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WTFs with Trump? He's loosing it, fast. Says MaroLago (or w/e can't be bothered to find out) was appraised at 18 million and he's off the deep end saying it worth 100 times more than that, maybe 1 billion to 1.5 billion. I said years ago (2016 ish) that he wasn't worth what he says he is, it's all bullshit. It's what the rich always say to inflate their worth to get loans and investors on line.


There's a gag order on him to not disparage/threaten the legal system (judges, court workers, jury and families etc) but he's ranting to his followers that this is election interference and violates his freedom of speech at rallys. Give me a break. Ranting and repeating himself almost incoherent.

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18 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

Funny thing is I had a Mormon roommate in college. No premarital sex, drugs or alcohol. Kind of like water and oil in the same room. Next semester I figured he would have been glad to have anyone else as a roommate. I was shocked when he asked me if I would room with him again. When asked why he would room with me again he said somebody needed to look after Me. I think we totaled nearly 2 years together. Never been religious but liked My Morman friends.

I know and have known many Mormans, some are the finest people I have ever known and some are asshats. My wife and I have discussed it and if things go bad, not necessarily in a failed nation sense, but a life alternating tragedy, we would sign up. If you follow the rules, work and contribute the Mormans will look after you.     

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43 minutes ago, iceman510 said:

Incoherency clearly works for the president.  He's going to hit 100 million voters this time, you just watch.

He is basking in truth. Truth that the Democrats are so far gone, regular people are forced to vote for him. I have said it before, besides a complete policy 180, Trump can do whatever and I will vote for him--and be happy (or at least less unhappy) if he wins. 

I  read on the internet (so GOD certified as true) there is a new list of celebrities vowing to leave the United States if Trump is reelected. I think that is fantastic, doubly so, that it was reported by the "liberal" AP, as a bad thing. Listening to the Democratic liberal meltdown if Trump was reelected would be joy enough in itself, combine that with four years of not worrying about the NRA. Live your truth Trump, spend your afternoons with hookers and blow. You have my support, I'll even contribute to your campaign.

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I think I understand why Trump's stream of conscious F you persona is so politically powerful. He says and does what he wants and has the ability to get away with it because he's smart like a fox. While the rules apply to the rest of us suckers, for all his faults the establishment anti hero becomes a demigod without failures. I think that appeals to us, because our core desire is to have the same, and he's uses that persona masterfully for his own personal and political gain. That said, on many fronts Trump's ego left his stinking cheese hanging right out in the open just swinging in the wind. For his political opponents, this is low hanging fruit. Of course his rotten cheese is fair game for the left, and he has no one to blame for it but himself. If money is the root of all evil today, then power is the devil it releases. 

Edited by paradime
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Seriously watch some of his 'press conferences' he's already lost it. The stress of losing everything, and I do believe he will lose everything, is getting to him. 'Course he'll still say he lost 2.7 billion but it was really 120 million. As far as money goes he's always been full of shit about what he's worth and why he didn't want his tax returns public.


When his assets are tabulated and sold off, the public will have a front row seat to view the emperor's new clothes.



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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

WTFs with Trump? He's loosing it, fast. Says MaroLago (or w/e can't be bothered to find out) was appraised at 18 million and he's off the deep end saying it worth 100 times more than that, maybe 1 billion to 1.5 billion. I said years ago (2016 ish) that he wasn't worth what he says he is, it's all bullshit. It's what the rich always say to inflate their worth to get loans and investors on line.


There's a gag order on him to not disparage/threaten the legal system (judges, court workers, jury and families etc) but he's ranting to his followers that this is election interference and violates his freedom of speech at rallys. Give me a break. Ranting and repeating himself almost incoherent.

What kind of bullshit news are you reading ? The liberal nut Judge says it's worth 18 million.Real estate experts disagree and tend to agree with Trump more than the Judge.The county he pays property taxes to has it at 37 million.Proof that Judge is a biased hack not worthy of holding any hearings in a courtroom.The property is much larger than anything around it and far more developed.It's a resort for the rich.Or are you just trolling here and trying to stir the pot a little bit ? 

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1 hour ago, paradime said:

 He says and does what he wants and has the ability to get away with it because he's smart like a fox.  

How did you come to that conclusion considering all of the efforts by the Democrats to destroy him ? He's being charged with just about every crime except murder.How is he getting away with anything ? 

