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Ukraine is a neutral country and not a NATO member. Ukraine is at war with Russia that illegally annexed part of it's territory and attacked and invaded it in 22? NATO is not basically at war with Russia any more than China was at war with the US by supplying weapons to Viet Nam in the '70s. However you slice it Russia was in the wrong. Sour grapes Putin.

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3 minutes ago, Ooph! said:

The Biden term is almost over and the Neo Cons and Biden Harris administration are about to succeed in the goal of worldwide conflict.

Fucking idiots




I called it months ago. These MFers are throwing a hail mary. They want to make sure we go to war before they leave office so there's nothing anyone can do to make peace and so they can insure those who profit from war keep raking it in no matter who's in office.


Please 🙏 keep telling us how Trump is the threat to humanity, democracy, America.

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27 minutes ago, IZRL said:

You lost me at "indisputed" and "fact". Maybe indesputed by a few radicals on the left. What Mike said is partially true. The lie is that woke marxist left leaning pervert/pedophile ideology is not being heavily pushed in the education system. 


For being an "indisputed fact', there are a lot of people disputing it. These things aren't really happening by the way is just our imagination 😆.




It's totally true the education system is fucked.  Why do you bring up shit that wasn't in my post???? You're going on and on and on. The only one mentioning 'woke marxist left leaning pervert/pedophile ideology is not being heavily pushed in the education system. ' is you. I said the system is broken.

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1 hour ago, tr8er said:

John’s point was that going to college isn’t in and of itself indicative of a higher educational standard.  In many ways I agree.  First jobs out of college aren’t going to pay what a 4-8year tradesman makes.  And a tradesman who is good with money and ambitious will kill it.  College grads historically move into higher paying fields but that historically part is important to recognize.  If you go to college, especially on loans, you better come out find blazing.  You ain’t special anymore.  And odds of ending up not utilizing your degree have increased over that time.  I’m not encouraging my kids to go.  I’m supporting them if they choose to but it’s their choice.  My wife and I went.  Got into good fields and made it work but the debt is real.  My wife grad with over 250K in school loans.  It can be daunting.  

John's point and mine before it were talking about grade school, not college. It came up in my reply making the same point you did here, so in many ways you're agreeing with me? I think something like this was on the SAT test when I was a kid. When I was a contractor, I made more money than the first 4 years of being a psychologist with a PsyD.  

Edited by paradime
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1 hour ago, Ooph! said:

The Biden term is almost over and the Neo Cons and Biden Harris administration are about to succeed in the goal of worldwide conflict.

Fucking idiots






It’s fucking absurd that we would ever restrict their ability to use weapons effectively.  Russia sends missles into Ukraine, they need to shoot the turrets.  They fly jets with bombs/missles.  Shoot the airfields.  You blaming us is exactly why Putin is talking to you.  To scare you.  Fuck him and his dogma.  Until he returns Crimea and pays reparations for war damages we should not stand in Ukraines way.  Until he stands trial for war crimes, Russia should not have a seat on the UN.  

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The whole thing about "They want to make sure we go to war before they leave office" or "the goal of worldwide conflict" is complete boogie man BS. The Storm Shadow Missiles are British made, and they gave permission for Ukraine to use them on Russia. The Biden admin says we might give permission as long as it doesn’t use arms provided by the United States. That sounds kinda pussy to me, and anything but war mongering. Putin's propaganda hard at work to drum up fear and it's obviously working. So tell me, who's the gullible fucking idiots? 




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Not sure about them leaving office. I think Trump stepped on his own dick hard enough in the debate to ensure they stay there. Funny thing is I am in the Bahamas for work. At the end of the day I go for a bike ride then stop for a couple of Kaliks at a local plywood bar on the coast. I am the only white guy so the locals sheepishly fish for my opinion on Trump. When I say I don't like him it is game on in his eating cats and dogs comments. Even in this corner of the world they are laughing at him.

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8 hours ago, paradime said:

Do you disagree with what Mike said, or just compelled take a jab no matter what? 🤣


States and local governments pay for education, and the wealthier the location, the better the education. Not saying it'll make dumb kids smarter, but in Cali 63% enroll in college after HS graduation. In 1980 it was bellow 50%. 20 years ago VocEd was being phased out in Ca, but they renamed it “career and technical ed” and it's on the rise again in high schools and community colleges. Fact is, they'll likely make more in their first job than most college grads.

Taking a jab. You know the "for every fact there is an alternate fact" nonsense ? My question about these college kids is what are they actually learning ? Getting a degree doesn't mean you're smart. It doesn't mean you'll get a high paying job either. I thought the trend in recent years was college grads are struggling to find good paying jobs and are smothered in debt because of it. I hope they bring back vocational-education courses in high schools. They're needed for some of these kids. I'm glad I had the opportunity to take one. I was smart enough to get into college at the end of 8th grade. Naturally they (mom and school counselors) rammed more of the college prep stuff down my throat when I started high school. The problem was I wasn't interested in learning anymore for some reason. As soon as I was eligible for vo-tech in 10th grade I got in it. Sometimes I think I should have done college but then again I did pretty good without it.

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18 hours ago, bananahamuck said:

Honestly ,, at this point , I'm only here for the Okies memes 







LOL,  Careful what U ask for, Mate !!

Edited by difrangia
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14 hours ago, IZRL said:

I called it months ago. These MFers are throwing a hail mary. They want to make sure we go to war before they leave office so there's nothing anyone can do to make peace and so they can insure those who profit from war keep raking it in no matter who's in office.


