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17 hours ago, datzenmike said:


There is a short Si/Fi story called "The Marching Morons" from the early '50s? where if the Chinese were lined up 6 wide and set marching past a point it would never stop. Enough would be born in line they would never run out... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Marching_Morons


A unique but flawed way to reduce the population of a future somewhat reminiscent of Idiocracy

It sounds very much like the story I read was an offshoot of that or vice versa

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9 hours ago, MachineMan said:

Thanks John,


In the past I've gotten into it with mods and admins on forums.


I'm not the young man I used to be,...... hard to imagine lifting up a body and stuffing down a storm drain.

My back is no longer up to it.



Some Italian humor, don't get excited,........

(I always farmed out work like that.)








As a wise man once said, That there's funny, I don't care who ya are

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7 hours ago, paradime said:

I worked from the age of 12, and if I wanted to quit a fucked up job I got the same lecture "Ron, just get used to it. You have to apply yourself, and work hard to succeed". Letting my ambition get taken advantage of was all that shitty pep talk did for me. From 1975 to 85, unemployment for ages 16-24 averaged 15.7%. The last 10 year average, even with covid, was 9.2%. So maybe we did have to be 6.5% more ambitious to succeed. 


Compared to our generation, violent crime and homicide are much lower in the US today, but with our 7/24 fear based media, 80% of Americans believe it's gone up.  There is a clear outlier though. For kids raised with military funded first person shooter games and movies, homicide has become the #1 cause of death for this bunch of cross dressing idiots. For them, violence and aggression is alive and well. Now they cry these kids aren't willing to serve their country, but if we don't trust our government, why should they? Or should we trust the political hyperbole about our youth because they're a generation of anti-American pansies like our parents were in the 60s? I'm not sure the draft will fix their problems this time, but if the fight comes here, plenty of these kids have already proved they are aggressive, strategically trained in virtual combat, well armed, and ready to kill their enemy. I know I'm a gimp who needs protection. Why do you think I taught my kids how to use my guns? 

Your speaking theoretical, I am speaking practical. In theory, fat, pale, Cheeto munchers who have mastered single handed keyboard operation and refined their dexterity, will operate the massive military war machines of the future, while safely tucked in Uncle Sams basement. The "clean" war fantasy. As robot army's integrate perhaps, but not today. If the United States is attacked today, it will likely implode and every two bit army in the world will want a piece of the action. It will not be clean, it might have some virtual for a bit, but it will come down to fighting the same as it has come down to fighting in every shit hole where we send our men and money. Fighting takes guts and aggression and in the real, not online, world  this is lacking. In conservative Idaho schools there is "zero" tolerance for physical fighting. It is called "you throw you go" meaning in a confrontation where both parties are fighting, both parties will be disciplined/suspended/potentially expelled without regard to who initiated the conflict or who initiated the physical aspect of the conflict. 

The policy breeds weakness and it is creeping out of schools and into our lives. There are acceptable reasons for hurting another human, there are acceptable reasons for killing another human. There are acceptable reasons for killing your enemies to the point where they will be unable to launch a retaliatory campaign for a thousand years--


If you are not capable of violence, then you are harmless not peaceful. The more violence, of which you are able, the greater the glory when showing restraint BUT there comes a time to stand and fight. Our youth lack the will. The only silver lining to this cloud, is if the majority did follow the ways of men and would stand and fight then we would be the ones trying to survive in THEIR world--scary. Transitioning, cross dressing and being fabulous might be mandatory.

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5 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Makes 32.8 million a year and all he has to do is get grilled by congress. Hell I could do that but I probably would care a little more than him.

