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Covid-19 Prepared?

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So Aug first, Sunday I was to a family reunion and something went through the grand kids. My youngest son (family of 4) had severe headache for a few days and it passed... probably not vaxed. Oldest boy and family of 5 probably are vaxed. Our daughter and host also a family of 5 are anti vax. By Wednesday I had slight headache a sore throat that got really bad in the next 4 days, a persistent dry cough that did nothing but prevent me from sleeping. Head was not stuffy like a cold and lungs were clear didn't cough up anything or wheeze. Was not like the flu where you lay for a few days with body aches dying and not like cold with head and lung congestion and runny nose. Coming in to land on the 8th I thought my ears were going to implode. I cleared one but the other popped the next day. For next two weeks I had an annoying urge to clear my throat for the first couple of hours after getting up although nothing seemed to be there.


So, sort of like the flue/cold, but was not incapacitated and was out and about every day for at least a 4k walk. I've had the shot and two boosters. So I don't know WTF this was but I haven't had a cold in years and the flu I don't remember the last time.     

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20 hours ago, Dguy210 said:

New narratives out and Youtube changes. Vax is now bad and it is all Trump's fault.





I had a gut feeling about this a very long time ago.  Blame Trump then for NOT handling the "vaccine" (yup, in quotes) properly.  Blame Trump later, when the truth comes out about the "vaccine".  In my view, Trump RELIED COMPLETELY on Fauci (cuz that's what he gets paid for!) & those under him that claimed to know what they were doing & in reality they either did NOT know what they were doing and/or they had an agenda (another subject).  This is just gonna get dirtier, until "they" are ALL GONE.  Drain that smelly swamp!!  F**king train wreck...................😖

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18 hours ago, datzenmike said:

So Aug first, Sunday I was to a family reunion and something went through the grand kids. My youngest son (family of 4) had severe headache for a few days and it passed... probably not vaxed. Oldest boy and family of 5 probably are vaxed. Our daughter and host also a family of 5 are anti vax. By Wednesday I had slight headache a sore throat that got really bad in the next 4 days, a persistent dry cough that did nothing but prevent me from sleeping. Head was not stuffy like a cold and lungs were clear didn't cough up anything or wheeze. Was not like the flu where you lay for a few days with body aches dying and not like cold with head and lung congestion and runny nose. Coming in to land on the 8th I thought my ears were going to implode. I cleared one but the other popped the next day. For next two weeks I had an annoying urge to clear my throat for the first couple of hours after getting up although nothing seemed to be there.


So, sort of like the flue/cold, but was not incapacitated and was out and about every day for at least a 4k walk. I've had the shot and two boosters. So I don't know WTF this was but I haven't had a cold in years and the flu I don't remember the last time.     


Well, I've had very similar symptoms during this period.................I am NOT vax'd.  That was my choice, you & most others made your choice.  I trusted that my immune system was strong enough, based on how I handled things, based on my added supplement intake & what media I was paying attention to (Christian news, shows & americasfrontlinedoctors.org etc) 😑

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I take no stand on vax or anti vax. I included this only as info. Everyone should choose according to their age, health (w/e) I suppose there is a test that would show exposure to all the variants? Other than just being curious what would this matter really?

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4 hours ago, yenpit said:



I had a gut feeling about this a very long time ago.  Blame Trump then for NOT handling the "vaccine" (yup, in quotes) properly.  Blame Trump later, when the truth comes out about the "vaccine".  In my view, Trump RELIED COMPLETELY on Fauci (cuz that's what he gets paid for!) & those under him that claimed to know what they were doing & in reality they either did NOT know what they were doing and/or they had an agenda (another subject).  This is just gonna get dirtier, until "they" are ALL GONE.  Drain that smelly swamp!!  F**king train wreck...................😖


I figured this is where it was going also, I think I even posted something saying they would blame Trump months ago because it just seemed so obvious (might not have been here though, I'm looking at my old posts to see if I can find it here).


Edited by Dguy210
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On 8/25/2022 at 6:44 PM, datzenmike said:

So Aug first, Sunday I was to a family reunion and something went through the grand kids. My youngest son (family of 4) had severe headache for a few days and it passed... probably not vaxed. Oldest boy and family of 5 probably are vaxed. Our daughter and host also a family of 5 are anti vax. By Wednesday I had slight headache a sore throat that got really bad in the next 4 days, a persistent dry cough that did nothing but prevent me from sleeping. Head was not stuffy like a cold and lungs were clear didn't cough up anything or wheeze. Was not like the flu where you lay for a few days with body aches dying and not like cold with head and lung congestion and runny nose. Coming in to land on the 8th I thought my ears were going to implode. I cleared one but the other popped the next day. For next two weeks I had an annoying urge to clear my throat for the first couple of hours after getting up although nothing seemed to be there.


So, sort of like the flue/cold, but was not incapacitated and was out and about every day for at least a 4k walk. I've had the shot and two boosters. So I don't know WTF this was but I haven't had a cold in years and the flu I don't remember the last time.     

The vaccine messed you up.I was sick on and off for 3 months after getting my second shot.Weird cold type symptoms.It would hit me for a few days and then i'd be fine.A week later it's back again slightly different.This went on for months.I ended up at urgent care because the irritating cough wouldn't allow me to sleep.Got some Codeine cough syrup,steroids of some kind,inhaler and antibiotics that i didn't take.I generally don't get sick.

