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Status Updates posted by wayno

    1. metalmonkey47


      thats awesome. I'd rock it. (with a stock bed)

  1. Is there a way that new members have to get permission to do updates to keep the retarded folks from littering up this option?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 420n620


      did you see all the nowbies yesterday, here's a list U might want to check out. http://community.ratsun.net/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=viewNewContent&search_app=members

    3. MikeRL411


      The Japanese Nostalgic Car Forum has implemented a non-user block so that only registered users can post. Check with them and see if their implementation can be transferred here.

    4. FoxyRoadster


      its not fool proof but could do something like they have on 311s.org just a simple question to throw bots off.

  2. If you search "Ratsun general" it will take you to the general subsection, same thing with "ratsun project datto", just search the subsections on google.

  3. The fan on my computer hardly ever shuts off anymore, when I first bought it, it hardly ever came on, what needs to be done?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Logical1


      If the fan is annoyingly loud then it's most likely the bearings. You can pick up replacement fans cheap at FRY's or best buy. DON'T go to radio shack! If the fan that needs replacing does not have a disconnect, you can just clip the old wires and wire nut a new one in. Hell take the old fan out and get a bigger slower moving fan and screw it to the side of the case!

    3. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      can of duster and a shopvac

    4. wayno


      I used my air compressor on it at full air pressure, I got a little dust out of it, it is a little better now, it's on less than half the time now, when it was on almost full time.

  4. What's with the "status 503 service unavailable" at photobucket?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eagle_Adam


      works for me to, clear your cache

    3. jrock4224


      photobucket can be so dumb at times.....but yeah clear outthe cache'

    4. wayno


      I did clear the cookies, didn't help, my more recent photos were not showing on my posts either, that is why I was asking, now all my photos are up again, and I was able to post new ones also, photos or it didn't happen, correct.

  5. My computer failed a little while ago, I tried opening a google window to check my spelling and got a blue screen with white writing on it saying it shut down windows to protect my computer.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Farmer Joe

      Farmer Joe

      yeah, i like my mac at work. and its a late 2009 model. at home we have an e-machines tower. nothing spaecial. has a dualcore, 4gigs of ram, 750gb HDD. never had an issue with it. windows 7 is easy as pie to use. its easier than shitville vista. i wont touch XP anymore.

    3. wayno


      I have XP, I have what I have, if it goes down, I will call someone in and then I will decide what to do, fix it or get new.

      I really am not computer literate at all, sometimes I have had to call my computer guy just to find out where my camera photos were, as the automatic setup got dumped after he fixed what was wrong that time.

    4. wayno


      English wasn't my best subject, but you guys understand what I am saying.

  6. I can't see half the photos on Ratsun, what's up?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. flatcat19
    3. wayno


      I'm not that old yet, they still gave me a license to drive, so I must be able to see.

    4. Jayden71


      open your other eye,lol

  7. I left the house with a thousand dollars to buy 2 L320s and a dual SU setup, when I got home I still had a thousand dollars.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. peanutbuttercups


      Sorry didn't know other post showed, your right, Plus its about eight different colors right now, eeeeeyuuuck

    3. 80daterpillar


      You could've at least made a stripper a happy girl! HAHA

    4. H5WAGON


      I have some SU's for sale.

      Filters, choke cable, heat shield....etc.

  8. Some guy backed right into my 521 work truck today, hit it hard enough for my hood to drop, as I had it up, but couldn't even figure out where he hit me. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. wayno


      I actually had no damage, I couldn't even see where he hit me, other than my hood slamming down, I wouldn't have even known.

      His rear bumper was damaged though.

    3. Draker


      Lol, nice. Finally a fender bender that ends well.. For you lol

    4. DAT510


      Fuck with a Datsun, you get a ninja counter!! and you get fucked!!

      Well done 521.


  9. Anybody having issues with photobucket, I am getting error 113(unknown error)???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wayno


      I suppose I should have mentioned the problem I was having, it's the same as you Dguy210, it won't let me log in either.

