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I've got a question for the dems on this thread. I've already listed most the reasons of why I'm voting red these elections. What is your reason for voting blue? 


Is the right really that bad? What is it that makes them so horrible? We are living in a time when democrats of even just 40 years ago are now considered to be right wing extremist by the dems of today. That's when you know things have gotten out of control on the left. The right on the other hand is starting to look more like the democratic party of yesteryear IMO. So what is it?







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2 hours ago, IZRL said:

I've got a question for the dems on this thread. I've already listed most the reasons of why I'm voting red these elections. What is your reason for voting blue? 


Is the right really that bad? What is it that makes them so horrible? We are living in a time when democrats of even just 40 years ago are now considered to be right wing extremist by the dems of today. That's when you know things have gotten out of control on the left. The right on the other hand is starting to look more like the democratic party of yesteryear IMO. So what is it?


Who cares? All the pieces that the Bolsheviks set up in prior to the 20s fell into place by the 60s.

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On 3/2/2024 at 12:17 PM, john510 said:

If you think a ballot harvester/volunteer looking to sign up voters isn't influencing or suggesting who to vote for I have some oceanfront property to sell you just north of Phoenix Arizona. It's dirt cheap and I'm willing to negotiate. Don't be so trustworthy of those with an agenda and are full of hatred for the opposing party. That would be foolish. And to be fair here I wouldn't approve of it if the right made it common practice. It should be illegal everywhere no matter who does it.

how much are you asking? lmao.

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      When I lived in CA,they'd borrow money from one area to fund another,

with the promise of "We'll replace it later",which never seemed to materialize.

         And DMV vehicle fees are among the highest in the US,but the roads

are pretty bad in a lot areas.as the money tends to go for a lot of things that

aren't directly vehicle-related (General Fund).

           Here in Virginia,we pay a fair share of taxes,but at least the roads seem

to be in really good shape.

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5 hours ago, IZRL said:

I've got a question for the dems on this thread. I've already listed most the reasons of why I'm voting red these elections. What is your reason for voting blue? 


Is the right really that bad? What is it that makes them so horrible? We are living in a time when democrats of even just 40 years ago are now considered to be right wing extremist by the dems of today. That's when you know things have gotten out of control on the left. The right on the other hand is starting to look more like the democratic party of yesteryear IMO. So what is it?







Not a Dem and probably going to skip voting this year its lose lose. The biggest issue facing  both sides is thier candidates suck. No way I am voting for the Orange blob and we have yet to see who makes on the Dems ticket. I still believe we are in for a bait and switch. Some people can overlook Trumps issues but a lot cannot. 

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8 hours ago, IZRL said:

I've got a question for the dems on this thread. I've already listed most the reasons of why I'm voting red these elections. What is your reason for voting blue? 


Is the right really that bad? What is it that makes them so horrible? We are living in a time when democrats of even just 40 years ago are now considered to be right wing extremist by the dems of today. That's when you know things have gotten out of control on the left. The right on the other hand is starting to look more like the democratic party of yesteryear IMO. So what is it?







One word answer: GLOBALIZATION; the homogenization of human culture into a more easily controlable unit. All the individual gripe-and-whine issues are individual tools of that effort. Climate change/manipulation, population reduction, misinformation/disinformation witch hunts, monument/history destruction & alteration, scamdemics, economic turmoil, mass relocation of global populations, and the overall dumb-down of developed country populations through media/academic institutions are some of the easily tagable tools of the globalists behind the curtain. The tool kit contains many more and idealogically polarized think-tanks are adding new tools regularly.


The object is to severely reduce and redistribute world population and establish new universal laws/regs, currency, customs, etc. and homogenize the planet and beyond. Allows for the power-brokers at the top to increase and more easily manage their growing assets and control.

Edited by difrangia
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also this thread is hilarious. yall have really been bickering back and forth about politics for the past 3 years right here 😂. in my opinion none of this crap matters. the economy and climate are doomed indefinetly, just keep driving our old ass cars until we cant anymore and try not to worry. because there aint nothing we can do about it no matter who gets elected whether or not youre red or blue cause in the end it wont matter. statistics tell us time and time again that the whole human race will most likely be in shambles in 50 years or less because of the climate, inflation and wage crisis happening everywhere, not to mention the oldhead perverted fascist dickheads on all side running everything everywhere around the world... 


thats my two cents. i mean no disrespect to anyone just stating facts straight and simple.

