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Just now, datzenmike said:

I'll just err on the side of caution.

unfortunately we don't have that luxury. We're gonna have to vote for one of these clowns soon. No other way to get you're info other than through whatever sources you trust the most.

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"Tucker Carlson's First Discussion since Putin interview". Just finished watching this. Was posted about 7hrs ago on youtube. If you want to see someone question and push Tucker about Putin's interview. I'd recommend watching this short interview.



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2 hours ago, IZRL said:

unfortunately we don't have that luxury. We're gonna have to vote for one of these clowns soon. No other way to get you're info other than through whatever sources you trust the most.


Well that's what most people should do. You're just smarter than most.

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On 2/8/2024 at 5:31 PM, john510 said:

I know we've all been taught/conditioned to hate Putin and Russia but have an open mind and watch some of the Tucker Carlson interview. I'm watching bits and pieces of it and it makes me wonder if he's really all that bad compared to what we have running our country right now. I learned that the Biden administration tried to keep Carlson from doing that interview. They tried to keep Fox news from doing it while Carlson was still employed there. WTF is that shit ? 

Hate Russia? I like Russians and know a few, but make no mistake, Russia is very different from here. Ask a Russian to publicly question or disagree with their government, their elected official, even their supervisor and see the difference.

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On 2/4/2024 at 11:00 PM, IZRL said:

I just started posting to destruction and am already strongly considering stopping. I'm one level from reaching "Tin Foil Hat" level when it comes to these topics 🤣. I might be forcefully shunned from this topic if I keep it up. But seriously can anyone give me another explanation for why our Government is putting all their effort towards turning men into females? Weakening their minds and bodies? Why are they deliberately dumbing down the US population? Why are so many countries following the ideas set forth by the "World Economic Forum"? What does the WEF's end game consist of for "we the pawns"? I've already posted my thoughts on these questions in my prior posts so I won't repeat them. But not one of the moves that are being made by the powers (US gov and their puppet masters) point towards the united states keeping the #1 spot as a world power. At least not in my mind. Do you really think any of the young new age cupcakes are going to go off and put their lives on the line to defend this country? Who's fault is that?


When it comes to taking a political side. I think picking a political side and sticking to it no matter how crazy it gets is the worst thing you can do for this country. I don't understand how people can blindly follow a candidate no matter how unqualified or crazy they are, just because they're running for your party. I don't consider myself to be the sharpest tool in the shed. But I know enough to know that its best to question everything.

I gave you a solution last week and was accused of "not questioning" I question more than a third grader in a sex toy store. I face reality and create a hierarchy of needs. Safety for family is the highest priority, followed by food, water, shelter and I follow along with Maslow on the rest, more or less. Only a fool puts his complete trust in others to address his priorities. I will remain armed, the democrats continue to attack the right to be armed, therefore I will not vote democrat. I do not leave the door to my home open, I lock the doors on my Datsun and cannot imagine the ignorance of leaving the gates of America open. The democrats opened the boarders of my country, therefore I will not vote democrat. Those are my top priorities, for all the ignorance of the republicans, they treat my priorities with greater respect than the democrats. There are many important issues, on which the republicans fail, but I created my hierarchy and will vote accordingly.

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On 2/4/2024 at 4:34 PM, frankendat said:

I would post more to destruction, but my thoughts haven't changed. The boarders were opened, which bought the election. Millions of new blue votes in a contest that formerly was a difference of thousands. I am waiting for the Democrats to concede issues like official ID required to vote or other Republican anti voter fraud demands, because Democrats know they have the numbers on their side. It is no matter who the Republicans chose to represent, I will vote for an eggplant over a Democrat.


I wasn't disagreeing with you. I was agreeing with the first part of your comment. "I would post more to destruction, but my thoughts haven't changed." Which is why I started my response with "I just started posting to destruction and am already strongly considering stopping." I shouldn't have quoted your entire comment, just the part I was referring to. The rest of my response wasn't directed at your comment believe it or not. I will not be voting Democrat these coming elections either.

Edited by IZRL
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17 hours ago, Chuck Most said:

I just find it odd to see so many hardcore conservatives on a Japanese car forum. I thought y'all believe driving "Jap scrap" is basically treason. Or is that okay now?


I don't see that as odd. Conservatives tend to like things of value, things that last, not current fads. It's more odd that their are liberal/progressives running Datsuns that skirt emissions laws and aren't considered "green".

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3 hours ago, thisismatt said:


I don't see that as odd. Conservatives tend to like things of value, things that last, not current fads. It's more odd that their are liberal/progressives running Datsuns that skirt emissions laws and aren't considered "green".