10 million and I will cry like a little girl on camera, say everything was my fault and resign

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56 minutes ago, frankendat said:

Your speaking theoretical, I am speaking practical. In theory, fat, pale, Cheeto munchers who have mastered single handed keyboard operation and refined their dexterity, will operate the massive military war machines of the future, while safely tucked in Uncle Sams basement. The "clean" war fantasy. As robot army's integrate perhaps, but not today. If the United States is attacked today, it will likely implode and every two bit army in the world will want a piece of the action. It will not be clean, it might have some virtual for a bit, but it will come down to fighting the same as it has come down to fighting in every shit hole where we send our men and money. Fighting takes guts and aggression and in the real, not online, world  this is lacking. In conservative Idaho schools there is "zero" tolerance for physical fighting. It is called "you throw you go" meaning in a confrontation where both parties are fighting, both parties will be disciplined/suspended/potentially expelled without regard to who initiated the conflict or who initiated the physical aspect of the conflict. 

The policy breeds weakness and it is creeping out of schools and into our lives. There are acceptable reasons for hurting another human, there are acceptable reasons for killing another human. There are acceptable reasons for killing your enemies to the point where they will be unable to launch a retaliatory campaign for a thousand years--


If you are not capable of violence, then you are harmless not peaceful. The more violence, of which you are able, the greater the glory when showing restraint BUT there comes a time to stand and fight. Our youth lack the will. The only silver lining to this cloud, is if the majority did follow the ways of men and would stand and fight then we would be the ones trying to survive in THEIR world--scary. Transitioning, cross dressing and being fabulous might be mandatory.

I'm responding to John510 here, not you.

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6 hours ago, frankendat said:

It sounds very much like the story I read was an offshoot of that or vice versa


Guy in the present, a con man, is accidentally put in coma and though alive appears dead and buried. Far in the future he is dug up and revives in an idiocracy world of morons. Human race has devolved and any intelligent ones are who keeps things running, barely.  Our guy from the present has negotiated with the intelligent ones to become the world leader for his help. He convinces them that he can reduce the population level of these morons by using a page of the Nazi handbook from his time. Using propaganda he convinces the morons that they need to travel to Venus and live a life of ease. Naturally they are launching them in basically tin cans into the ocean. Fake letters are sent to relatives to keep the illusion alive and telling them how great it is on Venus. But when the population is controlled the intelligent humans shove him in the last rocket and send him off to his death.  

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10 hours ago, Jesse C. said:

Crime is down? My ass it is! 




Just heard a week or so ago, that Denver is now in the TOP 3 for crime.  Yes, we are being overrun by illegal immigrants being bused in, cuz Colorado is a blue libtard state, run by libtards.  Maybe we have seen top 3, cuz there are more REPORTED crimes & arrests than the other cities, that have lingered in the top 10 for years??  I do not know.  All I know, is that we are now top 3. 😡😤

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I won't even argue the "crime is down" thing. If it's down it's because there's no prosecution or effort to fight it. If a criminal isn't ticketed or arrested/charged he didn't commit a crime technically. The guy that claims crime is down lives in San Francisco ??????? 

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2 hours ago, yenpit said:


Just heard a week or so ago, that Denver is now in the TOP 3 for crime.  Yes, we are being overrun by illegal immigrants being bused in, cuz Colorado is a blue libtard state, run by libtards.  Maybe we have seen top 3, cuz there are more REPORTED crimes & arrests than the other cities, that have lingered in the top 10 for years??  I do not know.  All I know, is that we are now top 3. 😡😤

That is just insane to hear. I've lived in Denver/Aurora CO, Albuquerque NM, and I visit Phoenix AZ now more often now then I used to (Don't like the city at all). And I've always said if it wasn't for the fact that 99% of my family lives in Arizona border & Mexico. I would move back to Denver in a heartbeat. I lived there in the early 2000s and I loved it (weather, people, & snowboarding).


I will say that I have family that still lives their and have been living in Denver since about 1997 who've I've gone to visit over the years after I moved out. And to me things seemed to have shifted a little after weed was made legal. I have nothing against weed and it seems many people have productive lives in spite of it. But along with those who live productive lives there are many that are scum. My theory is that after it was legalized, you guys attracted a lot of the rift raff from the surrounding states. Not saying that illegals aren't a part of the problem but I and my relatives that live their noticed a change after weed was legalized. I also worked construction their for a couple years and I can tell you from experience that their has been a high percentage of illegals in the Denver area for many years.

