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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:



dMike may not be posting much here soon with Canada's Online Harms Act, even if its quashed they aren't about 

let go of the ability to shape how you think by restricting what you can say.

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It's to protect the young from sexploitation and hate speech. I don't think Canada can make a forum in the States take down material.


As part of the proposed amendments, “hate speech” would be defined based on Supreme Court of Canada decisions. The Bill defines “hate speech” as the content of a communication that expresses detestation or vilification of an individual or group of individuals on the basis of prohibited grounds of discrimination.


I suppose making fun of Trump and Biden would be covered under the mentally challenged and age discrimination???

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On 3/14/2024 at 3:06 PM, iceman510 said:

Here in Michigan, my property taxes can only increase based on tax increment changes while I own the house.  The assessed value can increase, but not the taxation based upon it.  When you sell the next sucker gets the new market valuation as the assessment "uncaps" and taxes become based upon it.  Some of the same problems remain with inflated values, but not continual valuation increases being taxed.  My home value has gone up approximately 70% in 9 years, but the taxes only about 10% or so.


I can't remember exactly how it worked in Illinois where I lived previously, but I stayed out of cities and lived in a small town or rural areas where my taxes were usually half or less for more property.  Limited services, but most cities you don't get garbage, water or sewer for your property tax payment anymore anyway.

Whereabouts in Mich? I lived in Flint and have family in Grand Ledge

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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

It's to protect the young from sexploitation and hate speech. I don't think Canada can make a forum in the States take down material.


As part of the proposed amendments, “hate speech” would be defined based on Supreme Court of Canada decisions. The Bill defines “hate speech” as the content of a communication that expresses detestation or vilification of an individual or group of individuals on the basis of prohibited grounds of discrimination.


I suppose making fun of Trump and Biden would be covered under the mentally challenged and age discrimination???

So you qualify as a law breaker and Justine Trudeau is watching you. Watch your back the Canadian Mounties are coming to get you. Shit never mind, if you're hating on Trump they'll cut you some slack.

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23 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Did Trump defame Carol again the other day in a speech?



Does this push the penalty above $1 billion?


Did YOU hear him slander that bat shit crazee woman again, in that video?  I did not.  I did hear him refer to her, I did hear him refer to the ridiculous situation, I did hear him call the judge crooked etc, but I did not gather any slander towards her.  What are your thoughts?

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16 hours ago, paradime said:


Right, because you're well informed on Trump Social, and I'm just an ignorant Trump hater.  Phooey!!   






I'm actually not active on Truth (Trump) Social!  😏😉

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17 minutes ago, yenpit said:


Did YOU hear him slander that bat shit crazee woman again, in that video?  I did not.  I did hear him refer to her, I did hear him refer to the ridiculous situation, I did hear him call the judge crooked etc, but I did not gather any slander towards her.  What are your thoughts?

This slander thing is such a joke. Trump says something most likely true and it's slander. Look at all of the accusations etc. said about Trump and he's yet to stoop to the childish level of suing thousands of people for slander. I'm kind of surprised he hasn't put more effort into it just for fun.

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On 3/14/2024 at 6:56 PM, john510 said:

Death threats are wrong of course. And that shit comes from both sides. We're talking about the inconveniencing of us regular people just trying to go about our day. The right wing people are NOT doing this like the lefties are. Antifa and BLM have been quiet lately but they sure did some damage. And of all places, where they live. Talk about stupid. Now we have the Palestinian supporting idiots making things difficult for people that have nothing to do with the situation. They want support from us so they block freeways and intersections ?  That's even dumber than burning down your own city. What I think it's really about is young dumb kids that don't have much of a future and they know it.


           Why is it that none of these idiots protest HAMAS for not releasing the hostages?

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14 minutes ago, angliagt said:


           Why is it that none of these idiots protest HAMAS for not releasing the hostages?


Because in their secret hearts they approve of the murdering and raping that was done

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1 hour ago, yenpit said:


Did YOU hear him slander that bat shit crazee woman again, in that video?  I did not.  I did hear him refer to her, I did hear him refer to the ridiculous situation, I did hear him call the judge crooked etc, but I did not gather any slander towards her.  What are your thoughts?


If he was guilty the first time on less then definitely will go down this time.


1 hour ago, john510 said:

Which name ? Justine Trudeau or Donald J. Trump ? 



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2 hours ago, yenpit said:


Did YOU hear him slander that bat shit crazee woman again, in that video?  I did not.  I did hear him refer to her, I did hear him refer to the ridiculous situation, I did hear him call the judge crooked etc, but I did not gather any slander towards her.  What are your thoughts?


Well he has already been found guilty of the charges so by saying she made false accusations and (again) denying them he is calling her a liar. Slander: to damage someone's reputation by making a false spoken statement about them. Calling her a liar is a false statement. This guy just cannot STFU, he just can't help himself. This is what happens when you are not spanked enough when learning about consequences or were never taught as a child. You grow up a child.

