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8 hours ago, paradime said:


Trump's lawyers were staling, and let the time run out because, as usual, he had no evidence to prove his case. That's been his standard MO for decades of using the court system as his personal PR stage. In reality, dude's been on a legal losing streak since 2016; to the tune of 1 victory, 7 ongoing cases, and 76 lost. Definitely not the first time he brought a BS case and had to pay up for his antics. On the other hand, out of 71,954 defendants in federal criminal cases, in 2022 only 0.4% went to trial and were acquitted. This review of court records is from Pew Research.


E. Jean Carroll #1 Lost Ordered to pay $5 million. On appeal.
E. Jean Carroll #2 Lost Ordered to pay $83 million. On appeal.
New York business fraud Lost Ordered to pay $454 million. On appeal.
Hillary Clinton Lost Case dismissed, Trump fined $1 million for frivolous lawsuit.
Steele dossier Lost Ordered to pay legal fees of $382,000.
Pulitzer Prize board Ongoing Defamation suit over awarding prize for coverage of Russiagate.
New York Times and Mary Trump for publication of tax information Lost Dismissed by judge. Trump ordered to pay legal fees of $392,000.
62 suits over election fraud All lost 61 suits lost immediately, 62nd lost on appeal.
Mary Trump et al. against Trump over exclusion from will Won Suit dismissed, then Mary lost again on appeal.
Georgia election fraud Ongoing Of 19 co-defendants, four have pleaded guilty so far. Trump's case hasn't been scheduled yet.
Classified documents (federal) Ongoing  
Stormy Daniels hush money Ongoing Trial set for March 25.
Strzok/Page charge of political retribution by Trump Ongoing A judge has ruled that Trump can be deposed.
January 6 (federal) Ongoing  
CNN defamation (2020) Lost Dismissed by judge.
CNN defamation (2022) Lost Dismissed by judge.
New York Times defamation (2020) Lost Dismissed by judge.
Washington Post defamation (2020) Lost Dismissed by judge.
WJFW-NBC defamation (2020) Lost Dismissed by judge.
Michael Cohen Lost Dropped by Trump shortly before he would have been forced to give a deposition.
Trump University Lost All three suits settled for $25 million in restitution.
Trump Foundation Lost Foundation shut down, Trump ordered to pay $2 million restitution.
Letitia James misconduct Lost Dismissed, then dropped by Trump on appeal.
Six lawsuits against Trump related to January 6 Ongoing Judges have ruled that the suits can proceed.



I didn't have time to go over the whole list.

The Georgia case is on hold for two weeks while the judge attempts to find a way out of removing the District attorney and lead prosecutor for lying under oath, fraud and other crimes. The delicious part of the story is that they brought it upon themselves through the lover boys (chief prosecutor) divorce proceedings. If you want to see what real fraud looks like the testimony of attorney Ashleigh Merchant about Fani Willis and Nathan Wade are an excellent example.

4 co defendants took plea deals with reduced charges.


Georgia election fraud Ongoing Of 19 co-defendants, four have pleaded guilty so far. Trump's case hasn't been scheduled yet.
Edited by Ooph!
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On 3/8/2024 at 11:00 PM, john510 said:

The law isn't in place yet and we're already seeing what the new normal will be. No cashier to take your order, you use a kiosk now. Taco bell, Carl's Jr. and McDonalds have already started it. Fortunately my favorite Burger joint still uses real people and won't be part of that shit. Screw Panera Bread for donating to Newsom's bullshit.


Here in Commie Colorado too.  I'm old school, love talking to people, so the kiosk thing took some time to get used to, but I do it.  It is mind numbing how many other people, mostly older people, get upset about "being told to use the kiosk".  I have seen people turn right around & leave.  Luckily, the McD's I go to (once every 2-3 weeks), has a couple of very cute, very friendly young ladies, that really go out of their way to help people on the kiosk.  Good management decision.

