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Covid-19 Prepared?

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Well don't just give in and quit, cause some trouble. Push back as hard as you can. They don't know you so fall to the ground and do the funky chicken. Have some alka seltzer tablets so you are foaming at the mouth. Practice speaking in tongues. For all they know you may have Tourette's syndrome



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I feel I do a fairly good job of giving strangers around me the opportunity to say "WTF".


For instance, I drive this on a regular basis.


Edited by KELMO
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59 minutes ago, KELMO said:

I feel I do a fairly good job of giving strangers around me to say "WTF".


For instance, I drive this on a regular basis.



A high school buddy drove a red/red oxide primer 1971 1200 with the 12in slotted mags, was heavily mod'd with Clifford Research parts, big LOUD exhaust!  He & his brothers drove Datsun's, which is where I got my interest in them, although it took me until around 1993 to get my first 510! 😎

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Stay strong folks don't give into the constant fear mongering!  As George W. Bush once said "There's an old saying in Tennessee...I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says...fool me once,shame on......shame on you. Fool me.................you can't get fooled again".


Read below this line at you're own risk! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->


The Gov has gotten into the habit of trying to keep us in a state of constant fear/panic. Does anyone else remember that after 9/11 they created the color-coded terrorist threat advisory scale? Even when it was first being implemented, 1. I question who and how they decided the threat level should go from orange to red and then back to orange in just a matter of a few days(which i thought was more hilarious than scary)? 2. I wondered if it was a way to keep us in a state of constant fear? Now Covid-19 is created in a lab and leaked. The gov then does everything possible to put out stats that are far far worse then they actually were. They silenced all scientist, well they silenced pretty much everyone who spoke out against the fake stats. They took our freedom and forced people to take an experimental vaccine. Now they're going back to the same style of fear tactics used after 9/11. Which by the way I don't even want to get into the similarities I see between the creation/tweaking and leak of covid-19 and the attacks on 9/11.

Today not only are they trying to extend the fear of covid and are clawing to maintain the control they had over the population during that time. Now the new fear/panic tactic is the whole end of the world scare due to climate change. Which interestingly enough all the counter measures that are currently being implemented and the ones that are going to be implemented in the near future to combat this. Make life substantially worse or impossible for the average/below average pawn.


I didn't take the vaccine. Those who questioned my decision got the same answer "There are two coins I could flip, I can either flip the experimental vaccine coin which could possibly kill me in 5-10 years, or I could flip the anti-vax coin, and risk dying from covid"."I choose the latter, and everybody should have the right to choose which coin they want to flip without having to be judged for it."

All this to say. We all willingly gave up our freedoms during covid because we were lied to. I'm going to do whatever i can to not make that same mistake.

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15 hours ago, datzenmike said:

So he's a Nordic white supremacist? It's so confusing these days.

Nordic yes, but how in the Hell did you get "white supremacist" out of that explanation? Nothing in that article has anything to do with that in any way.


Ohhh I see, you're using the Leftist definition ....🤣




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  • 2 weeks later...

Fear is fed daily..extreme weather..every thunderstorm is extreme or catestrophic or even just heavy...it's a thunderstorm ffs!

It's across the globe this fear mongering crap


Extreme heat/dry/storms/rain/cold..and it goes on.  How about extreme generosity.  Extremely good governance ..not with most of the idiots running in government here and the globe 

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2 hours ago, RyanC said:

Fear is fed daily..extreme weather..every thunderstorm is extreme or catestrophic or even just heavy...it's a thunderstorm ffs!

It's across the globe this fear mongering crap


Extreme heat/dry/storms/rain/cold..and it goes on.  How about extreme generosity.  Extremely good governance ..not with most of the idiots running in government here and the globe 

The insurance agencies are eating it up and turning it around as reason to increase rates 30-200, 300, 400%

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2 hours ago, RyanC said:

Fear is fed daily..extreme weather..every thunderstorm is extreme or catestrophic or even just heavy...it's a thunderstorm ffs!

It's across the globe this fear mongering crap


Extreme heat/dry/storms/rain/cold..and it goes on.  How about extreme generosity.  Extremely good governance ..not with most of the idiots running in government here and the globe 

Yea no kidding.A few weeks back we had our media reporting on a hurricane that was going to hit Southern California.It was actually a tropical storm and not nearly as bad as they predicted.It rained hard a for an hour or two and then drizzled all day.It had to be very disappointing for the media that they couldn't report death and destruction.

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