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ratsun pets, we know you got-em, now show-em

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She is the biggest SWEETHEART!!! she has been attacked by a border collie,stood her ground but didn't bite back!!,She will knock down litle kids to give them face baths!!(kisses)

Thats awesome.

My pup is a sweetheart... once she knows you. And is relatively friendly. But if another dog runs up on her too quickly that she doesn't know, she will flat out attack. Her mom was a rough one though, seen her beat the hell out of a Pit Bull that attacked her, and was constantly fighting with our other shar-peis, I call her Scar tissue, having pups really calmed her down though (thankfully). Shar peis are like that sometimes, especially when they are a bit over-bred. I Had an Antique Shar-pei for 16 years that was the calmest, sweetest, and most loyal dog ever, she would get violent when necessary, but never inappropriately. Sure do miss that one.



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This is the cutest thing i have ever seen...the story and the doog.




Before Boomer, I rode my bicycle to work. We got a puppy, so I needed to get home at lunch to let the little guy out and feed him. So I bought this little 67 520 that I had my eye on. I never had a need for a vehicle other than my motorcycle for days that I had errands. But the motorcycle would simply not do during the winter months.... so I bought the Datto. I don't know which one I love more the dog or the truck. Probably the dog.


He's supposedly half Boston Terrier and half French Bulldog. But we are seeing some Staffordshire Terrier in him too. Either way: He's a Mutt and we love him.





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I never had a need for a vehicle other than my motorcycle for days that I had errands. But the motorcycle would simply not do during the winter months.... so I bought the Datto.



i traded my CB550 for my first 510, a 4 dr auto. cuz riding in the rain sucks! :angry:



my malamute used to ride on the tank of my CB700 nighthawk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is my dog, Helga.


We were playing a game she knows as "bouncy ball".

In these pictures she has the ball, and is playing with it.





Bouncy Ball is a chase and catch game, it is not really fetch. The Bouncy Ball is about a foot in diameter, and has a handle on it. I can throw the ball, and she will go and chase it, and then bring it back to where I am, and then it becomes a game of keep away, but sometimes she will let go of it when she is running by me, and before I can grab it, she grabs it and continues to play with it. In spite of the intensity she has when we are both trying to grab a loose bouncy ball, if she feels my hand in her mouth, she instantly pulls away, and does not even begin to close her mouth on my hand. I never had to teach her this, she just did it.

Helga is a Great Dane, but a smaller one. She only weighs about 105 pounds, and is a little over four years old

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