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A vegan and a vegetarian jump off a cliff in a race to see who can get to the bottom first. Who wins?











































Society. Society wins.

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 Come on snowflakes. The Francis routine is weak sauce. This is distraction were we support our opinions. If this makes you feel uncomfortable, you're in the wrong place.  Instead of throwing around cliche insults trying to shut this down, save us all and change the topic of discussion. 

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Here's my solution for car thieves it is permanent and doesn't involve jail. If you ever saw the show "bait car" where the police put a car where it is likely to be stolen then follow the thieves, shut down the car and lock the crooks in by remote control then arrest them. I have an extra step that assures no reoffending. Phosgene gas! Just a little fatal puff as the car coasts to a stop. Unlock the doors and let the vermin run free. It takes a while for them to die so they run and hide and then let the clock run out for them without a chase or any violence. Air out the car, reset and repeat. Just like putting out poison for mice. They eat the poison then they crawl off and die somewhere. Hopefully not in your walls. Fentanal seems to be working the same way.

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7 hours ago, paradime said:

 Come on snowflakes. The Francis routine is weak sauce. This is distraction were we support our opinions. If this makes you feel uncomfortable, you're in the wrong place.  Instead of throwing around cliche insults trying to shut this down, save us all and change the topic of discussion. 


Waaaaa? I simply resort to humor when the going gets serious.


Can a topic be changed? diverted from it's course? I think that like Thetis, mother of Achilles, forewarned that her son was doomed to fall in battle, hid him in a harem disguised as a girl in an effort to alter fate. Odysseus, sent to collect this well known ultimate and invincible warrior for the siege of Troy, knew of the trick but could not just barge into the harem of the king of Skyros and search for him. Disguised as a merchant of fine silks he displayed his wares to the women of the harem but cunningly hid a sword amongst his offerings. True to his nature the young Achilles selected the sword and outed himself, was trundled off to Troy and the rest is history.

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 A priest, a rabbi, and a lawyer walking into a bar, and the bartender says "Oh no you don't!!! We don't like your kand of jokes here." So they sued him for discriminating against shitty punch lines. The story of Achillles slaying the Trojan price Hector seems just as effectively incongruent humor to break up our conversational subterfuge. 


And I'll throw in a cliche for good measure.






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11 hours ago, paradime said:

 A priest, a rabbi, and a lawyer walking into a bar, and the bartender says "Oh no you don't!!! We don't like your kand of jokes here." So they sued him for discriminating against shitty punch lines. The story of Achillles slaying the Trojan price Hector seems just as effectively incongruent humor to break up our conversational subterfuge. 


And I'll throw in a cliche for good measure.








Lets break it down to "shit happens". Is it fate and inevitable? or can fate be turned aside. If it can't be changed we all have an appointment in Samarra sooner or late and discussion about altering discussions in Destruction is just masturbation. Alright... masturbation for entertainment then.

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57 minutes ago, Ooph! said:


It may burn those that notice but, most don't even feel it.


"Dumb people are just blissfully unaware of how dumb they are."

Patrick Star, 'SpongeBob Squarepants'.


He never felt a thing. 

All I can see is darkness.


Head In Arse.jpg

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4 hours ago, difrangia said:

Not directed at anyone here; just had to share.





Logic does not apply to the ADL's liberal woke agenda. At the same time, I see hate speech on both sides as a reflection of ignorance and fear propagated by our malignant political propaganda machine. Political strategists have destroyed logic and critical thinking to serve their hold on power. Stupid sheeple are manufactured through tightly orchestrated corporate media brainwashing. It is the antithesis of woke.

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2 hours ago, paradime said:


 Stupid sheeple are manufactured through tightly orchestrated corporate media brainwashing. It is the antithesis of woke.


Excuse me if I'm missing the satire or sarcasm I don't see either fonts.


By "tightly orchestrated corporate media brainwashing" 

Do you mean the Union, School Bureaucracy collective media brainwashing?

Edited by Ooph!
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On 9/5/2023 at 2:08 AM, paradime said:


What does the law say about ignorance? Had you read all I said in this thread, your opinion might have been better informed. The plaintiffs here were insurance companies who were financially damaged by these products, NOT a class action suit brought by owners who had their car stolen seeking (extra compensation). Kia and Hyundai paid $200mil to settle this case because they knew that reasonable people believe that a car manufacturer has a minimum responsibility to make a "Theft Deterrent System" that doesn't have a gaping F'n whole in it. I respect your view point, but I see this as a perfectly reasonable expectationJohn saying that I'm in the "blame the car not the crook" camp shows me no respect.