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2 hours ago, yenpit said:


Here in Commie Colorado too.  I'm old school, love talking to people, so the kiosk thing took some time to get used to, but I do it.  It is mind numbing how many other people, mostly older people, get upset about "being told to use the kiosk".  I have seen people turn right around & leave.  Luckily, the McD's I go to (once every 2-3 weeks), has a couple of very cute, very friendly young ladies, that really go out of their way to help people on the kiosk.  Good management decision.

When told to use the kiosk I go elsewhere. If any of these places can't use an employee to spend 30 seconds taking my order they don't deserve my business. And they don't get it. Taco Bell (which sucks anyway) is the worst at doing this. Taco Bell is a last chance, desperation place anyway.

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20 hours ago, datzenmike said:


I don't make fun of the mentally handicapped as a rule. But I can try.


So when is the Great Debate happening??? Can you just take a minute and try, just try to imagine these two dullards on the same stage??? I imagine two dogs trying to fuck the same football.



Mike just admitted Trump isn't mentally handicapped ? With all he's posted about Trump I never thought I'd see this. LOL

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'Cmon man, mentally handicapped was directed at Biden, Duh!


After that I called them both dullards. (for Trump this is rather generous) He was reasonable for his age before 2020, certainly better than Sleepy Joe but the last few years, as the walls close in, has seen a huge degeneration in temperament which comes from believing your own bullshit wild claims. The hundreds of millions in judgments against him so far. (must be rough trying to come to terms with it being your own loud mouth that caused 50% of it and the other 50% was poor legal representation which was 100% his choice) Haven't even got to the good federal stuff yet. 2024 is going to be a long, long, long road of disappointment and loss for the Donald. Basically he's loosing it while he's loosing it. 



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19 hours ago, paradime said:


Gene was smart enough to abandon this shit hole shortly after he started it. It's Mike's world, we just live in it for shits n' giggles.


I expect you can say the same thing about the USA, it is the Democrats now(that they won that election is debatable), and there is absolutely nothing to giggle about, and I am calling them Democrat to be nice as there is nothing Democratic about them anymore, since 2019 when the Democrats deployed their terrorist army in the cities of this country it has went down a deep shithole, the light above is getting smaller and smaller, and when the Democrats claimed they had won the election in 2020 their terrorist army stood down without a complaint, and if you cannot see that for what it is....................................................


You know the Vermin running this country consider you and me Vermin, I got this tidbit of information from someone I know that worked for the first Bush in office, they(Bush/Clinton/Bush at that time) describe you and me as prairie dogs/rats that have overpopulated the areas they live in, they consider us vermin that needs to be exterminated, this was at the same time that Bill Gates was supposedly helping the Africans with vaccines(more like experimenting on them), Bill Gates even did an hour long program on PBS about how there are too many people and it was not sustainable, there is also a published healthy population for this planet according to the "World Health Association", that number was also on the Georgia Stonehedge Guidestones/Rocks that got blown up, search it, I provided a link below also, read the "Inscriptions" section for what was written on the stones.









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3 minutes ago, angliagt said:

      GAZA PROBLEM SOLVED! - Arcata,CA City Council did it!



I find it funny these local Governments think their stupid resolutions have any meaning in that conflict. I support a ceasefire myself. As soon as Israel wipes Hamas off the map. These people supporting Palestine seem to have forgotten one very important fact. Hamas started this one when they attacked civilians. 

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Agree. They fucked up big time last fall but have been spoiling for it for much longer. All they know is hate, like most Arab nations they can't even get along with themselves. Sorry but this is what I see. When the US really gets serious about a cease fire that's when you know Israel is almost finished the job. Notice they could have done more but didn't to give them time to end Hamas first. Bloody rough on the civilians though. 


1 hour ago, wayno said:


I expect you can say the same thing about the USA, it is the Democrats now(that they won that election is debatable), and there is absolutely nothing to giggle about, and I am calling them Democrat to be nice as there is nothing Democratic about them anymore, since 2019 when the Democrats deployed their terrorist army in the cities of this country it has went down a deep shithole, the light above is getting smaller and smaller, and when the Democrats claimed they had won the election in 2020 their terrorist army stood down without a complaint, and if you cannot see that for what it is....................................................