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Do you think it's worth 1.5 BILLION dollars? Real estate experts are hardly impartial. They are expert is hyper inflating prices to get their cut. It's a house of cards. Even 37 million is not 1.something BILLION. Like the news, nothing is to be trusted.


News? It's almost impossible to stop shit from seeping in.

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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Seriously watch some of his 'press conferences' he's already lost it. The stress of losing everything, and I do believe he will lose everything, is getting to him. 'Course he'll still say he lost 2.7 billion but it was really 120 million. As far as money goes he's always been full of shit about what he's worth and why he didn't want his tax returns public.


When his assets are tabulated and sold off, the public will have a front row seat to view the emperor's new clothes.



Most of the population sees the "Emperors clothes" and that is why he is unwinnable in a general election. Couldn't beat a corpse last time and needs to keep collecting campaign donations to pay his legal bills. GOP in fear of dumping him? Are they afraid Trumpers are going to start voting Dem? They need to just dump him and maybe take a brief hit from disgruntled Trumpers then put forth an electable candidate so we don't end up with a Dem for another 4 years. If they want to win put up Nikki. Half the population owns a vagina and would feel torn not to vote for her. She seems sensible to most of the population they would pick her over the senile buffoon we have now. I am guessing though the GOP will step on their own dicks again and double down on abortion, an unwinnable candidate and wonder why they keep losing.

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Do you think it's worth 1.5 BILLION dollars? Real estate experts are hardly impartial. They are expert is hyper inflating prices to get their cut. It's a house of cards. Even 37 million is not 1.something BILLION. Like the news, nothing is to be trusted.


News? It's almost impossible to stop shit from seeping in.

No I don't think anything is worth 1.5 billion dollars.Except maybe a lottery ticket.Real estate experts sell stuff for what they can get for it.I'd trust a Real Estate broker before I'd trust some judge with a political agenda.

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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:

Most of the population sees the "Emperors clothes" and that is why he is unwinnable in a general election. Couldn't beat a corpse last time and needs to keep collecting campaign donations to pay his legal bills. GOP in fear of dumping him? Are they afraid Trumpers are going to start voting Dem? They need to just dump him and maybe take a brief hit from disgruntled Trumpers then put forth an electable candidate so we don't end up with a Dem for another 4 years. If they want to win put up Nikki. Half the population owns a vagina and would feel torn not to vote for her. She seems sensible to most of the population they would pick her over the senile buffoon we have now. I am guessing though the GOP will step on their own dicks again and double down on abortion, an unwinnable candidate and wonder why they keep losing.

I think you're right and it depresses the hell out of me. I don't understand the mindset of the "general" in general elections. I understand the worthless communist cunts. I understand the far right religious dullards AND I understand it is really shitty there's not better choices. BUT there's  not and most likely won't be in my lifetime. If someone is just grasping that reality now, then I don't know now what to tell them, they are wasting oxygen and parking spaces that needed for the rest of us. 

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Do you think it's worth 1.5 BILLION dollars? Real estate experts are hardly impartial. They are expert is hyper inflating prices to get their cut. It's a house of cards. Even 37 million is not 1.something BILLION. Like the news, nothing is to be trusted.


News? It's almost impossible to stop shit from seeping in.

 Why do you care? I stopped reading more than headlines months ago and it helps, if I could avoid the news, the government and the masses, then I bet my blood pressure would drop right down to normal (without medication). The Trump stuff just rolls of me, it is not hyperbole, there is frighteningly little he could do to lose my support. When I voted for him the first time, I said that I would vote for a house trained chimp for President before I would vote for Hillary and in that election, I proved it. Since that election the Democrats have doubled down and down. The Chimp no longer needs to be house trained, hell the Chimp need not be conscious and I'll pass out flyers supporting it. 

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5 hours ago, paradime said:

I think I understand why Trump's stream of conscious F you persona is so politically powerful. He says and does what he wants and has the ability to get away with it because he's smart like a fox. While the rules apply to the rest of us suckers, for all his faults the establishment anti hero becomes a demigod without failures. I think that appeals to us, because our core desire is to have the same, and he's uses that persona masterfully for his own personal and political gain. That said, on many fronts Trump's ego left his stinking cheese hanging right out in the open just swinging in the wind. For his political opponents, this is low hanging fruit. Of course his rotten cheese fare game for the left, and he has no one to blame for itbut himself. If money is the root of all evil today, than power is the devil it releases. 