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1 hour ago, nathan.is.an.idiot12312 said:

also this thread is hilarious. yall have really been bickering back and forth about politics for the past 3 years right here 😂. in my opinion none of this crap matters. the economy and climate are doomed indefinetly, just keep driving our old ass cars until we cant anymore and try not to worry. because there aint nothing we can do about it no matter who gets elected whether or not youre red or blue cause in the end it wont matter. statistics tell us time and time again that the whole human race will most likely be in shambles in 50 years or less because of the climate, inflation and wage crisis happening everywhere, not to mention the oldhead perverted fascist dickheads on all side running everything everywhere around the world... 


thats my two cents. i mean no disrespect to anyone just stating facts straight and simple.



On 2/28/2024 at 5:59 AM, datzenmike said:

All politicians (or anyone in a position of power over others) should be called out unmercifully for their bullshit and it pointed out to their supporters and minions. When the butt-hurt flows, I know the arrow has flown true to it's target. Ridiculing of a politician (or anyone in a position of power over others) and doing it well, has to be one of the highest forms of humor there is. Many a truth is spoken in jest.


On 2/27/2024 at 2:27 PM, datzenmike said:

Destruction cracks me up every time. Yesterday I had to change my pad three times.


I have the greatest fun here because I'm first of all not invested in the US election and secondly I look for humor in the current events. (watch this...)


So is everyone ass healed from Tucker's (absolutely unneeded) Russian history lesson and pro Russian propaganda 'interview'

from 3 weeks ago???? 


Civil penalties and legal costs will sink Trump long before he gets to his federal crimes. What is it now about $600 million? Can't afford the bond to go to appeal and no bank in their right mind will lend him the money because he's fucked them in the past or is fucking them now or will in the future. Paying Stormy Daniels hush money is not illegal but he had one time enthralled legal stooge Michael Cohen do the drop and rather than simply paying him back with out of pocket money Trump, lying cheap prick that he is, recorded it as paying him legal fees which IS illegal. His defense? "This is politically motivated election interference." TSHTF in just over 20 days Donny, wear your diaper.. 





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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:





I have the greatest fun here because I'm first of all not invested in the US election and secondly I look for humor in the current events. (watch this...)


So is everyone ass healed from Tucker's (absolutely unneeded) Russian history lesson and pro Russian propaganda 'interview'

from 3 weeks ago???? 


Civil penalties and legal costs will sink Trump long before he gets to his federal crimes. What is it now about $600 million? Can't afford the bond to go to appeal and no bank in their right mind will lend him the money because he's fucked them in the past or is fucking them now or will in the future. Paying Stormy Daniels hush money is not illegal but he had one time enthralled legal stooge Michael Cohen do the drop and rather than simply paying him back with out of pocket money Trump, lying cheap prick that he is, recorded it as paying him legal fees which IS illegal. His defense? "This is politically motivated election interference." TSHTF in just over 20 days Donny, wear your diaper.. 






I hope your head falls in your OATMEAL, you TDS riddled.................oh crap, I just fell for his bait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😝🤣😜


I'm sure you will like this................



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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:





I have the greatest fun here because I'm first of all not invested in the US election and secondly I look for humor in the current events. (watch this...)


So is everyone ass healed from Tucker's (absolutely unneeded) Russian history lesson and pro Russian propaganda 'interview'

from 3 weeks ago???? 


Civil penalties and legal costs will sink Trump long before he gets to his federal crimes. What is it now about $600 million? Can't afford the bond to go to appeal and no bank in their right mind will lend him the money because he's fucked them in the past or is fucking them now or will in the future. Paying Stormy Daniels hush money is not illegal but he had one time enthralled legal stooge Michael Cohen do the drop and rather than simply paying him back with out of pocket money Trump, lying cheap prick that he is, recorded it as paying him legal fees which IS illegal. His defense? "This is politically motivated election interference." TSHTF in just over 20 days Donny, wear your diaper.. 





You tell us if your ass is healed from Tucker's Russian history lesson. You seem to be the one that was so upset by it. And I'm not sure if I've asked you this before but is TDS physically painful ? Or is it just something inside the mind that causes delusional thoughts ? 