You know the Vermin running this country consider you and me Vermin, I got this tidbit of information from someone I know that worked for the first Bush in office, they(Bush/Clinton/Bush at that time) describe you and me as prairie dogs/rats that have overpopulated the areas they live in, they consider us vermin that needs to be exterminated, this was at the same time that Bill Gates was supposedly helping the Africans with vaccines(more like experimenting on them), Bill Gates even did an hour long program on PBS about how there are too many people and it was not sustainable, there is also a published healthy population for this planet according to the "World Health Association", that number was also on the Georgia Stonehedge Guidestones/Rocks that got blown up, search it, I provided a link below also, read the "Inscriptions" section for what was written on the stones.










Where to begin...


The Democrat terrorist army burned down Democrat cities didn't it? Am I wrong??? could have it wrong, don't know. That's like shooting yourself in the foot, right? They probably wouldn't have survived that shit in red cities. So how does burning down your own cities further your aims???


Bill Gates can believe that we are not sustainable, hell I do too, but could at the same time be able to alleviate some suffering in Africa where no one else gives a shit. Is there proof that he's up to something shady or is this you own personal conspiracy theory?


It's so much easier to believe someone, such as the unknown worker for Bush who claimed that we are vermin, if we ourselves believe this too. Isn't that the definition of confirmation bias? I'd be the first to admit that there is a whole lot of wasted skin out there. Do politicians look down on us? I look down on them, so why not?


So 500 million people globally is considered sustainable? could be, says who? That's the population of 1,600.


Guidestones..... ridiculous. This is what happens when you have too much money and too few brains. Why in 3 or 4 dead languages??? like a few thousand years from now they are going to know Sanskrit??? Does anyone here read any language from just 2,000 years ago???  

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6 hours ago, yenpit said:


Here in Commie Colorado too.  I'm old school, love talking to people, so the kiosk thing took some time to get used to, but I do it.  It is mind numbing how many other people, mostly older people, get upset about "being told to use the kiosk".  I have seen people turn right around & leave.  Luckily, the McD's I go to (once every 2-3 weeks), has a couple of very cute, very friendly young ladies, that really go out of their way to help people on the kiosk.  Good management decision.


When I was traveling to San Diego weekly, I would stop at a McD on the way, and one day they insisted it was kiosk only.  I told them I don't like self serve and that's why I was going to go to a Donut Shop across the way.  2 weeks later, I drove by and saw a line by the front counter.  I'm assuming they improperly read the room wrong and the "kiosk only" idea went over like a turd in the punch bowl. 


The Home Depot is the same way except the local store still keeps a cashier or two.  I always tell them how much I appreciate having a cashier..



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On 3/9/2024 at 8:09 AM, thisismatt said:


No, this is a misunderstanding of how your loan works. You do not "pay the interest first". It may look that way because your loan is so large at the beginning, and you're always paying the same percentage of interest for the loan at any given time.  Your interest is a smaller percentage of your monthly fixed payment as your principle goes down, because your principle is less.  You are free to make larger principle only payments any time you want, which would shorten your term and reduce your total interest, but the fact of the matter is when you first start and owe $200,000, the bank is going to charge you your interest rate on $200,000, and if you only pay the amortised amount for a 30-year loan, then most of those first years are going to be interest because you aren't paying the principle down quickly enough. That's what you agreed to by getting a 30-year loan. You can get a shorter loan for not much more per month and pay tens of thousands less in interest.

I use simple terminology, because I am simple, even if word choice will not withstand strict scrutiny. You are correct that I pay a similar percentage of interest for a loan at any given time. I say similar, because it rarely works out exactly, when attempting to reverse the math. You are correct it is what I agreed to, as a free American I could have chosen to live in a box and I could have chosen a shorter loan with a higher payment, but it would have cut into my caviar budget. I could have made larger principle payments, but again, I would be deprived of Russian fish eggs on my morning toast. 