Being a car guy transcends moronic political steriotypes like these. A Datsun doesn't give a flying fuck about your sex, religion, nationality, race, emissions laws, or your political arguments. Show some respect, and leave Datsuns out of this mess.

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29 minutes ago, paradime said:

Being a car guy transcends moronic political steriotypes like these. A Datsun doesn't give a flying fuck about your sex, religion, nationality, race, emissions laws, or your political arguments. Show some respect, and leave Datsuns out of this mess.

Best reply in Destruction for a long time. 

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4 hours ago, paradime said:

Being a car guy transcends moronic political steriotypes like these. A Datsun doesn't give a flying fuck about your sex, religion, nationality, race, emissions laws, or your political arguments. Show some respect, and leave Datsuns out of this mess.

I recently kicked a guy out of the Datsun classifieds group on FB after he went off about a guy's motor swapped Z and how he was breaking emissions laws. I mean it wasn't until he started cussing people out for suggesting that maybe classic cars weren't for him, but...


Yeah, he was from Santa Barbara 🤣

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WW2 showed that the US could produce vast amounts of armaments winning against the Japanese by weight of numbers. If you were 18 at the end you'd be almost 100 today, maybe your great great grandfather, so not a lot of vets that can tell you much about fighting the Japanese but their kids now around 75? maybe your grandfather? or their kids at around 50? your fathers? may have heard stories passed down. Hate isn't naturally occurring, it's learned, and the first few generations after the war would have the most dislike for the Japanese. In the early '60 a kid in our class Wing Chong (obviously Chinese) took a lot of verbal abuse. VW bugs were Kroutmobiles and old vets seeing one driving down the street would glare at them like invaders.


After the war a lot of money and equipment was invested in Japan to raise it up. Most of the industrial equipment were very out dated and most products were total crap and Made In Japan was a term for crap quality. By the mid '70s the pupil was teaching the master how to build automobiles, good, reliable, cheap on gas, cheap to fix, relevant and filling a need. Took complacent GM/Ford/Chrysler decades to figure out where their sales went and change their mind set. 


Remember the rising sun hoods? There were people even back 15 years ago that didn't like this. I still wouldn't drive a bug with a swastika on the door.

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6 hours ago, paradime said:

Being a car guy transcends moronic political steriotypes like these. A Datsun doesn't give a flying fuck about your sex, religion, nationality, race, emissions laws, or your political arguments. Show some respect, and leave Datsuns out of this mess.


          But,if you drive a Prius or EV,it makes you a far superior person

who is saving the World for the rest of us.

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

Are you admitting you're not smarter than most ? 


IZRL's opinion on selecting truthfulness in his news sources is smarter than most. There's smart and then there's knowing some stuff. Smart would be doing something with stuff you know. I know some stuff about Datsuns and the smart thing for me to do would be to spread it around and learn more from others. Oh, you mean like politics? I've learned a lot about the people here and politics in the three and a half years Destruction has been around. (though it's all relative as I knew almost nothing to start with) Is there anything smart you can do with what you or I have learned about politics? Three things, you could avoid it for the vulgar thing it is, you could become a politician and roll around in it, or last, you could argue about it providing yourself with hours and hours of entertainment and the odd hearty laugh. 

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16 hours ago, IZRL said:


I wasn't disagreeing with you. I was agreeing with the first part of your comment. "I would post more to destruction, but my thoughts haven't changed." Which is why I started my response with "I just started posting to destruction and am already strongly considering stopping." I shouldn't have quoted your entire comment, just the part I was referring to. The rest of my response wasn't directed at your comment believe it or not. I will not be voting Democrat these coming elections either.

As much as I despise what has become the democratic party and truly believe they, as a whole, are proactively attempting to change America into a Communist country. Oh no, not a Communist country, a Socialist country, but to make sure every one contributes their fair share, at first they might need to be a little Communist or a touch Fascist, just until those "domestic terrorists" are rounded up. Once the baddies are gone it will be cake and ice cream for everyone. The same story told in every Communist country since the beginning of time. (Funny, none of them got past the "first be Communist/Fascist part.) 
BUT as long as someone is a fellow American and believes in such concepts as individual liberty and responsibility I can concede there can be "grey". I do not fault someone whose hierarchy ranks freedom to chose what is right for their own body at the top, neither do I fault those who place the protection of innocent life at the peak. I realize some compromise is necessary to live in a community 

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1 hour ago, angliagt said:


          But,if you drive a Prius or EV,it makes you a far superior person

who is saving the World for the rest of us.


The show South Park did a hilarious send-up on Prius drivers.  IIRC, they all got together and held parties that consisted of them smelling (and enoying the smell) of their own farts while congratulation each other on how much good they were doing..



