Apparently this is almost anti-ratsun to some people, hence the division between forums. A lot of time it seems like ratsun members want a pat on the back for things that other people see as hack jobs and/or wasted time/money. You're not going to get that from me, just based on my personality, and you're not likely going to get it on the realm because we/they recognize hack work and wasted time/money and will point it out without reservation. They get excited about quality work (things they aspire to do/have). It's hard to get excited about poorly thought out projects, booger welds, and poor designs.

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"Plenty of good, drivable 510s for much less than $5K, especially these days. They aren't Ferraris, and the median price is still probably south of $5K."




Dude needs to step away from the brie and bordeaux, and slam a pbr into reality.


:lol: :lol:

Okayfine is a good litmus test for the type of people the realm caters to. If you get all offended by his posts based on fact and reality, then the realm probably isn't the place for you. I mean, what exactly are you wtf'ing to? Sick620 inferred that you needed $5k or more for a drivable 510 and that simply isn't true. Maybe the actual split is that on one forum you need to be literate and have some critical thinking and comprehension skills, and one you don't :lol:
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Matt, a much better worded answer than mine. We are different....period! The truth is often prickly, Julian is always prickly. :lol: Knowing this I try not to get 'out there' too much.

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Maybe the actual split is that on one forum you need to be literate and have some critical thinking and comprehension skills, and one you don't :lol:




are you implying that Ratsun is just chalk full of uneducated retards?

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Okayfine is a good litmus test for the type of people the realm caters to. If you get all offended by his posts based on fact and reality, then the realm probably isn't the place for you. I mean, what exactly are you wtf'ing to? Sick620 inferred that you needed $5k or more for a drivable 510 and that simply isn't true. Maybe the actual split is that on one forum you need to be literate and have some critical thinking and comprehension skills, and one you don't :lol:


Did you even read the thread? I was just poking a little fun, didn't mean to get yer panties in a bunch. I am quite literate, I assure you.


Do you have any Grey Poupon?

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are you implying that Ratsun is just chalk full of uneducated retards?

Not exactly, and kind of case in point that you would take my statement out of the context I said it in. There are plenty of intelligent Ratsun members. The ones that tend to get upset on the realm, though, usually get bent out of shape because they don't take a moment to think about what is said (eg the example I just gave in previous post).


Passion is debatable and there are different kinds of it.

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Did you even read the thread? I was just poking a little fun, didn't mean to get yer panties in a bunch. I am quite literate, I assure you.


Do you have any Grey Poupon?

I have. I guess I don't see what sense it makes to imply someone is acting snobbish when all they've said is based in reality. I don't have any Grey Poupon, but I do have some store-brand spicy mustard if you need some.
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Not exactly, and kind of case in point that you would take my statement out of the context I said it in. There are plenty of intelligent Ratsun members. The ones that tend to get upset on the realm, though, usually get bent out of shape because they don't take a moment to think about what is said (eg the example I just gave in previous post).




sounding like a dick all the time will get you treated like a dick all the time.



even if what you say was relative.










I dont really like going on the relm, for a few reasons.

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SICK620 - Yeah, you probably need to stay away from the Realm, not cause they are bad people or anything, but they seem to have a different standard than a lot of us here on Ratsun have. They look at your 510 and see junk. I see it as a rescue from the crusher (like my 3 little gems), and I can imagine how cool it would be driving it on the street. Watch the Honduhs and nicey-nicey cars get out of your way when they see you coming! Plus, you are in Idaho. Wouldn't the car be street legal there with just a couple more wheels and a license plate?


If you want to know how great Ratsun people are, I own a 1st gen 200SX and an F10, and they haven't kicked me off (yet).



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I think you gotta remember that the Realm is "cliquish" for a few of us because it's our club website also. Most of the members on the Realm are from the states, I think only about 30-40 of the club members are actually on there out of the membership which runs in close to a thousand active contributors. I'm not going to defend the "hater" comments though, I like watching other people's projects even when they're a little far out there ...

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sounding like a dick all the time will get you treated like a dick all the time.



even if what you say was relative.










I dont really like going on the relm, for a few reasons.

If speaking the truth without sugar coating it means I'm a dick, then by all means call me Richard :lol:
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If speaking the truth without sugar coating it means I'm a dick, then by all means call me Richard :lol:



Im not talking about you, just in general (like your sig ;))


Im a dick too sometimes. but sometimes things need to be said outright.


but theres also such thing as positive criticism without being an asshole about it

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Lots of good people on the "Realm"


I used to be the biggest abuser of people also.