Edited by IZRL
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Could this be the reason they're pushing so hard to cut down on meat production and using "Global Warming" as the excuse to cut us off from beef. (Watch videos below to see what I mean by this)


I've heard Jordan Peterson talk about the incredible health benefits he, his wife, and daughter have had from going on a carnivore diet. But I just shrugged it off as crazy. But out of curiosity I've started to dig into and research this in the past few weeks. I still have way more research I want to do. But I figure that the carnivore diet is a hell of a lot better than the crap I'm eating now. So I started last week.


The one thing I've noticed so far is that even though they call it a carnivore "diet". It doesn't feel like a diet. Even though I've set my meals up to where I'm eating less "calories" than i usually eat. I feel full longer which makes it way easier not to cheat or to feel that I'm being deprived of something like other "diets" I've done. 


It's fun to talk about all the bullshit that's destroying not only America but the world. But If anyone else decides to join me in this. I started a thread where we can post progress, positive changes in health, and research on the subject. Add something positive to this mix. I called the thread "carnivore diet" to start but if anyone has a catchier idea for a name let me know. 


I recommend watching these videos to start. Its very compelling stuff!




Edited by IZRL
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2 hours ago, IZRL said:

Could this be the reason they're pushing so hard to cut down on meat production and using "Global Warming" as the excuse to cut us off from beef. (Watch videos below to see what I mean by this)


I've heard Jordan Peterson talk about the incredible health benefits he, his wife, and daughter have had from going on a carnivore diet. But I just shrugged it off as crazy. But out of curiosity I've started to dig into and research this in the past few weeks. I still have way more research I want to do. But I figure that the carnivore diet is a hell of a lot better than the crap I'm eating now. So I started last week.


The one thing I've noticed so far is that even though they call it a carnivore "diet". It doesn't feel like a diet. Even though I've set my meals up to where I'm eating less "calories" than i usually eat. I feel full longer which makes it way easier not to cheat or to feel that I'm being deprived of something like other "diets" I've done. 


It's fun to talk about all the bullshit that's destroying not only America but the world. But If anyone else decides to join me in this. I started a thread where we can post progress, positive changes in health, and research on the subject. Add something positive to this mix. I called the thread "carnivore diet" to start but if anyone has a catchier idea for a name let me know. 


I recommend watching these videos to start. Its very compelling stuff!




We are omnivores like cats. Biggest issues is getting rid of all the processed shit we eat. Think Caveman diet kind of sums it up. When my wife and I are in Maine we buy most of out food from the local farms. Can't get fresher, the vegetables are ripened when picked. The chickens have been eating bugs and spiders like they should so the eggs are hard to explain compared to grocery store eggs but there really is no comparison. Plus we are able to get unprocessed milk. You gotta shake it if you don't just want the cream on the top and you realize how crappy grocery store milk is. This unfortunately is not available or affordable to everyone. When in Florida we have to get grocery store food and anything local still comes from large factory farms. There really aren't any local family farms. Sadly there is truth in the statement "Monsanto feeds the world". The world is dependent on the USAs ability to produce the yields per acre through mass fertilation, pesticides and GMO foods that they do. Our addiction to sugar (I am addicted to Mountain dew) and super processed food has caused just massive detriment to Americans and the rest of the world's health. In the end we are solely responsible for our own health. Good luck with your endeavor.

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12 hours ago, IZRL said:

That is just insane to hear. I've lived in Denver/Aurora CO, Albuquerque NM, and I visit Phoenix AZ now more often now then I used to (Don't like the city at all). And I've always said if it wasn't for the fact that 99% of my family lives in Arizona border & Mexico. I would move back to Denver in a heartbeat. I lived there in the early 2000s and I loved it (weather, people, & snowboarding).