It isn't that deep. I don't mind rules and try to follow most of them. I let many things and many people go without comment or strife. I don't like Trump, but even focusing on one of the many Democrat nation destroying policies --unchecked immigration. Only a god damned fool would support such a thing, only an America hating god damned fool would actually enact it. I still haven't seen anything aired or read any plan for the avalanche of social problems and agency failures, which even my dumb ass can see on the horizon. To be truthful, I am unable to work out any plan to deal with the immigration catastrophe that would not entail a restructuring of what it means to be free in America, but I am neither politician nor bureaucrat, so I will not claim it cannot be done. Yet, it remains absent extensive coverage in the National news. Not the attention grabbing click bait crap, a big boring thick government document, I don't need it spoon fed by pundits, publish it on the net. It doesn't exist. Trump is the happenstance benefactor of the political brinkmanship that consumes America. I don't mind brinkmanship, because I am a terrible gambler. I'm usually either all-in or I fold, I don't need to be strategic. If I can afford to lose it, then let it ride. If not, I'd rather go home. I would not risk my future, I would not risk your future. Democrats unapologetically are trying to buy the next, however many next elections, with the sweat and pain of the American people, fuck them to death-Republicans, I'm all in. 

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10 hours ago, john510 said:

How did you come to that conclusion considering all of the efforts by the Democrats to destroy him ? He's being charged with just about every crime except murder.How is he getting away with anything ? 

Efforts to destroy him? We are talking about politics here, right? "Of course his rotten cheese is fair game for the left, and he has no one to blame for it but himself. If money is the root of all evil today, then power is the devil it releases." 


Trump campaign for 2016.



Trumps campaign for 2024.




Dude's coming apart like a cheep Kmart suit. He was found guilty of sexual assault and bank fraud and can no longer do business in the state of NY. He's facing 11 grand jury indictments with a total of 91 felony charges. And yet, he still has his most smart and loyal flock. With the honor and integrity of an overcooked noodle, gone are the days of the compassionate right holding the moral high ground. WTF happened to the Republican Party I once know and respected. Back then, they held the moral highroad and Trump was a Democrat. 



Edited by paradime
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What happened to draining the swamp? Seems he brought his own personal brand of swamp to the table. Playing devil's advocate if you loose an election (you should have won) you have every right to question the results, point out discrepancies, ask for recount and look for missing votes. Legally that it. Again I haven't watched everything closely but inclined to think this election interference was a witch hunt. Same with Jan. 6th. I guess that is still to be played out but being broken on the wheel of personal finance first is a good way to soften him up.



11 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

Most of the population sees the "Emperors clothes" and that is why he is unwinnable in a general election. Couldn't beat a corpse last time and needs to keep collecting campaign donations to pay his legal bills. GOP in fear of dumping him? Are they afraid Trumpers are going to start voting Dem? They need to just dump him and maybe take a brief hit from disgruntled Trumpers then put forth an electable candidate so we don't end up with a Dem for another 4 years. If they want to win put up Nikki. Half the population owns a vagina and would feel torn not to vote for her. She seems sensible to most of the population they would pick her over the senile buffoon we have now. I am guessing though the GOP will step on their own dicks again and double down on abortion, an unwinnable candidate and wonder why they keep losing.


That is beyond illegal and under the lens of public and government opposition scrutiny, highly unlikely.


I think that you will all agree that we are living in most interesting times. (Hear, hear.) I never remember myself a time in which our history was so full, in which day by day brought us new objects of interest, and, let me say also, new objects for anxiety. (Hear, hear.) [emphasis added]  ............................... Joseph Chamberlain


"May you live in interesting times" ...................... ancient Chinese curse or fortune cookie message.

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So since this is about Trump right now, yes he is a complete fucking idiot!!! Am I a democrat for saying that, fuck no! Am I a Joe Biden follower because I said that fuck no! Donald Trump is a show man, attention whore. I'll just stop there. He does have a way of talking to people and drawing them in. He should go stand on 5th Ave. and I hope someone shoots him in the mouth to shut him the fuck up. It took a long time for Hillary to shut her fucking mouth. I don't think we will ever stop hearing from this buffoon.

