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When my parents divorced my mother became a Jehovahs Witness, so I've had my fill of studying Revelations end of days and subsequent mind control of fear mongering. Even as a kid I could see these Biblical prophecies are so vague they can be interpreted to make it look like my hamster was the anti-christ. Witnesses do not vote, but the title of anti-christ was attributed to every POTUS who would bring on The Great Armageddon. They've been saying the end is near for 150 yrs.


 Throughout human history, "God" has been used as a political tool for manipulation and maintaining a hierarchal social structure. Our country was founded on personal freedom. This is why Separation Of Church And State is enshrined in the very first freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." Today, our concept of patriotism is literally being defined by legislating Christian beliefs over the freedoms of others. This isn't going to bring the end of days, but power through religious domination will be the end of America.

Edited by paradime
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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Saw that one. Low mileage. Any wear is in the first half inch at the top of the cylinder. Really needs a long rod.


I'll take her! Wouldn't mind wearing out the second half of that inch at the top of the cylinder 😆.


1 hour ago, paradime said:

Today, our concept of patriotism is literally being defined by legislating Christian beliefs over the freedoms of others.

I would rather live in a God fearing country than in the Sodom/Gomorrah we live in today. Infact it wouldn't be a huge loss if fire rained down from the heavens on some of these blue cities that the left is allowing to fall apart. And have them just start fresh.


You can talk all the smack you want about Christianity. But you can't argue with the fact that if more people lived their lives following the morals and values taught in the Bible. This country would be a much better place.


Now if you're talking about the catholic church. That's another story. That is probably the darkest, most blood thirsty, most sacrilegious, and most evil of all religions in history. The amount of blood shed by that church throughout history is mind boggling. All you have to do is look at pictures of the inside of the Vatican to know that the church leaders worship something other than God. 

Edited by IZRL
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1 hour ago, IZRL said:



I would rather live in a God fearing country than in the Sodom/Gomorrah we live in today. Infact it wouldn't be a huge loss if fire rained down from the heavens on some of these blue cities that the left is allowing to fall apart. And have them just start fresh.


You can talk all the smack you want about Christianity. But you can't argue with the fact that if more people lived their lives following the morals and values taught in the Bible. This country would be a much better place.


Now if you're talking about the catholic church. That's another story. That is probably the darkest, most blood thirsty, most sacrilegious, and most evil of all religions in history. The amount of blood shed by that church throughout history is mind boggling. All you have to do is look at pictures of the inside of the Vatican to know that the church leaders worship something other than God. 


No shortage of myopic interpretations of God's word, and the moral distortions used to judge others. Your fire and brimstone condemnations are a perfect example.  In fact, if more Christians actually followed the morals and values taught by Christ, this country would be a much better place.

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3 hours ago, paradime said:

When my parents divorced my mother became a Jehovahs Witness, so I've had my fill of studying Revelations end of days and subsequent mind control of fear mongering. Even as a kid I could see these Biblical prophecies are so vague they can be interpreted to make it look like my hamster was the anti-christ. Witnesses do not vote, but the title of anti-christ was attributed to every POTUS who would bring on The Great Armageddon. They've been saying the end is near for 150 yrs.


 Throughout human history, "God" has been used as a political tool for manipulation and maintaining a hierarchal social structure. Our country was founded on personal freedom. This is why Separation Of Church And State is enshrined in the very first freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." Today, our concept of patriotism is literally being defined by legislating Christian beliefs over the freedoms of others. This isn't going to bring the end of days, but power through religious domination will be the end of America.

Who's legislating Christian beliefs over the freedom of others ? If anything it's the opposite. The religious ones are being targeted to lose their right to practice religion. Our youth can't even say the pledge of allegiance in classrooms anymore because of whiny liberal pricks that felt it violated their rights. I don't recall anybody being forced to participate in it. You could keep your seat and not participate. 

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Calm down. This is the Bellamy salute during the saying of the pledge of allegiance. It was done away with early in WW2. "Under God' was added in the mid '50s. Doesn't say which god so use your own. You could always un add it to the pledge and reinstate it in schools. Yes you could sit during but you are still exposed to it. Imagine hearing.. "Your mother sucks cocks in hell" 250 times a year. You'd start to wonder.


Yes we would be better off if we lived more morally, more ethically. Doesn't have to be a religious teaching, morals can exist outside religion. It's knowing and recognizing good above evil and choosing the former path. These days perhaps the lesser of two evils like Trump over Clinton.


My parents were WASP but we never went to church. I did go to Sunday School for maybe a couple dozen times when I was eight. Life experience later explained this as my dad, a farmer at the time working six days a week, wanted to 'sleep in' on Sundays with mom. Wow nothing made any sense at all. Even at eight I had learned that, one way or another, everything should make sense or why believe it? It was my first lesson in faith, which is to ignore reason, logic and your senses and believe BS. In any case it didn't take and I escaped.