Now there are fees and general bank fuckery, but keeping simple. Interest is a racket unto itself created to obscure usury and sharp dealing, simple says I give you $100,000 for a house. I think that house is worth more than $100k and for giving you the 100k to buy the house, I want $200k on a payment plan, which we agree, not to exceed 30 years. If you do not make payments as promised, I keep whatever money paid and the house and sue you if the house and what has been paid is less than $200k.  


It's funny that the above deal, on its face, seems worse than what is offered by many lenders. But using online loan calculators, the monthly payment necessary to repay $200k is $555.56. Repayment of a $100,000 loan, over 30 years at an rate of 8% is a total repayment of $264, 155.25, with a monthly payment of $733.76. (Neither monthly payment includes fuckery fees)


Someone might say that rich people (banks) can get a better return on their money than doubling over 30 years, which is true, most of the time. The difference is mortgages are secured (Bank keeps whatever money paid and the house and sue you if the house and what has been paid is less than agreed) AND home loans are insured by the Federal Government. Home loans are low risk and therefore low reward (in simple terms) Still doubling $100k in 30 years is an annual return just over 5%, which isn't terrible for a low risk investment.

So, returning to my thesis, Banks and bankers are motherless whores who will be first against the wall when the revolution comes.

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I was afraid I remembered that wrongly. Just imaging those antifa assholes trying that in a GOP run state.

There was a small group that protested in Boise;  I avoided the Capital and all of downtown. The police came out in force, because of the number of pick ups with AR-15's on display. Like, I assume is 99% of the time, there was an extreme amount of posturing, very little action. I kept my distance, but felt like Cedric the Entertainer. (Kings of Comedy) 

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1 hour ago, Duncan said:


   I'm assuming they improperly read the room wrong and the "kiosk only" idea went over like a turd in the punch bowl. 





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30 minutes ago, frankendat said:

I use simple terminology, because I am simple, even if word choice will not withstand strict scrutiny. You are correct that I pay a similar percentage of interest for a loan at any given time. I say similar, because it rarely works out exactly, when attempting to reverse the math. You are correct it is what I agreed to, as a free American I could have chosen to live in a box and I could have chosen a shorter loan with a higher payment, but it would have cut into my caviar budget. I could have made larger principle payments, but again, I would be deprived of Russian fish eggs on my morning toast. 

Now there are fees and general bank fuckery, but keeping simple. Interest is a racket unto itself created to obscure usury and sharp dealing, simple says I give you $100,000 for a house. I think that house is worth more than $100k and for giving you the 100k to buy the house, I want $200k on a payment plan, which we agree, not to exceed 30 years. If you do not make payments as promised, I keep whatever money paid and the house and sue you if the house and what has been paid is less than $200k.  


It's funny that the above deal, on its face, seems worse than what is offered by many lenders. But using online loan calculators, the monthly payment necessary to repay $200k is $555.56. Repayment of a $100,000 loan, over 30 years at an rate of 8% is a total repayment of $264, 155.25, with a monthly payment of $733.76. (Neither monthly payment includes fuckery fees)


Someone might say that rich people (banks) can get a better return on their money than doubling over 30 years, which is true, most of the time. The difference is mortgages are secured (Bank keeps whatever money paid and the house and sue you if the house and what has been paid is less than agreed) AND home loans are insured by the Federal Government. Home loans are low risk and therefore low reward (in simple terms) Still doubling $100k in 30 years is an annual return just over 5%, which isn't terrible for a low risk investment.

So, returning to my thesis, Banks and bankers are motherless whores who will be first against the wall when the revolution comes.