I will say that I have family that still lives their and have been living in Denver since about 1997 who've I've gone to visit over the years after I moved out. And to me things seemed to have shifted a little after weed was made legal. I have nothing against weed and it seems many people have productive lives in spite of it. But along with those who live productive lives there are many that are scum. My theory is that after it was legalized, you guys attracted a lot of the rift raff from the surrounding states. Not saying that illegals aren't a part of the problem but I and my relatives that live their noticed a change after weed was legalized. I also worked construction their for a couple years and I can tell you from experience that their has been a high percentage of illegals in the Denver area for many years.


Denver is one thing.  I've been in Arvada, almost since I moved here 12 years ago..............first 6 mo's was in Aurora, off of Illiff.  Back then, I felt Aurora was a rougher east side suburb of Denver.  Arvada was a nice quiet clean "northern suburb", but I have watched the homeless get REALLY bad, more & more police activity & constantly rising crime.  I've had Datsun parts stolen 3+ times, from out in front of my hobby shop/garage space building, VERY likely simply for scrap (my fault for leaving stuff out there).  I don't even want to venture in to Denver city proper any more, for anything.  A few years ago, we had to take our elderly neighbor downtown to one of the hospitals & the homeless camps were everywhere!  VERY sad & depressing, especially for Rose, who had lived in the tiny community of Leyden (between Arvada & Boulder) for 40+ years.  I have never lived IN a big city, always enjoyed the suburbs, have been wondering if I could swing living further out in the country (where property is cheaper)...................but Colorado is getting consistently liberally BAD, so I do not know what the future holds here.................. 

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16 hours ago, john510 said:

I won't even argue the "crime is down" thing. If it's down it's because there's no prosecution or effort to fight it. If a criminal isn't ticketed or arrested/charged he didn't commit a crime technically. The guy that claims crime is down lives in San Francisco ??????? 

Right, because the guy living in SD believe that no one gets prosecuted or convicted for "violent crime and murder" these days, especially in SF. My family has lived a few blocks from Oakland for 20+ years. In terms of political BS about the most dangerous cities in the US, neither SF or Oakland were even in the top 20. WTF is up with that ???????

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1 hour ago, paradime said:

Right, because the guy living in SD believe that no one gets prosecuted or convicted for "violent crime and murder" these days, especially in SF. My family has lived a few blocks from Oakland for 20+ years. In terms of political BS about the most dangerous cities in the US, neither SF or Oakland were even in the top 20. WTF is up with that ???????

He said it was bad and it is. There just happens to 20 places worse. Even out in the sticks were are feeling the grip of fentanal and all of the crap that comes with. People are passing out sitting at 1 of the towns 3 stoplights and now the nickname "Slumpers" has become a a term and they are getting spotted more and more often.

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8 minutes ago, MikeRL411 said:

Boulder used to be nice,


Boulder is not too bad, was just up there last week, hanging out with visiting conservative friends.  LOTS of liberals, progressives, trans etc (always has been very eclectic), so a l'il too much for me.  Also lots more homeless etc on Pearl St these days................ 

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Hey yenpit,


My daughter is in Thorton.

She's restoring a 1958 4X4 F100 Panel Truck.


I don't have any friends up there, could you keep eye a little?


She graduated high school with two scholarships in auto shop,

and completed the welding course at Valley College.

She is smart. But I am concerned.


She  has a husband, a good guy, who is just like the cool guys here.

But, the more eyes the better. 

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4 hours ago, paradime said:

Right, because the guy living in SD believe that no one gets prosecuted or convicted for "violent crime and murder" these days, especially in SF. My family has lived a few blocks from Oakland for 20+ years. In terms of political BS about the most dangerous cities in the US, neither SF or Oakland were even in the top 20. WTF is up with that ???????

What's up with that ? Oakland has businesses closing and leaving for good. You tell us. A profitable place like In & Out closes because it's so safe there ? They said why they closed the store. Violence towards customers and employees and it's not safe to do business. Don't get upset because I pointed out where you live. A high crime city. To me violent crime is not only murder. And it's getting worse down here also. When law enforcement and prosecutors fail to do their jobs of course it makes it look good statistically. You know that.

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