Since I missed out on all the fun of this mornings topic.
Yes I did try and burn out, and yes there apparently was 2 police cars sitting at lincoln center finishing up on some crackheads trying to steal meds.
First off, it was more trying to do a power break, which was all but impossible, even with that bad ass supercharger that boosted my 550cc engine to a whopping 41bhp! After giving up on the power break I did manage to get a tiny bit of wheel spin, all in front of the cops lol. Drove around the parking lot, 4x4'ed on a curb because I was flexin hard for the gf on how offroad capable my van was, then the cop rolled up lol.
Really cool guy, was trying to fuck with us telling me, I could give you exhibition of speed, reckless driving, no insurance, no registration blah blah, but he was smirking the whole time. Was a fun pull over, we were all laughing because we look so rediculous in this tiny van, and the officer and officer in trainging were both saying how awesome the van was.
He had to give me a ticket since he had a in training officer, but it was only failure to register, and said he would tell the judge to drop it if I had it registered by the time of the court date. The pic robert snapped was just as he was backing off. He basically told me, drive home after we leave lol.
Engine bay shot for the requesting. YES LOOK AT THAT SUPERCHARGER!!!!
Proof lol