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whats wrong with kids these days?!?

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i hate this shit! who is teaching these kids to spell?? and i hate to say this cause it sounds racist, but......well, you know http://dallas.craigslist.org/ftw/pts/931783600.html the shits sad really. he prolly has a kid that cant spell either and that kids going to be worse than him! anyone see idiocracy? movie made a really REALLY good point. not to toot my own horn, but im pretty smart adn i know i take it for granted a lot, but i'm only half this way due to genes and such, the rest was from reading anything i could get my hands on when i was a kid and trying to learn. there is no excuse for this. this was to be just a link laughing at him, but once i got started i couldn't stop....sorry. rant over.



one more thing, he could have at LEAST used spell check.....

Edited by dwnshfter
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You guys think that one was bad, try reading the craigslist ads here in Phoenix, where half the population doesn't even seem to speak proper english.


Dude, don't even get me started as for the reason "what's wrong with kids", it's two fold, I know first hand since my GF was a teacher, and my sister works for CPS.


First, The parents are the biggest problem. Everyone these days thinks their kid is some kind of god/genius, and therefore spoils them to death, and let's them get away with anything. The parents never assume their kid is wrong, and blames everything on anything except for the kid. Heaven forbid, you kid IS actually wrong. They say it's the teachers fault, if the kid fails. Or if the kid acts up in class, the parents will say, "he's just expressing himself". People really need to f@#king start holding their children accountable.


Second, places like CPS have taken things WAAYY to far. Because of this everyone is afraid to actually punish their kid, for fear someone will call CPS on you. All it takes is one tiny comment from a kid to a teacher, and CPS is all over you. So this issue, actually exasperates the first issue


This is going to create a HUGE problem in the next 10 years, as these kids grow older and still think they can do whatever they heck they want, and never be held accountable.


I was at a QT minimart yesterday, and kudo's to this kids dad...... The little boy (maybe 6) was caught stealing gum. The dad yelled at his @$$ like know ones business, then made the kid take the gum back inside to the cashier.

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Being 20 I kinda count as "kids these days", I consider myself pretty intelligent Iv always been a highly over average reader but Im terrible speller (learning disabilities they said lol" right now my Mac has like half this sentence underlined in red but I take the time to use my spell checker and insert some proper grammar so you can actually read my post :lol:

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i hate this shit! who is teaching these kids to spell?? and i hate to say this cause it sounds racist, but......well, you know http://dallas.craigslist.org/ftw/pts/931783600.html the shits sad really. he prolly has a kid that cant spell either and that kids going to be worse than him! anyone see idiocracy? movie made a really REALLY good point. not to toot my own horn, but im pretty smart adn i know i take it for granted a lot, but i'm only half this way due to genes and such, the rest was from reading anything i could get my hands on when i was a kid and trying to learn. there is no excuse for this. this was to be just a link laughing at him, but once i got started i couldn't stop....sorry. rant over.



one more thing, he could have at LEAST used spell check.....


Are you seriously commenting on how someone else's spelling or grammer is?


1. wireing

2. imma

3. prolly

4. adn

5. cant


There are probably more but I know I cringe when reading a dwnshfter post...

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i think people should have some better spelling, and grammer.


however, that doesnt make the person dumb or anything else. I know a guy, who has been a mechanic most his life. He has built hot rods, that have made covers of magazines. Hell, he even invented a couple tools and made a few mill off of them. He owns his own house (2 that i know of), he owns a mechanic shop here in Puyallup. This guy couldnt spell to save his life.

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I'm 36 years old and I feel like an old geezer, and I can't stand bad grammar / spelling.


I think that the problem has always been around to some degree (people too lazy or unwilling to check spelling grammar) but you see it a lot more now, since we all type much more nowadays than before.


Remember when we had to use pen and paper to send a message (what we used to call a letter)? Now we can do it over the net, or on the phone. Just about everything has a built-in spell checker, etc. When was the last time you opened a (hard-copy) dictionary to check spelling or a definition? Why not use them? Because we're lazy...