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2 hours ago, frankendat said:

As much as I despise what has become the democratic party and truly believe they, as a whole, are proactively attempting to change America into a Communist country. Oh no, not a Communist country, a Socialist country, but to make sure every one contributes their fair share, at first they might need to be a little Communist or a touch Fascist, just until those "domestic terrorists" are rounded up. Once the baddies are gone it will be cake and ice cream for everyone. The same story told in every Communist country since the beginning of time. (Funny, none of them got past the "first be Communist/Fascist part.) 
BUT as long as someone is a fellow American and believes in such concepts as individual liberty and responsibility I can concede there can be "grey". I do not fault someone whose hierarchy ranks freedom to chose what is right for their own body at the top, neither do I fault those who place the protection of innocent life at the peak. I realize some compromise is necessary to live in a community 


I wonder if anyone else ever question the curious fact that covid-19 had an age limit (I've been wondering this since the beginning)? Why was it mostly affecting people over 40? Kids and teens were practically immune to it. Most viruses affect the very young and the very old. This virus was tweaked in a lab. This virus was specifically engineered to take out the last of the generations that still have knowledge of what America used to be IMO. Those who still know the laws, rights, freedoms that made this country what it is today. The new generations are programmed, primed and ready to summit to what's coming. None of these cupcakes are gonna resist whatever they got planned. My other thought on covid was that it was meant for population control (less humans in the world) and to also test how far they could push the boundaries). The WEF seems to be hell bent on the idea that there are too many humans on this planet and that they have to take action to fix this problem. What are the odds?


“For almost every infectious disease, the most vulnerable populations are at the extremes of age — the very young and the very old,” said Stanford Medicine professor of microbiology and immunology and of pathology Bali Pulendran, PhD. “But with COVID-19, the young are spared while the old are emphatically not.

Edited by IZRL
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Hang on to your panties folks I just saw this Google notification last night. And just now that I turned on my computer I got this notification from Microsoft.  It has begun.  I'm going to keep an eye out for ways to remove this "Microsoft Copilot" AI B.S. off my computer.


tTVjxIJ.jpg                    9ZfiF2v.jpg




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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

I haven't seen this at all. You're using facts not in evidence. Maybe this should be in the Tin Foil section of the Co Vid post?


I was just sharing something I have been wondering. Never said my conclusion was fact. Everything else is searchable. This thread is about the destruction of America. In my mind these are the type of questions we should be asking ourselves when it comes to this topic. But your probably right, this stuff might not be right for this thread.  I am going to dial way down on posting to destruction and covid. It's not good for my soul to be pondering about this stuff so much 😬.

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7 hours ago, frankendat said:

As much as I despise what has become the democratic party and truly believe they, as a whole, are proactively attempting to change America into a Communist country. Oh no, not a Communist country, a Socialist country, but to make sure every one contributes their fair share, at first they might need to be a little Communist or a touch Fascist, just until those "domestic terrorists" are rounded up. Once the baddies are gone it will be cake and ice cream for everyone. The same story told in every Communist country since the beginning of time. (Funny, none of them got past the "first be Communist/Fascist part.) 
BUT as long as someone is a fellow American and believes in such concepts as individual liberty and responsibility I can concede there can be "grey". I do not fault someone whose hierarchy ranks freedom to chose what is right for their own body at the top, neither do I fault those who place the protection of innocent life at the peak. I realize some compromise is necessary to live in a community 

         I really wish that the people supporting this agenda would

go live in a Communist/Fascist country for a while.They'd find out

that it works in theory,but not in reality.

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11 hours ago, datzenmike said:


IZRL's opinion on selecting truthfulness in his news sources is smarter than most. There's smart and then there's knowing some stuff. Smart would be doing something with stuff you know. I know some stuff about Datsuns and the smart thing for me to do would be to spread it around and learn more from others. Oh, you mean like politics? I've learned a lot about the people here and politics in the three and a half years Destruction has been around. (though it's all relative as I knew almost nothing to start with) Is there anything smart you can do with what you or I have learned about politics? Three things, you could avoid it for the vulgar thing it is, you could become a politician and roll around in it, or last, you could argue about it providing yourself with hours and hours of entertainment and the odd hearty laugh. 

Truthfulness in news sources ? Where do I find that ? Some are far more truthful than others. Most of them ignore the negatives about our leader while focusing on the guy that isn't. What I've learned about politics and trying to be smart ? Start with don't vote for those that put Americans behind others. Vote for America first, the rest can get in fucking line behind us. And this is exactly why I despise the Democratic party. They didn't used to be this way and I wonder what has changed their mindset. Unless of course they're working on total control over America with no opposing party.

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