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  • Location
    Newcastle - Australia
  • Cars
    Datsun 1500 Ute 620
  • Interests
    Fishing Hunting Cars Datsuns Nissans

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  1. Dam lucky that fire didnt get any further the garage looks a bit ordinary. Mine was a similar colour then repainted diamond white. What air management etc or just valves etc Rust repairs looking good, these your own work? Tig or mig?
  2. You might have to post min times before able to attach directly. Wht bag setup are you running?
  3. I'm down the hunter Newcastle way. Get up to Casuarina/Kingscliff area everyyear. When responding down the bottom there is an paperclip icon and you can drag photos here. They are limited on size or click choose files
  4. Welcome...where downunder are you? Fire is never nice hopefully its salvagable.
  5. Yep people love 1600s not surprised at all you get all the waves. Good going on the efi and I did drive mine without a booster daily, however I think with the booster attached and not working its worse again but you get used to it. What brakes are on this still stocko's?? I had 200b sss struts and brakes up front and no rears for a while lol. Looking forward to seeing how the rally motor goes and keep the videos coming.
  6. Can't help with the AC but plenty of room for a rear mount turbo in our trucks. My bil friend did one on one of our Aussie Holden utes works quite well. If it saves some room?
  7. Yep I would say timing tensioner spring as per the others. Def worth running a coolant flush through her by the looks mine wasn't that bad. Beware, where you drop it will kill any grass etc ask me how I know thankfully not a big deal for me. Also I think it needs another after pulling my manifolds again still some sign of gunk but figure once running reguarly it will help clean it. Use the best coolant you can find.
  8. Love this!! Brother inlaw has put a tesla unit in the back of his 260z, wiring up batteries etc in the front etc and then onto the controller and charging, slowly but surely coming together. I wondered about the gearing just select a gear and use it, nice.
  9. Hey mate your getting in deeper 😄 I got the vrs from eBay. Hope she goes back together straight forward and your other half sounds like a keeper.
  10. Never good having trouble with your knob 😁 Like Mike said do you have a multimeter or 12v test light. Super handy. I bought a spare head light switch which I think was Aussie $50 or so from ebay as I am using it for some day driving lights on the LED setup.
  11. I pulled the head on the ute in the garage used the tray pulled all the valves and put the beast back together over a few nights. If I had a whole day def doable on a Sat or Sunday. Should be able to get a VRS kit and timing kit for gaskets and valve seals. That could just be fuel burn in the rear with lights at night be interesting if she smokes under acceleration or when you back give it some stick and then close the throttle.
  12. RyanC

    Y44 v8

    Yep our local gen 3 5.7 ls1s were alloy we had lots of them in the Holden's but think they weren't common in the states.
  13. RyanC

    Y44 v8

    LS with remote water pump electric fan setup and custom radiator everything else is gonna be custom sooo hmmm 🤔
  14. RyanC

    Y44 v8

    What about hall effect and a megasquirt or other. Arduino based ecu similar just to drive ignition? Some here in Aus for 300 Au
  15. RyanC

    Y44 v8

    Thanks Adam, anychance you can measure the length or near enough rear of engine to crank pully wheel outside etc? Looks pretty compact like most pushrod v8s.
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