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Last booster was a year ago. Mild headache for day and half, very sore throat for almost a week, dry cough only lasted 3-4 days with the throat clearing maybe two weeks. Everything 'normal' within a week but the throat clearing 'ahem' in the mornings after getting up which has more or less resolved itself. Hey, it could be anything... could be just a magnificent immune system taking on some random 'bug' and shaking it off. Out of sixteen only 3-4 didn't seem to have something wrong.


I get the seasonal flu shot and have had, though very rarely and previous to 2020, slight flu symptoms that seemed like you were coming down with something but goes away in 2-3 days. Not nearly enough to call in sick. The real flu is more like almost a week coming, week staying (and dying) and a week going over all. Haven't had it that bad in decades, still my lifestyle limits the people I meet and no kids (walking petri dishes) around.  


I only mentioned it because for me this is out of the ordinary.

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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Last booster was a year ago. Mild headache for day and half, very sore throat for almost a week, dry cough only lasted 3-4 days with the throat clearing maybe two weeks. Everything 'normal' within a week but the throat clearing 'ahem' in the mornings after getting up which has more or less resolved itself. Hey, it could be anything... could be just a magnificent immune system taking on some random 'bug' and shaking it off. Out of sixteen only 3-4 didn't seem to have something wrong.


I get the seasonal flu shot and have had, though very rarely and previous to 2020, slight flu symptoms that seemed like you were coming down with something but goes away in 2-3 days. Not nearly enough to call in sick. The real flu is more like almost a week coming, week staying (and dying) and a week going over all. Haven't had it that bad in decades, still my lifestyle limits the people I meet and no kids (walking petri dishes) around.  


I only mentioned it because for me this is out of the ordinary.

It wasn't normal for me to be sick for that long either.Never happened before in my whole life.

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The narrative has now flipped.


There is going to be stories about the amount of damage that was done from the "experimental vaccine." and its now Trumps fault. 


So far the long term damage to percentages of the population who took the vaccine are going to start making its way into the MSM. Pay attention to your body because the damage isnt immediate or apparent right after being injected. 


Very latent.  


Also the vaccine wasn't available to people while Trump was in charge. Biden bragged about this shit for 6 months after Jan 2020.  


Be mindful of your body.

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1 hour ago, jbirds510 said:

What's done is done, turn off the news, its a cancer, spend more times with the people you love.. Write your grandparents a letter! I haven't gotten a written letter in 2 decades and older folks would enjoy a reminder of what was. We all have an expiration date and procrastination leads to regret. 


Stopped watching news almost two years ago, about the time that Brandon took over, and TV about 8 years ago. Much happier... (than thisismatt, hoping for certain and imminent death... I guess the last intervention didn't take) Letters? when people today don't read or write nor string a half dozen words together? When the time comes I want as few regrets as possible.


1 hour ago, Mattndew76 said:



There is going to be stories about the amount of damage that was done from the "experimental vaccine." and its now Trumps fault. 




Christ every hypochondriac out there will be whining about something. That's all our once great civilization has come down to. Whining and bitching and finger pointing about how shitty things are in the government they shouldn't have voted for. 

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10 hours ago, john510 said:

The vaccine messed you up.I was sick on and off for 3 months after getting my second shot.Weird cold type symptoms.It would hit me for a few days and then i'd be fine.A week later it's back again slightly different.This went on for months.I ended up at urgent care because the irritating cough wouldn't allow me to sleep.Got some Codeine cough syrup,steroids of some kind,inhaler and antibiotics that i didn't take.I generally don't get sick.


Here's the weird thing tho............I am NOT vax'd & I had very similar symptoms, which makes me think it is solely the Covid MAN MADE virus, that affected everybody, not necessarily the vax.  I honestly don't think the "vax" worked at all.  My opinion & that's ok,right?  I know many will say something like "I got the vax, so my symptoms were minimal, although I still got Covid!".  OK, but why were my symptoms so similar, being NOT vax'd?  Maybe your natural immune system worked like mine?  I also think that the vax actually killed many, cuz of comorbidities (sorry, spelling??)..........they had no chance.  Maybe @Dguy210 can shed some light, cuz of his medical experience?

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3 hours ago, jbirds510 said:

What's done is done, turn off the news, its a cancer, spend more times with the people you love.. Write your grandparents a letter! I haven't gotten a written letter in 2 decades and older folks would enjoy a reminder of what was. We all have an expiration date and procrastination leads to regret. 


Yes sir........THIS!!! 😎 😉

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3 hours ago, yenpit said:


I know many will say something like "I got the vax, so my symptoms were minimal, although I still got Covid!". 


But no one can scientifically prove this statement.  Unless you were infected with no vax, had all antibodies removed from your body, then vaxed, then infected again with same strain to able to directly compare (or vice-versa), your "opinion" of how sick you could have been is strictly conjecture.

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What's the difference really, between Joe fuckin' Rogan and the TV news??? Any 'news' is bullshit entertainment to me and everyone out there has an opinion. Your opinion is the only opinion that you should believe in. 

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Aaron Rodgers was just getting a chance to tell things from his side.  Long form interview vs 1 minute sound bite...


JRE or any long form interviewer is head and shoulders above the MSM on every level. 





Edited by Mattndew76
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30 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

What's the difference really, between Joe fuckin' Rogan and the TV news??? Any 'news' is bullshit entertainment to me and everyone out there has an opinion. Your opinion is the only opinion that you should believe in. 


Like Matt said, it's long form. Both sides talk, ask questions, and Joe genuinely listens and doesn't interrupt every 1.6 seconds. Some episodes are bleedingly boring, but others are very good/interesting. He has guests that he aligns with and others he doesn't, and gives both a fair shake. There's a reason the show is popular...

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