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41 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

 by saying she made false accusations and (again) denying them he is calling her a liar. 

Do you realize how much sense that doesn't make ? If you deny accusations against you you're calling somebody a liar ? LOL.

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10 hours ago, iceman510 said:


Yes, very disturbing those right-wing crazies stalking Kavanaugh and threatening Amy Coney Barrett.  Oh wait...


Right-wing nut shooting congress members at a softball game.  Oh wait...


Your crazy-right wing congresswoman nepotism-specialist Maxine encouraging everyone to harass Trump voters, others saying never let people who support Trump have a job again.  Oh wait...


FBI arresting the dudes here in Michigan for a supposed plot to kidnap our Governor/witch that were so unenthusiastic about it when not drunk the FBI plant had to give them constant pep talks to get them to stay interested in the plot.  


Yea, the right is responsible for all the violence and rhetoric.  Maybe a lot of the rhetoric, but a lot of bluster (which of course the left is allowed to say in the mainstream media with impunity) and not much real action.  Oh, and don't bother to try and bring up the great January 6th trespass affair.  More info out this week that Capitol police perjured themselves on facts in the Proud boys case.  Dude claiming to be a witness to certain events wasn't even in the same building at the time.


So it's a R v L competition over who's more violent? Look who's celebrating violent political rhetoric right here, then tell me how it's justified because these "F'n libtard peduifiles" are destroying your country. You win bro.





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1 hour ago, john510 said:

Do you realize how much sense that doesn't make ? If you deny accusations against you you're calling somebody a liar ? LOL.


Before a court decision it's alleged. After a ruling it has to be legally, a true fact. The case was decided that she was right and Trump was not. So by calling her a liar after (in so many words) you are slandering her... Slander: to damage someone's reputation by making a false spoken statement about them.


Trump is an idiot and can't learn any lessons. His narcissism won't allow him to take advice contrary to his view of things.


If you were him (I wouldn't wish this on anyone) and you lost the case would you be so fucking stupid as to shoot your mouth off and cost yourself $5 million, then turn around and do it again for $80 million? then do it a possible third time for $??????

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5 hours ago, angliagt said:


           Why is it that none of these idiots protest HAMAS for not releasing the hostages?

Don't forget sexual mutational. They really like that one, sick fuckers! I wonder how the protesters would feel if victims of that? 

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9 hours ago, paradime said:


So it's a R v L competition over who's more violent? Look who's celebrating violent political rhetoric right here, then tell me how it's justified because these "F'n libtard peduifiles" are destroying your country. You win bro.





No competition really. The left wins by a landslide. Violence and rhetoric.

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Knowing this and with Jan 6 fresh in their minds would a landslide victory be such a good idea to try and pull off? Wouldn't getting rid of the competition by legal action be more palatable to the other camp? I mean he's basically handing them a victory right now.



8 hours ago, Ooph! said:


The first time I watched one of her video's I thought she was an AI


I watch the odd one but they are usually a bit esoteric and hard to follow.

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21 hours ago, paradime said:


So it's a R v L competition over who's more violent? Look who's celebrating violent political rhetoric right here, then tell me how it's justified because these "F'n libtard peduifiles" are destroying your country. You win bro.



Well unfortunately my point flew right by you apparently, or you chose to morph it into something else you found more preferable to attack. 


It's not a competition, but the typically stated approach from most media sources is that conservative supporters have the propensity for violence, and liberals don't ever do any, when that is not factual.


I don't think anyone here is celebrating violent political rhetoric (please, stop the premise that speech itself is violence).  


Yes, TJ likes the term "libtards".  Personally not much of a fan of ad hominem (but Biden has lost it, so we can call him ___________ factually).


I believe there may be a substantial number of pedophiles with Democratic voter registration.  Some Republicans too probably, but the public supporters of most of the dangerous things espoused are liberals.  If you personally don't feel concerned at all about the goal to sexualize young children and/or teach them age inappropriate materials, I suggest a bit more introspection.


As to destroying the country, I would agree that there are many things happening that seem pointed to damaging if not eliminating the basic building blocks of civilization. much less the foundations of American civilization.


I'm not trying to win, nor even convince you of anything.  Your opinion of your opinion seems strong, but that doesn't make you correct about all subjects upon which you weigh in.  You are not the only one who does research.


Hope you are well sir.

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On 3/15/2024 at 6:45 PM, frankendat said:

Whereabouts in Mich? I lived in Flint and have family in Grand Ledge


I'm south of Flint in the I 96 corridor area, south of Howell.  

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47 minutes ago, iceman510 said:


I'm south of Flint in the I 96 corridor area, south of Howell.  

Flint get any better? My father told stories of industrial ave and places you shouldn't be, especially after dark, but during the day too. Go an be needin AMBLANCE

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