Screen Shot 2023-09-05 at 1.06.12 AM.png

I read what you said in this thread. The core issues, both legal and societal, change little, if at all, whether addressed directly, i.e. a class action suit brought by owners of cars stolen, or indirectly i.e. insurance companies bringing suit to recoup funds paid to owners of cars stolen. 

Who pays?

It is likely all scenarios end in “we”, the collective, the tax payers, the common people pay. The price of insurance increases, because when is an opportunity to increase insurance ever missed. The price of new cars increases as more electronics (this time to deter theft) are forced, the new “modules” or “circuit boards” or whatever are almost always unserviceable, by even a mechanically inclined owner. One more reason for reliance on expensive computer diagnostics and general tech unnecessary “convenience” bullshit. Sites like Ratsun are dying off, as people are forced into technological dependency, “convenience” for a price. A cost exacted from bank accounts and Constitutional freedoms. New cars are not meant to be owned by individuals, that luxury is reserved for the few. The majority own their autos in conjunction with the bank. And in the phone book sized documents that come with borrowing money are waivers that give access to car location, miles, services, etc. etc. etc. New cars (and I include as “new” many cars sold in the last decade) are not only not designed for home maintenance, they have taken steps to thwart it. This is not corporate America looking out for you, this is corporate America gaining more control. While Red and Blue fight, they both willingly compromise to Green (not the environmental green). Lawsuits, like the one in question take money from the common people by increasing the price of new cars, increasing the ownership of new cars, by raising maintenance and insurance costs, while simultaneously offering programs and options to reduce the cost of new cars (or the maintenance or ownership of new cars) to those who sign away some Constitutional rights.

Who is responsible?

A reason I like “Destruction” is more often than not, others believe and often demand, personal responsibility. Theft and safety are inseparable, if you cannot protect your property, you cannot protect your family. Additionally, in the United States (likely everywhere) safety and money are inseparable. 
So, this car is easier than other cars to steal, not obviously easy e.g. any key will turn the ignition or the locks do not remain locked, (Both qualities in cars I have owned) abducting this auto requires electronic “hacking” through a headlight—not obvious. Something I would have neither realized nor considered nor understand. But, this is so rampant, lawsuits and regulations are needed.... A New Tech Boogyman who can only be stopped with money and legislation. 
I have never trusted new tech, don’t trust old tech either, don’t trust “the cloud” or “Facebook” and think it is ignorant to own a car or a house that can be remote controlled. 

The problem: I believe that I am responsible for my family and my property. 

Society, Democrats (currently, but Government always), fear the free man and has effectively stripped much freedom from Americans, through the lure of easing the burden of individual responsibility and forcing dependence through too many campaigns to discuss here. 
These “long form” replies are time eating, skipping to a penultimate point, for the theft of things, like cars, the justice system of the United States lacks deterrent and similar to working on your own car, has placed significant barriers to stop self-help. The current trajectory of the United States is toward socialism which begets communism, which begets injustice and death.


An article was presented for discussion about a lawsuit, involving multi-millions and setting a precedent mandating “difficult theft” as a necessary component in automobiles (raising price, raising cost of operation, lowering self-reliance) Because “we” must have theft hardened cars and you are surprised at pushback?  I don’t require a theft hardened car to protect my car from theft. I would appreciate a resurrection of the law which placed penalty of death for horse theft and identifying the modern equivalent of horse as automobile.

I attempted to understand with my previous post and still think it has merit in a contractual sense. If you are paying for a security system and the one you get is faulty that seems cut and dry. But, I do not agree with forcing non essential options on cars or anything else. A theft deterrent system is not fundamental to car operation, therefore non essential. This is not suggesting a theft deterrent system could not be included with some models and/or an available option and if the system was operational and failed to stop a theft because it was faulty, liability would attach.


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11 minutes ago, frankendat said:

I read what you said in this thread. The core issues, both legal and societal, change little, if at all, whether addressed directly, i.e. a class action suit brought by owners of cars stolen, or indirectly i.e. insurance companies bringing suit to recoup funds paid to owners of cars stolen. 