Edited by ratpatrol66
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Well I see a change. Where before he was confident in his smoothly delivered and entertaining bullshit. Now he's appearing more and more out of/not in control. There's investor's meetings, financial meetings, board meetings, press conferences and the like where slick BS can allow you to control and evade the consequences, but out in the real world it must seem that Jack Ketch is closing in and his gold, that pays for a swift death, is being whittled away.



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4 hours ago, ratpatrol66 said:

So since this is about Trump right now, yes he is a complete fucking idiot!!! Am I a democrat for saying that, fuck no! Am I a Joe Biden follower because I said that fuck no! Donald Trump is a show man, attention whore. I'll just stop there. He does have a way of talking to people and drawing them in. He should go stand on 5th Ave. and I hope someone shoots him in the mouth to shut him the fuck up. It took a long time for Hillary to shut her fucking mouth. I don't think we will ever stop hearing from this buffoon.

Hillary never shut her mouth.Two weeks ago she suggested Trump voters needed to be rounded up and deprogrammed.That's Hitler type shit right there and nobody in her party has a thing to say about it ? Hell they probably like the idea.

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58 minutes ago, john510 said:

Hillary never shut her mouth.Two weeks ago she suggested Trump voters needed to be rounded up and deprogrammed.That's Hitler type shit right there and nobody in her party has a thing to say about it ? Hell they probably like the idea.


I believe the appropriate reply is something along the lines of "Stack up and try bitches"

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       One thing about Trump is that the last couple of war in Ukraine wouldn't

have happened if he were still President.Our enemies think that he's crazy

enough that he'd back up his threats with actions.

        On the other hand,Biden doesn't intimidate anyone.

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42 minutes ago, john510 said:

Except the American citizen.I'm scared shitless by the guy.

Agreed because......


10 hours ago, angliagt said:

Biden doesn't intimidate anyone.

Dude can't even negotiate a stair case.

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On 10/19/2023 at 10:48 PM, frankendat said:

It isn't that deep. I don't mind rules and try to follow most of them. I let many things and many people go without comment or strife. I don't like Trump, but even focusing on one of the many Democrat nation destroying policies --unchecked immigration. Only a god damned fool would support such a thing, only an America hating god damned fool would actually enact it. I still haven't seen anything aired or read any plan for the avalanche of social problems and agency failures, which even my dumb ass can see on the horizon. To be truthful, I am unable to work out any plan to deal with the immigration catastrophe that would not entail a restructuring of what it means to be free in America, but I am neither politician nor bureaucrat, so I will not claim it cannot be done. Yet, it remains absent extensive coverage in the National news. Not the attention grabbing click bait crap, a big boring thick government document, I don't need it spoon fed by pundits, publish it on the net. It doesn't exist. Trump is the happenstance benefactor of the political brinkmanship that consumes America. I don't mind brinkmanship, because I am a terrible gambler. I'm usually either all-in or I fold, I don't need to be strategic. If I can afford to lose it, then let it ride. If not, I'd rather go home. I would not risk my future, I would not risk your future. Democrats unapologetically are trying to buy the next, however many next elections, with the sweat and pain of the American people, fuck them to death-Republicans, I'm all in. 

I did work  out a plan to address illegal immigration from the Southern boarder. Invade Mexico. Use human trafficking, social collapse, drug cartels controlling the government, or whatever pretext the polls say most Americans will swallow (The Sound of Freedom?) Anyway, bomb Mexico and Central America back to the Panama canal (Perhaps "accidentally" hit the canal with a half dozen or so MOAB's taking out the locks and let the oceans connect) From the Mexican boarder to just past Panama canal becomes Central America Republic (CAR)-not a true democracy, under the authority of the United States (In a Roman Empire like arrangement). There problem sorted. 

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LOL geezus blowing up the locks won't let the Pacific and Caribbean oceans connect. Wa ha ha ha ha. Goodby trade with Asia.. talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Or for that matter moving military assets from east to west.


The average age of Americans is 39.8 and climbing. Birth rate is dropping so is a few decades who is going to work to keep the economy going when you can't or retire??? Baby boomers are well into their seventies. In two decades most will be gone. You'll be glad of the illegal immigrants arriving today. This is probably why politically (someone crunched the numbers) they are allowed in, you'll need them later.  





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