And today, "English" is not what we speak. I refer to it as "American" or at least "American English". If I listen to an English person speak English, sometimes I have no idea what the hell they are saying (like the guy from band Oasis).


I think that kids today are too lazy to type (or speak) correctly, or else their parents are too lazy to correct them. Also, "Ebonics" is big in our culture, so some of the "kids" think its cool to "talk like dat" so it exacerbates the whole situation.:blink:

Edited by hughdogz
typo: forgot y in everything, lol.
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Are you seriously commenting on how someone else's spelling or grammer is?


1. wireing

2. imma

3. prolly

4. adn

5. cant


There are probably more but I know I cringe when reading a dwnshfter post...



Or how about capitalizing an I or the beginning of a sentence every once in a while.... I'm just sayin', glass houses...

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When was the last time you opened a (hard-copy) dictionary to check spelling or a definition?


i did today :D




I refer to it as "American" or at least "American English".


Also, "Ebonics" is big in our culture, so some of the "kids" think its cool to "talk like dat" so it exacerbates the whole situation.:blink:


dat'd B ENGRISH... :rollseyes:

& .txt aint help'n needer



there is a lot to be said about "ebonics engineering" :mellow:

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Actually, I guess we've been speaking ebonics (jive) for a long time...remember this? :lol:


Randy: Can I get you something?

Second Jive Dude: 'S'mofo butter layin' me to da' BONE! Jackin' me up... tight me!

Randy: I'm sorry' date=' I don't understand.

[b']First Jive Dude: [/b]Cutty say 'e can't HANG!

Jive Lady: Oh stewardess! I speak jive.

Randy: Oh, good.

Jive Lady: He said that he's in great pain and he wants to know if you can help him.

Randy: All right. Would you tell him to just relax and I'll be back as soon as I can with some medicine?

Jive Lady: Jus' hang loose, blood. She gonna catch ya up on da' rebound on da' med side.

Second Jive Dude: What it is, big mama? My mama no raise no dummies. I dug her rap!

Jive Lady: Cut me some slack, Jack! Chump don' want no help, chump don't GET da' help!

First Jive Dude: Say 'e can't hang, say seven up!

Jive Lady: Jive ass dude don't got no brains anyhow! Hmmph!

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Are you seriously commenting on how someone else's spelling or grammer is?


1. wireing

2. imma

3. prolly

4. adn

5. cant


There are probably more but I know I cringe when reading a dwnshfter post...


All languages evolve. It's a fact. It changes. New expressions come into vogue others die out. When I was a kid, parents and teachers would shit a brick if you used the word 'ain't'. If it wasn't in the dictionary... didn't exist. Period. Well with enough use it became more main stream and accepted. I cringe every time is see 'prolly' and have to assume 'probably' is the word that is meant. Hella is another contraction for 'hell-of-a' I assume? A contraction is slightly sloppy and lazy, casual if you will, but poor grammar and bad spelling is unacceptable.


I use spell checker and actually learned a few words commonly used here like 'reservoir' and like other words, found that it was easier to learn it correctly spelt than constantly looking it up on the spell checker list. My top of the list of bookmarks is a dictionary/thesaurus for spelling and meaning. Then Datsun/Nissan related after that. Not saying I'm perfect. Anyone else could do the same and would be much appreciated by the rest of us. Not making fun of others grammar and spelling, some have disabilities but some others could make an effort to communicate clearly by using available tools like the spell check. Wow I have read some posts that are incomprehensible drivel. How the fuck are we supposed to get along if we are too lazy to communicate properly. In Ebonics: We be fucked!


Oh yeah, some words like adn are keystroke errors (and there are lots more) and are out of order or an adjacent key by mistake And that's fine, it happens.... not correcting the mistake is worse than the mistake!

Edited by datzenmike
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