Who pays?

It is likely all scenarios end in “we”, the collective, the tax payers, the common people pay. The price of insurance increases, because when is an opportunity to increase insurance ever missed. The price of new cars increases as more electronics (this time to deter theft) are forced, the new “modules” or “circuit boards” or whatever are almost always unserviceable, by even a mechanically inclined owner. One more reason for reliance on expensive computer diagnostics and general tech unnecessary “convenience” bullshit. Sites like Ratsun are dying off, as people are forced into technological dependency, “convenience” for a price. A cost exacted from bank accounts and Constitutional freedoms. New cars are not meant to be owned by individuals, that luxury is reserved for the few. The majority own their autos in conjunction with the bank. And in the phone book sized documents that come with borrowing money are waivers that give access to car location, miles, services, etc. etc. etc. New cars (and I include as “new” many cars sold in the last decade) are not only not designed for home maintenance, they have taken steps to thwart it. This is not corporate America looking out for you, this is corporate America gaining more control. While Red and Blue fight, they both willingly compromise to Green (not the environmental green). Lawsuits, like the one in question take money from the common people by increasing the price of new cars, increasing the ownership of new cars, by raising maintenance and insurance costs, while simultaneously offering programs and options to reduce the cost of new cars (or the maintenance or ownership of new cars) to those who sign away some Constitutional rights.

Who is responsible?

A reason I like “Destruction” is more often than not, others believe and often demand, personal responsibility. Theft and safety are inseparable, if you cannot protect your property, you cannot protect your family. Additionally, in the United States (likely everywhere) safety and money are inseparable. 
So, this car is easier than other cars to steal, not obviously easy e.g. any key will turn the ignition or the locks do not remain locked, (Both qualities in cars I have owned) abducting this auto requires electronic “hacking” through a headlight—not obvious. Something I would have neither realized nor considered nor understand. But, this is so rampant, lawsuits and regulations are needed.... A New Tech Boogyman who can only be stopped with money and legislation. 
I have never trusted new tech, don’t trust old tech either, don’t trust “the cloud” or “Facebook” and think it is ignorant to own a car or a house that can be remote controlled. 

The problem: I believe that I am responsible for my family and my property. 

Society, Democrats (currently, but Government always), fear the free man and has effectively stripped much freedom from Americans, through the lure of easing the burden of individual responsibility and forcing dependence through too many campaigns to discuss here. 
These “long form” replies are time eating, skipping to a penultimate point, for the theft of things, like cars, the justice system of the United States lacks deterrent and similar to working on your own car, has placed significant barriers to stop self-help. The current trajectory of the United States is toward socialism which begets communism, which begets injustice and death.


An article was presented for discussion about a lawsuit, involving multi-millions and setting a precedent mandating “difficult theft” as a necessary component in automobiles (raising price, raising cost of operation, lowering self-reliance) Because “we” must have theft hardened cars and you are surprised at pushback?  I don’t require a theft hardened car to protect my car from theft. I would appreciate a resurrection of the law which placed penalty of death for horse theft and identifying the modern equivalent of horse as automobile.

I attempted to understand with my previous post and still think it has merit in a contractual sense. If you are paying for a security system and the one you get is faulty that seems cut and dry. But, I do not agree with forcing non essential options on cars or anything else. A theft deterrent system is not fundamental to car operation, therefore non essential. This is not suggesting a theft deterrent system could not be included with some models and/or an available option and if the system was operational and failed to stop a theft because it was faulty, liability would attach.


I hear, and in essence agree with the points you're making. My apologies for being so childishly condescending in my reply last night. It's been a hell of a rough week, but I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I appreciate your thoughtful words, and your opinion. 

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1 minute ago, paradime said:

I hear, and in essence agree with the points you're making. My apologies for being so childishly condescending in my reply last night. It's been a hell of a rough week, but I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I appreciate your thoughtful words, and your opinion. 

Damn, I think you forgot the special font. It's all good. 

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2 hours ago, paradime said:

I hear, and in essence agree with the points you're making. My apologies for being so childishly condescending in my reply last night. It's been a hell of a rough week, but I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I appreciate your thoughtful words, and your opinion. 




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11 hours ago, paradime said:

I hear, and in essence agree with the points you're making. My apologies for being so childishly condescending in my reply last night. It's been a hell of a rough week, but I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I appreciate your thoughtful words, and your opinion. 