I guess I disagree with your premise, then.  If I paid the rest of my principle right this minute, I would not pay any of the interest I would have if I paid it over the term of the mortgage loan.  The bank is giving you a loan with interest, simple as that.  If you take a $100k mortgage, pay $90k of it (and whatever interest it accrued over the time you were making those $90k payments) and then can't pay the rest of the loan, you will not lose everything.  If you're not an idiot, you sell the home for market value and pay the $10k you owe the bank and pocket the remaining money from selling at market value.  If you're an idiot, you allow the home to go into foreclosure and you lose additional money, but not all, to the bank in fees and due to the "as-is" nature of a foreclosure sale.  If you are underwater on the loan due to market conditions, well, that's different, but it's still not the bank screwing you.

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47 minutes ago, thisismatt said:


I guess I disagree with your premise, then.  If I paid the rest of my principle right this minute, I would not pay any of the interest I would have if I paid it over the term of the mortgage loan.  The bank is giving you a loan with interest, simple as that.  If you take a $100k mortgage, pay $90k of it (and whatever interest it accrued over the time you were making those $90k payments) and then can't pay the rest of the loan, you will not lose everything.  If you're not an idiot, you sell the home for market value and pay the $10k you owe the bank and pocket the remaining money from selling at market value.  If you're an idiot, you allow the home to go into foreclosure and you lose additional money, but not all, to the bank in fees and due to the "as-is" nature of a foreclosure sale.  If you are underwater on the loan due to market conditions, well, that's different, but it's still not the bank screwing you.

If you disagree with my premise, then it is a much broader discussion of free will. The subtleties of compelled action coerced action and forced action or compelled choice, coerced choice and forced choice in relation to freedom of choice, as it relates to inequality in a capitalist system. I am a proponent of free will even though those with much greater minds than mine have abandoned it. 

There is more complexity in your other examples, so I will engage the final. If I am underwater on the loan due to market conditions, the bank has recourse - suing me for the remainder. Banks rarely lose. The last time banks were set to lose, the taxpayers, those burdened by sharp dealing Banks, gave Banks money.
A family home is an investment but should not be allowed to be treated like a commodity. It is a cannon of law that every piece of real estate is unique, yet Banks use mortgages like playing cards.

I stand behind my earlier no interest loan solution. An upfront "fee" for family home lending (commercial properties are a completely different animal)

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58 minutes ago, frankendat said:

If you disagree with my premise, then it is a much broader discussion of free will. The subtleties of compelled action coerced action and forced action or compelled choice, coerced choice and forced choice in relation to freedom of choice, as it relates to inequality in a capitalist system. I am a proponent of free will even though those with much greater minds than mine have abandoned it. 

There is more complexity in your other examples, so I will engage the final. If I am underwater on the loan due to market conditions, the bank has recourse - suing me for the remainder. Banks rarely lose. The last time banks were set to lose, the taxpayers, those burdened by sharp dealing Banks, gave Banks money.
A family home is an investment but should not be allowed to be treated like a commodity. It is a cannon of law that every piece of real estate is unique, yet Banks use mortgages like playing cards.

I stand behind my earlier no interest loan solution. An upfront "fee" for family home lending (commercial properties are a completely different animal)


I'm not arguing that banks aren't sleezy in other ways, only that there isn't really anything unscrupulous about a regular mortgage loan and the associated interest. The housing crisis is being exacerbated by other things (inflation, interest rates, wage stagnation, etc), but the way you made it sound was that you expect the lender to give you an essentially interest free loan for the first so many years so you can pay down the principle and not pay so much interest. But who would do that?  I don't like how much interest we have to pay, so we did a 15-year and I've been trying to throw more at the principle when we can.

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9 hours ago, john510 said:

I find it funny these local Governments think their stupid resolutions have any meaning in that conflict. I support a ceasefire myself. As soon as Israel wipes Hamas off the map. These people supporting Palestine seem to have forgotten one very important fact. Hamas started this one when they attacked civilians. 


         I agree.Read the comments below the story - good to hear that there's

still some people there.

         There's a University in Arcata,& they made the mistake of changing the

election of City Council to when school's in session,so the tend to decide how

the city is run,as they are a majority there.


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