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2 hours ago, john510 said:

Who's legislating Christian beliefs over the freedom of others ? If anything it's the opposite. The religious ones are being targeted to lose their right to practice religion. Our youth can't even say the pledge of allegiance in classrooms anymore because of whiny liberal pricks that felt it violated their rights. I don't recall anybody being forced to participate in it. You could keep your seat and not participate. 

While it doesn't effect you, a woman's right to choose is highly restricted, or totally prohibited in 26 states. The same goes for anti-LGBTQ legislation. Texas, Florida, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and Missouri have laws protecting religious discrimination. If it's the opposite, how are your religious freedoms, civil rights, and sexuality being effected? In the religious right agenda, Christianity is not only asserted, but Christian values and beliefs are given legislative privilege by Mike Johnson. I'm not saying Christianity is bad, butwhay can't they just keep their seat and not participate?

Edited by paradime
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1 hour ago, john510 said:

Who's legislating Christian beliefs over the freedom of others ? If anything it's the opposite. The religious ones are being targeted to lose their right to practice religion. Our youth can't even say the pledge of allegiance in classrooms anymore because of whiny liberal pricks that felt it violated their rights. I don't recall anybody being forced to participate in it. You could keep your seat and not participate. 

Agree 100%. The current state of this country is that we have the freedom of speech as long as it doesn't offend the radical left (everything they disagree with offends them and should be silenced, or else). We have the freedom to practice religion as long as that religion is LGTBQ. The fact that most American schools have removed the American flag and hung the Gay pride flag in it's place should tell you everything. As much as the radical left/LGTBQ preaches love and acceptance. They are the most hateful, violent, aggressive, loud, close minded group of people you'll ever come across when you don't bow down to them. Let's not kid ourselves, the mission to separate God from state has been accomplished. I'm not going to lie tho. We all saw the removal of God coming. But who could've guessed that they would follow that up with the separation of the American flag and the country. It is considered racist to be proud to be an American or to hold up an American flag.

2 hours ago, paradime said:

No shortage of myopic interpretations of God's word, and the moral distortions used to judge others. Your fire and brimstone condemnations are a perfect example.  In fact, if more Christians actually followed the morals and values taught by Christ, this country would be a much better place.

Nowhere in the bible does it tell you not to have a sense of humor. Of course I wouldn't want everyone in these cities to be burnt to ashes from God shooting fire down upon them from the heavens. God would most likely send a messenger to warn the believers. So they have time to escape before God layiths the Smakith down 😆.

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          I hate it when they use "Separation of Church and State" to get their way.

What that really means is that the Government can't dictate which church you attend.

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The separation of church and state has been around in the US forever. God has no place in any classroom but the vacuum shouldn't be filled with something else. Instead of 'In God We Trust' it should be 'In Good We Trust'.



Who has ever believed a prophet? Prophets are just god's way of covering his ass.






I don't believe in abortion as a form of birth control, it's just wrong. Contraception is far better and less of a moral outrage (no moral outrage actually if you think about it) and fuck what the church thinks. Abortion is fine for some other reasons.


Lets face it sex is for fun and recreation and often for love.

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31 minutes ago, paradime said:

While it doesn't effect you, a woman's right to choose is highly restricted, or totally prohibited in 26 states. The same goes for anti-LGBTQ legislation. Texas, Florida, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and Missouri have laws protecting religious discrimination. If it's the opposite, how are your religious freedoms, civil rights, and sexuality being effected? In the religious right agenda, Christianity is not only asserted, but Christian values and beliefs are given legislative privilege by Mike Johnson. 


I was wrong. You do have a sense of humor. This has got to be a joke right ^^^^^??? Are you kidding me? The LGBTQ community is running this joint. I would agree that pre 60s things were bad for them. But things have flipped 180 degrees. The bullied have become the bullies. For people to say that in 2024 people in the Alphabet community are being victimized is just out of a twilight zone episode. We are so far past the line of "acceptance" for this group that the line is no longer a line, it is just a dot now.


Honestly, it's getting so bad now that soon we're going to need to start marching for heterosexual community rights.

Edited by IZRL
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3 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

I don't believe in abortion as a form of birth control, it's just wrong. Contraception is far better and less of a moral outrage (no moral outrage actually if you think about it) and fuck what the church thinks. Abortion is fine for some other reasons.


🤯 Well I'll be.... we agree on something else. That brings us up to a whole 2 things we agree with each other on 🤣. But what is you're beef with the church. Let the church be. The fact that you agree with certain things in the bible doesn't make you a Christian 😆.

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I didn't see anything about the climate causing stokes. It was tobacco, sugary drinks and salt combined with lack of exercise.




20 minutes ago, IZRL said:


🤯 Well I'll be.... we agree on something else. That brings us up to a whole 2 things we agree with each other on 🤣. But what is you're beef with the church. Let the church be. The fact that you agree with certain things in the bible doesn't make you a Christian 😆.


I don't identify as a Christian. I want no part of it. If the bible happens to agree with me it's simply coincidence. Besides even the devil can quote scripture.