You deal with Nuts all day then come to Ratsun in your off time? Glutton for punishment! May want to seek some help! 😀

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5 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:


You deal with Nuts all day then come to Ratsun in your off time? Glutton for punishment! May want to seek some help! 😀

Word! I'm slowly learning that self masochism isn't the path to enlightenment after all. I think the adage when it rains it pours may better apply here. In this year, my Dad's delt with colon cancer, degenerative disks in his neck had caused paralysis in his right hand a while back, and now it's happening in his left. A few weeks ago his younger brother, and my favorite uncle, was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer. On Friday last week, Pop's girlfriend of 40 years who I love like a 2nd mother, was diagnosed with breast cancer, and both of them have been fighting major depression for quite some time. Needless to say, I'm worried about them. On top of all this, my son just went to Bordeaux France for a job, and for everyone in my family, helping him move has been an emotionally stressful ordeal all it's own. 


As for dealing with nuts all day, I'm no longer able to do that because of my own health issues. To be honest, I lost my patience for dealing with our medical industry's disfunction a long time ago, so it's time for me to move on before I go F'n postal. That said, I can't afford, nor am I ready to retire. Truly, at a breaking down 60 yrs old I need all the help I can get. So with the support of CA Vocational Rehab to stay in the workforce, I'm building a website to begin business 4.0 in Life Coaching. It offers much greater freedom to do what I do without the bureaucratic BS, but it can't happen soon enough to get us out of the red.


Stress can be a great motivator, but too much is an absolute killer. Obviously, we'er all dealing with the shit that comes our way the best we can, and as I see it, acting out in destruction can be a relatively safe and effective way to release life's tension through the toilet of politics. It may not look like it sometimes, but it's safe to say there's plenty of Ratsun primal group therapy going on here. IMHO we all owe Mike a debt of gratitude for managing the outhouse were we can laugh, and "occasionally" drop our pithy stress turds. God save the King Rat.

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53 minutes ago, paradime said:

Word! I'm slowly learning that self masochism isn't the path to enlightenment after all. I think the adage when it rains it pours may better apply here. In this year, my Dad's delt with colon cancer, degenerative disks in his neck had caused paralysis in his right hand a while back, and now it's happening in his left. A few weeks ago his younger brother, and my favorite uncle, was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer. On Friday last week, Pop's girlfriend of 40 years who I love like a 2nd mother, was diagnosed with breast cancer, and both of them have been fighting major depression for quite some time. Needless to say, I'm worried about them. On top of all this, my son just went to Bordeaux France for a job, and for everyone in my family, helping him move has been an emotionally stressful ordeal all it's own. 


As for dealing with nuts all day, I'm no longer able to do that because of my own health issues. To be honest, I lost my patience for dealing with our medical industry's disfunction a long time ago, so it's time for me to move on before I go F'n postal. That said, I can't afford, nor am I ready to retire. Truly, at a breaking down 60 yrs old I need all the help I can get. So with the support of CA Vocational Rehab to stay in the workforce, I'm building a website to begin business 4.0 in Life Coaching. It offers much greater freedom to do what I do without the bureaucratic BS, but it can't happen soon enough to get us out of the red.


Stress can be a great motivator, but too much is an absolute killer. Obviously, we'er all dealing with the shit that comes our way the best we can, and as I see it, acting out in destruction can be a relatively safe and effective way to release life's tension through the toilet of politics. It may not look like it sometimes, but it's safe to say there's plenty of Ratsun primal group therapy going on here. IMHO we all owe Mike a debt of gratitude for managing the outhouse were we can laugh, and "occasionally" drop our pithy stress turds. God save the King Rat.

That about sums it up for me

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Paradime sorry to hear about the recent spate of life kicking you in the plums. You seem to be handling it well considering. Family health issues are extremely distressing because it hurts to see those You care about suffer while leaving you feeling helpless about being able to do anything about it. Stepping out and trying to remove your feelings is difficult. Dealing with aging parents is extremely tough. Watching your father who whipped your butt when you needed it struggle to climb a set of steps is brutal to watch. As much as we wish things would stay the same life is constantly changing. We think America is being destroyed because of change and probably why we are drawn to this thread. Good luck on the next chapter there Coach!

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