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Geez I mention what a hack and a puppet he is and you run to his defense and Putin's. Delusional is not seeing what a tyrant and dictator Putin and the orange blob really are and where Trump is taking you all.... well if he's not broke and or not in jail come next year.  

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1 minute ago, datzenmike said:

Geez I mention what a hack and a puppet he is and you run to his defense and Putin's. Delusional is not seeing what a tyrant and dictator Putin and the orange blob really are and where Trump is taking you all.... well if he's not broke and or not in jail come next year.  

How many times do I have to say it ? Putin's a thug, I don't like him, I don't support his war etc. Do you get it this time ? Find where I've ever defended Putin please. Talk about delusional. I have no idea why you would even think that. Not supporting the Ukraine war is NOT a defense of Putin. Now what about the TDS being painful ? 

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On 3/3/2024 at 1:40 AM, paradime said:


Sure, I know that song. And the BS wheel spins round and round, Dens crying Reps suppress their votes, cuz that's our election way! 🎵


Like it or not, an 18 yr old American has the same right to vote as you or me. I registered to vote my senior yr of High School, and my first Presidential election, I voted for Reagon. After Iran Contra, I regretted it, but I learned the truly ugly meaning of politics, and that integrity has nothing to do with a party's professed values. It was another 5 yrs before I went to college, and by then I was already the battle hardened political cynic you known love today. 

I voted Red until college, but even then couldn't turn my back on the NRA and voted independent. Clinton won, he cut defense spending and my G.I. Bill dropped about $30 a month. Living on the G.I. Bill is living lean and it stung a bit. If you remember the independent party received many votes from Republicans that year, which greatly aided Democrat victory, that was the final straw. I felt I threw my vote away and took it in the shorts. Since then I vote with the NRA but I have never been in a "Red" income bracket. I find it is easier to bitch about change and support counter culture with a full stomach. On a side note, the Government weasels freedoms away on an unprecedented level, there is a new Idaho (maybe other places) "free" cell phone plan for lower income folks. I guess it is easy to qualify and a friend of a friend was telling a group of us all about it. The plan allows hook up to the internet from anywhere with a wifi connection and if there is no wifi around it hooks up to the internet through  a cell connection. Sign up and get a free cell phone and free tablet (I think cell to wifi)I looked through his stuff and found some web addresses for terms and such BUT I know sure as the nose on my face it is a data harvesting bonanza. I also remember that cell phones especially internet phones do not carry the same privacy protections as landlines AND free shit never has protections, search history, websites, banking info I joke that I pay a company to allow me to carry my own self surveillance but this is the GOVERNMENT actively bugging the low income. To know where they go where they are what other phones they hang out with, what they say during their conversations and on and on and on. The friend of the friend thought I was a kook, he said, "Hey, it beats a $50 a month cell phone bill and a $40 dollar internet bill", his wife got one too. Nothing is free. So, how bad will the economy need to get before you sign up for one? It's not today, but pay phones are gone and I need to check on my mom (500+miles away) and my sister, my bank stopped sending out paper statements last year, account info on the internet.............how long

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14 hours ago, thisismatt said:

Yeah, maybe we'll see a bit of a shift this upcoming election now that more people have woken up to the covid grift.  But, on the other hand, maybe not.  People get conditioned to the "way things are", like gas prices and inflation where nothing ever returns to the way it used to be and we just move along


Sorry for the "I have too much time on my hands today" thing, but had to say Word to ^^^. My brain can't sit still, and I can't work on my Dat so...


Seems kinda quaint now, but they used to call that instability in oil prices and its effect on inflation "part of the new normal". In terms of our ability to navigate those bumps in the economy, I'd say shit hasn't been "normal" since 1971 when Nixon abandoned the Gold Standard to back the US$. At that point it was set adrift on the open market, globalization became an imperative for the strength of our $, and put our workforce on a never ending treadmill of debt.