But more action on Ratsun. The 510 realm are more for nicers cars (510 only)that I have seen which is nothing wront with that. More KA SR types which I really know nothing about. ratsun has more entry level datsun owners and I think I can help more people esp with the L motors. But enty level usually means they have no money either. Which is frustrating and people want a Porsch at a Datsun/Toyotas price. It isnt going to happen.


As for that 510 on the realm you post. ItsEzer to find anotherbasket case for cheap or one already running. Save your money.spending 5K$ on a beater is still a 800$ beater.


Remeber the saying. you might have a nice watch but I got the time&money to do it right.take the time and find or wait out another oppertunity. One will always come up.


PS nothing wrong with a beat 510s thats slammed on the ground and running. get these for 1500-2000$ and their fun.Spray can it and roll the MOFO.


Also do some research. Ratsun ,The Dime Quarterly has infomation on the sites and HOW TOs section read them before you just get lazy and ask a question that has/is and already anwsered if you read the forums. Otherwise youll openyourself up to ABUSE.


get the datsun Manuals also.

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well sick , i quit posting on the realm after i think 1 or 2 post just cause they suck...haha...but i left ya a post on your thread i hope it will help ya out......ya i know i got a differnt name there, but still the same old big guy...lol

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not every one on the relm is a dick tho, I havent had any problems of there besides it just really being my scene.



the relm and DQ are good places to go troll for info but I just stick to Ratsun

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Every site that has a board or is a board is going to have it's own vibe. No two are alike. Try going on the H.A.M.B. and ask a Camaro question, that is sure to get you some new friends, FAST! :rolleyes:


The Realm is mostly, from what I can tell and know, comprised of the Old Guard. And that is the first and second wave Datsun Hot Rodders. Trust me, I am in the latter and I am have gone through what would be called the Ratsun style. Not very pretty looking cars, but they had what it took to get the job done. I have grown and have learned and my next car will be done to a higher standard, or as high as I can afford. I was once given my ration of shit about my car, but not for how it ran, but for how it looked. I didn't care, it hauled ass, was safe and very reliable. Comfort? No. Shiny paint? No. Of course I only got pissed at the comments, but, I soon realized that most where not making comments to be mean, but to get me to aim higher. At the time I barely had two nickels to rub together and thus my car was not shiny. Now, I have a bit better income and my skills have improved and I will try to do better because I owe it to myself and no one else! But, I must admit, some of the drive to do it better was from those talking to's I got long ago.


So a few did not like your idea of a project or the fact that you saved a hunk of junk from the wrecker. Why get all crossed up about it? Do you really need an "Atta Boy!" for every deed you do. And coming from a crowd who has probably junked much better cars, I would not be too surprised or offended.


Just be glad there is a board like this that shares in how you feel and will support your endeavor. Now go get a tetanus shot! :lol:

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There's a HUGE difference between Ratsun and The Realm. People have already mentioned, but I will reiterate that Ratsun seems to be geared more towards beaters, and The Realm is more towards well finished 510's. This is not always the case, but they tend to go this way.


The Realm mirrors the 510's Bluebird e-mail list very closely. The people on both The Realm and Bluebirds have been around the Datsun/510 community for a LOOOONG time, and know their shit like nobody's business. They have seen it all, many times, and already know if your "new" idea is going to work or not. On both The realm and the Bluebirds list, if you have a stupid idea, or are doing something stupid to your car, they will tell you it's stupid. No beating around the bush.


On Ratsun, when someone has a stupid idea, or is doing something stupid to their car, half the people chime in about how cool it is.


So don't get bent out of shape because the guys on The Realm are "a-holes". They have probably seen it before, and you could learn a lot from the wealth of knowledge those guys have.

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you guys know me pretty good and im not really someone who likes to start stuff... Im humble.... well im done with the realm..... hey thanks 78kingcab it was nice of you to jump in my corner...

maybe this will be the official ratsun car that way when i stomp someone they will know who the real datsun mother fuckers are.

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are you implying that Ratsun is just chalk full of uneducated retards?



Oh hell, I'll say it, I agree with that, especially given the level of misspellings and grammatical errors! :) Then again, isn't ignorance bliss? Maybe that's why I'm so happy all the time! Realm or not, we can all agree the chopped up slammed rusty 620 with the rebar for a shifter STILL SUCKS ASS! (I was trying to find a picture to beat the dead horse some more)

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