    3. wayno
    4. Rotary510


      I thought Kamakazi said his farewells? I knew it, he is infected, cant's resist.

  10. I can't seem to find a way to the home page, thought I would try this to see if it takes me there.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wayno


      I found if I google searched what I was looking for, I could get to them sections, then I figured out I could just hop around in the sections using what content I follow, but I was unable to get to the home page.

    3. wayno


      It is difficult to navigate this forum right now, not impossible, but difficult.

      You have to go backwards to the home page, then refresh to get the new posts/updates.

    4. Laecaon


      erm what? What changed? Its acting the same to me. I have always just clicked the rat'n'wrenchs at the top to go to the homepage.

  11. Do we have a glitch going on here?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wayno


      Yea, to get back to ratsun home page, i have to basicly search ratsun to make the link, I can't get back from the page/thread I was looking at.

    3. wayno


      I have not had any issues for a while now.

    4. wayno


      It's glitching again. 11:19pm pacific time

  12. Started the 67 datsun roadster for the first time in a couple years, other than it looks to be overcharging(60amps), it's looking good.

    1. RedBanner


      You my wabt to just give up,, lol

  13. I cruised the gut twice, I seen maybe 6 datsuns, it's time for bed now, good night everyone.

  14. I don't seem to be any worse than I was last night, so I expect that the damage to the back side(my butt) is minor, I guess I am lucky, but this falling crap gets old quick.

  15. Well, I climbed up my ladder today to get on a roof, and the ladder broke while I was trying to put my foot on the roof, it totally collapsed, on my way down I grabbed the gutter to keep my body upright, and I succeeded, I landed on my feet, except I was unable to totally absorb the impact and ended up sitting on my ass kinda hard, now it's kinda hard to sit down which sucks, as I am a lazy guy that sits down at every opportunity I get, I am hoping that this isn't a 6 month healing ev...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Draker


      Damn... very lucky. Maybe you can talk to consult with HRH about butt damage.

    3. skyblue


      wowsers. glad to hear you're ok.

    4. wayno


      I will know more in the morning, I hit/slammed the left side, the right side had my wallet protecting it from the hard concrete, or maybe I didn't land evenly/flat in the first place.


  16. I liked seeing the members using each page, is that option gone forever now?

    1. DRIVEN


      Was wondering that myself. I want to see who's seeing me.

    2. bananahamuck


      Yep.. me to

      it gave it a feeling of interaction.


  17. I can stare at that 521 double cab all day.

    1. bananahamuck


      she`s a beauty. It would be cool to make your fenders except the arrow markers like those too..

  18. This is freaking cool, if I had the room, i would buy it. http://portland.craigslist.org/clc/cto/3124898125.html

    1. RedBanner


      would drive that shats to work!

  19. Something is going on, it used to say who was viewing a thread at the bottom of each page/thread, it's gone now???

  20. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/44927-520-21-parts-soon-on-dpw-section/ This thread has some huge photo files on it, unless you have a really fast server, it takes time to load, everyone else click on the thread and walk away for a few minutes, it is in the 521 section.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. wayno


      Sometimes I don't understand stuff like file size, I am sure I could set my camera so the files would load onto the photobucket site fast, but I don't want to change anything on my camera in case I screw it up and can't get it back to where it was.

    3. NKrader


      loaded instantly.. what are you talking about.?

    4. wayno


      As I said, if you have a fast server, you will likely be OK.

      Fot those of us with DSL, the computor locks up for a while.

  21. I see that several of you were on ratsun and posting while I was unable to get on here at all, anyone have any ideas why this would happen? I even received a PM but was not able to get on to respond, I would happy to have any insight about what I can do about stopping this.

    1. DRIVEN


      You weren't the only one. There are missing threads too.

    2. Skib


      where in the middle of transferring hosts.

    3. 420n620


      couldn't log off or do anything. Knew the mods were installing a new clapper, seems to be working ok. :)

  22. We are back, this is good.

    1. 420n620


      still a little slow. fingers R X.

    2. wayno


      Yea,it is slow, but that is better than nothing.

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