Here's what the road to $33.4 trillion looks like: 

Unemployment was 3.4% when Johnson left office. After Nixon/Ford's 8 yrs, we had high budget deficits, 7.4% unemployment, the oil embargo, the collapse of managed currency rates to fight inflation, and our debt went up 50.7%. With crushing inflation during Carter's 4 yrs, his bitter pill was raising the prime interest rate to 18.5%, and he raised US debt by 29%. With broad deregulation (including the the Airlines, and Savings and Loan industries) along with lowering the capital gains/corporate tax rates, Reagan spurred the economy from the top to bring down inflation, which caused one crisis after another throughout the 80s. In Ronny's 8 years, he raised the debt by 160%, and HW Bush's 4 years tacked on another 42.3%. in Clinton's 8 yrs 28.6%. In 8 yrs, Bush Jr started 2 wars poring a shit ton of money into the economy, he tanked the entire banking industry, and racked up another 72.6%. Inheriting GW's wars and the Great Recession, during Obama's 8 yrs, he added another 67.6%. After Trump's 4 years of the greatest economy in US history, that gave us another 40.5%. Strapped with CV-19's economic fallout, the subsequent jump in unemployment and rate of inflation, during Biden's 3.25 yrs, his contribution to the debt so far is 16.67%


Figures sourced from https://www.investopedia.com/us-debt-by-president-dollar-and-percentage-7371225


It was Reagan's political packaging as an honest fiscal conservative that got my vote. Definitely felt like a complete idiot teenager for believing that shit. Being registered as an independent means I can't vote in the presidential primaries, so BF'nD. Small price to pay for not waring a team jersey like an easy mark, and no one begs me for money to support their BS cause, so win win. 


IMHO, the best way to choose a candidate is to ignore their party's BS value messaging. To understand who a candidate really is, find out who their biggest donors are, formal endorsements, signed propositions, voting history, and mercilessly factcheck their rhetoric.


that said, I have ZERO F'n clue what to do when neither candidate is fit for office. I tried sitting it out for Donny vs the Hillda Beast and spent 4 years regretting it. Not proud of it, but I'll give you 3 guesses for who I'm voting for in November. 

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1 hour ago, Mattndew76 said:

My BTC and Gold values are through the roof. Keep on fucking shit up Biden. 


It's been a very very good week for me.


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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Not supporting Ukraine is the same as stepping aside and letting him walk through the door. If you really don't support Putin's war don't do nothing.

No it's not. Bullshit. He's already walked in the door. I blame Trump for not nuking Russia when he had the chance. 

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5 hours ago, frankendat said:

I also remember that cell phones especially internet phones do not carry the same privacy protections as landlines AND free shit never has protections, search history, websites, banking info I joke that I pay a company to allow me to carry my own self surveillance but this is the GOVERNMENT actively bugging the low income. To know where they go where they are what other phones they hang out with, what they say during their conversations and on and on and on. The friend of the friend thought I was a kook, he said, "Hey, it beats a $50 a month cell phone bill and a $40 dollar internet bill", his wife got one too. Nothing is free. So, how bad will the economy need to get before you sign up for one? It's not today, but pay phones are gone and I need to check on my mom (500+miles away) and my sister, my bank stopped sending out paper statements last year, account info on the internet.............how long


I went to phoenix this week and stopped at a Taco Bell. I couldn't believe it. They have self order stations. Big screens where you enter your order while you're standing inside the damn restaurant. First off it took me about 4 times longer to order my food than it would've taken for a cashier to take my order. But most importantly they ask for you to enter your email address or phone number to send you your receipt. No option to print it. I opted for no receipt.  Up until now I've been entering my phone number to get my receipt texted at walmart's self check out thinking, I'm saving that planet one receipt at a time. But for some reason standing at that Taco Bell, it just felt wrong. Now I'm thinking it's just a genius way for America to slowly Amp up their surveillance state. Everyday we lose a little bit of privacy in this country. All in the name of convenience and safety.


What you reminded me of when you said nothing is free. Is from back when Windows 10 was released. Every single Microsoft operating system upgrade before W10 cost you a good chunk of change. All of a sudden after Windows 7. Microsoft announces that they are giving Microsoft 10 out for free. That threw up all kinds of red flags for me. I talked to other people about the fact that I thought something shady was going on and nobody batted an eye. To tell you the truth I haven't really gave much thought about what the play was with this, so I haven't figured it out, but I know it isn't nothin. Like you said, I heard free and I went into high alert.

Edited by IZRL
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