Please 🙏 keep telling us how Trump is the threat to humanity, democracy, America.


I don't know where you get this stuff. No one is going to war. Let Ukraine sort it out with Putin. Put a date on this 'theory' and we'll come back and laugh it off later. Make no mistake Trump was and is Putin's bitch.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

I don't know where you get this stuff. No one is going to war. Let Ukraine sort it out with Putin. Put a date on this 'theory' and we'll come back and laugh it off later. Make no mistake Trump was and is Putin's bitch.

I get it from the same place you get it from. >>"No one is going to war." <<  Tell us where you got these "facts" from, source? Is this another indisputable fact? 

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6 hours ago, john510 said:

Taking a jab. You know the "for every fact there is an alternate fact" nonsense ? My question about these college kids is what are they actually learning ? Getting a degree doesn't mean you're smart. It doesn't mean you'll get a high paying job either. I thought the trend in recent years was college grads are struggling to find good paying jobs and are smothered in debt because of it. I hope they bring back vocational-education courses in high schools. They're needed for some of these kids. I'm glad I had the opportunity to take one. I was smart enough to get into college at the end of 8th grade. Naturally they (mom and school counselors) rammed more of the college prep stuff down my throat when I started high school. The problem was I wasn't interested in learning anymore for some reason. As soon as I was eligible for vo-tech in 10th grade I got in it. Sometimes I think I should have done college but then again I did pretty good without it.


Fuck what you should have done! You've done great thing without it. and I hope you feel nothing but pride in that.


I've been addicted to learning my entire life, and I've never been accused of being smart. I'm uber dyslexic and in special ed throughout grade school. Those low expectations gave me the freedom to educate myself in things that interested me, and I excelled in them. Always breaking apart my toys to build other things with them, military surplus fanatic, lived in the garage fixing and modding old motorcycles, and I started delivering papers when I was 12 to pay for it.  In 7th grade, I started playing the cello, and by 9th I was playing in the SD youth orchestra. When adults started cramming that shit down my throat, like you, I lost interest.


I took 2 years of wood shop in high school, worked hanging sheetrock with my step dad, started installing high end security systems right out of HS, and built my first 510 rat rod at 19. I moved to NY at 20 and didn't start college until I was 25. As a photographer in SF, I paid off my student loans in two years. That would NEVER happen in SF today. My buddy's son just finished a degree in software engineering and mathematics at UCSD. The industry is saturated in the Bay Area, so he's working at a children's day camp for rich kids and living back at home now. Best laid plans gone to shit, or just dumb luck?


Most lucrative BAs are in IT, healthcare, business/marketing, the applied sciences, and civil engineering in that order. Our son was studying creative writing at OSU, took a year off to work in France and changed his major to business. Our daughter is starting at UCSB this month with a duel major in sociology and civil engineering. Nothing crammed down their throat, not even to go to college. Just got lucky those are their interests, and they're ambitious enough to go after it. Self determination is the best thing we could hope for our kids. I think it's the only way to find happiness in the meat grinder of life. 



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39 minutes ago, IZRL said:

I get it from the same place you get it from. >>"No one is going to war." <<  Tell us where you got these "facts" from, source? Is this another indisputable fact? 

We're at war now. We just give the ammunition, bombs, drones and money so it looks like we aren't at war. Aren't we also paying the salaries of some Ukrainian citizens that can't work because of this war ? Putin isn't stupid. We better be careful with that crazy fucker, especially if we have weak leadership in the White House. The Democrats keep telling us to fear Russia and Putin yet they keep poking the bear. I'll never buy into the predictions of Putin taking over the rest of Europe if he gets Ukraine back. 

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34 minutes ago, IZRL said:

I get it from the same place you get it from. >>"No one is going to war." <<  Tell us where you got these "facts" from, source? Is this another indisputable fact? 


 Don't be daft. You can't possibly know you are going to war or not, so it's just your opinion. Putin is not an idiot he can read between the lines. He's got a losing hand and has no other option than to bluff. He's just a better poker player than you, that's all. Don't take the bait.


Never said it was an indisputable fact but he's fucked just like your education system and Trump's rant about immigrants eating pets at the debate. Ka-malla handed him his ass.

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28 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


 Don't be daft. You can't possibly know you are going to war or not, so it's just your opinion. Putin is not an idiot he can read between the lines. He's got a losing hand and has no other option than to bluff. He's just a better poker player than you, that's all. Don't take the bait.



Right back at you. You can't know for sure we're not going to war but you say it with such conviction and assurance, but it's also just an opinion. This was my point. You're opinion is worth just as little as mine. But you keep contradicting my opinions with your opinions and somehow in your mind you believe you're opinion is fact.


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42 minutes ago, john510 said:

We're at war now. We just give the ammunition, bombs, drones and money so it looks like we aren't at war. Aren't we also paying the salaries of some Ukrainian citizens that can't work because of this war ? Putin isn't stupid. We better be careful with that crazy fucker, especially if we have weak leadership in the White House. The Democrats keep telling us to fear Russia and Putin yet they keep poking the bear. I'll never buy into the predictions of Putin taking over the rest of Europe if he gets Ukraine back. 


I agree, but don't tell these guys that because all the shit the left purposely wrecked and is still wrecking is all an "illusion". We are imagining it all.




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This pretty much describes the scruffy 'Baker's Dozen' who can be counted to be on the 'Destruction...' thread pretty much day in and day out. Sluggin' it out from kinda opposite ends of the playing field and usually in a fairly semi-sane manner. Let the games continue.


Worst Page I Follow.jpg

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