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My seawall just went under water today for the 4th time in the last 3 years. This is seawater. It went under twice in the previous 18. Sea level is rising and I am living it. Sorry but at this stage if anyone is still denying climate change,12880.thumb.jpeg.f58b7fff020ea74be99d46168cb27685.jpeg well they is just ignant!

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From 1880 to 2020 it rose 8" From 2013 till 2022 it rose on average just 4mm per year that's about 4cm or 1.5". Maybe you're subsiding. If raining more now perhaps it can't drain fast enough. Maybe Trump's head is affecting the tides.


I'm just 100m from the ocean, maybe 2 meters above high tide. Not in denial.

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I worked at a beachfront town for ten years, and we had a constant problem that the sand was eroding from the shore.  (Hence the water coming much closer to the shore and beach)  The Army Corps of Engineers had built breakwaters to tone down the higher surf to the North.  They also determined that doing so had inadvertently caused some tidal shifts that had caused the sand to head due South causing an opposite effect a few miles away.  


I'm not a climate change denier, but our shore here on the West Coast has been constantly changing for as long as I have lived here.  And the only real constant thing here in California is, we have forest fires in heavily wooded areas in the summer, and then the hills come down in the winter due to the vegetation burning away.  This coincidentally started increasing after the State stopped maintaining and pruning back the vegetation on the land it was supposed to be maintaining.  


The press used to call out the State, but it has shifted to squarely placing the blame on climate change.  Could be climate change, but blaming everything on that is easier for folks to get behind than taking someone to task for screwing up. 


I didn't read the article, other than a sentence or two, but the headline was ten million deaths due to strokes were predicted due to climate change by 2050 or something very close to that.   It was reported on by CNN.


Mike accidentally deleted the post, but no big deal...


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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

From 1880 to 2020 it rose 8" From 2013 till 2022 it rose on average just 4mm per year that's about 4cm or 1.5". Maybe you're subsiding. If raining more now perhaps it can't drain fast enough. Maybe Trump's head is affecting the tides.


I'm just 100m from the ocean, maybe 2 meters above high tide. Not in denial.


Is this Canadian math? 



Screen Shot 2024-04-11 at 8.59.04 PM.png

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3 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

My seawall just went under water today for the 4th time in the last 3 years. This is seawater. It went under twice in the previous 18. Sea level is rising and I am living it. Sorry but at this stage if anyone is still denying climate change,

I'm in "the who the hell knows if the climate is changing or not" team? We haven't been recording the climate for very long. So the climate is changing compared to what? A hundred years?  A 1000 years? 5000 years? This planet's been around for way longer than humans have been keeping track of the temperature. And can we really say how accurately the temperature had been getting recorded, say prior to the 30s?


The problem is not whether the climate is changing or not. The problem is what the WEF is pushing countries around the world to do about it. They are enforcing such strict guidelines on how much fertilizer farmers are allowed to use. That farmers can't produce the amount of food necessary to feed the world or to stay in business for that matter. The WEF's theory goes something like "let millions die of starvation now, so we can save billions a 100 years from now". Im paraphrasing of course but they've already said this publically. Who the hell are these people to allow millions to die today because of something that may or may not happen 100 years from now? 


Also they are pushing towards 100% electric in the name of "saving the planet".  Which isn't possible, and they know it. They also know that in order to produce that much electricity they are going to pollute way more than if we stick with fossil fuels. People did the math on how much electricity it would take to run one fleet of full electric 18 wheelers.  Turns out you could power a small city with what you need. Again more people are going to die because of them trying to get rid of fossil fuels. Many poor rely on fossil fuels to stay warm. 


In short, they are using the "climate change" scare as a means to further their diabolical agenda. 



Edited by IZRL
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12 minutes ago, IZRL said:

I'm in "the who the hell knows if the climate is changing or not" team? We haven't been recording the climate for very long. So the climate is changing compared to what? A hundred years?  A 1000 years? 5000 years? This planet's been around for way longer than humans have been keeping track of the temperature. And can we really say how accurately the temperature had been getting recorded, say prior to the 30s?


The problem is not whether the climate is changing or not. The problem is what the WEF is pushing countries around the world to do about it. They are enforcing such strict guidelines on how much fertilizer farmers are allowed to use. That farmers can't produce the amount of food necessary to feed the world or to stay in business for that matter. The WEF's theory goes something like "let millions die of starvation now, so we can save billions a 100 years from now". Im paraphrasing of course but they've already said this publically. Who the hell are these people to allow millions to die today because of something that may or may not happen 100 years from now? 


Also they are pushing towards 100% electric in the name of "saving the planet".  Which isn't possible, and they know it. They also know that in order to produce that much electricity they are going to pollute way more than if we stick with fossil fuels. People did the math on how much electricity it would take to run one fleet of full electric 18 wheelers.  Turns out you could power a small city with what you need. Again more people are going to die because of them trying to get rid of fossil fuels. Many poor rely on fossil fuels to stay warm. 


In short, they are using the "climate change" scare as a means to further their diabolical agenda. 





I like it when the news says today in Bumscratch the temperature broke a record held since 1897. Which means that in 1897 it was this hot or cold.

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