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Covid-19 Prepared?

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16 hours ago, tr8er said:

To ellaborate slightly on the Flu comparison.  There are many variations of Influenza A, and B.  So many that no vaccine can tackle them all.  So they cocktail a few and try to predict which ones will be prevalent next year.  Sometimes they are right about those predictions, and usually they are just wrong but sell them anyway.   Covid could have been a single vaccine and done virus.  But after enough mutation we will have what we have with Influenza.  Many competing strains that are unique enough that our immune system doesn't ID them as the same thing.  Thus needing many vaccines to cover all of them.  We'd really hoped to not have that happen and we are watching it happen.  


I don't believe they have vaccines for any of the Covid viruses.What leads you to believe it could have been "a single vaccine and done" situation ? If it could be done don't you think they would have done it ? 

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They are working on it. He's making the point that if we contain it well enough, they can make a vaccine for one strain. The longer it's out there, the more people get infected, the more chance that it will mutate enough that we'll have to have multiple vaccinations for different strains. 

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21 minutes ago, nicklp said:

They are working on it. He's making the point that if we contain it well enough, they can make a vaccine for one strain. The longer it's out there, the more people get infected, the more chance that it will mutate enough that we'll have to have multiple vaccinations for different strains. 


This would have been impossible. 


The chance to do this was within 3 weeks of discovering the first infection.. 


But we all know how the CCP Moral police handled this. Cover up and deliberately deliver it into other nations. 


Like the flu (with synthetic virus cocktail) vaccine that only has a 40% success rate among the population. This will likely have the same success rate, and will continue to mutate like the flu. The cat is out of the bag. There is no stopping this.

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Mattndew, you could have made that point in response to the post I was trying to clarify after it seemed to be being misinterpreted. I agree with that post, and I agree with your point that the cat is most likely out of the bag. Not into the conspiracy theory stuff though. Is our own president's shit handling of this situation a conspiracy as well? 

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21 minutes ago, nicklp said:

Mattndew, you could have made that point in response to the post I was trying to clarify after it seemed to be being misinterpreted. I agree with that post, and I agree with your point that the cat is most likely out of the bag. Not into the conspiracy theory stuff though. Is our own president's shit handling of this situation a conspiracy as well? 


What did I say that is a conspiricy "Theory"?


There is far more evidence to give credence to China communist party cover up, and factual information from china itself that the virus was accidentally leaked from the lab. Do you get any information outside of your echo chamber?


Where the Factual Conspiracy comes into play is where they refused to alert the world and "Conspired" to keep moral face by telling the world lies about the origin along with destruction of documents. 

The re-education of the virologists that sounded an alarm is a stark alert that the conspiricy isnt a "theory" 


As far as our President.


Do you know how Federal and State government separation of power works, please explain?


What political party runs the cities, and states with the largest issues with the virus?


How long have those political parties been in charge of these areas?


Please Explain how you feel that the Pres should be handling this in hind sight? 


Answer those question as best you can.






  1. a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.


Edited by Mattndew76
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12 minutes ago, nicklp said:

Wow dude, look in the mirror. I'm out


Do you not want to make an effort to back up your assertion?


Life doesn't have an easy button. 


Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor) is a principle from philosophy. Suppose there exist two explanations for an occurrence. In this case the one that requires the smallest number of assumptions is usually correct. Another way of saying it is that the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation.


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14 hours ago, nicklp said:

Mattndew, you could have made that point in response to the post I was trying to clarify after it seemed to be being misinterpreted. I agree with that post, and I agree with your point that the cat is most likely out of the bag. Not into the conspiracy theory stuff though. Is our own president's shit handling of this situation a conspiracy as well? 

Are you one of those that thinks with a different President none of this happens ? How could any other person make this any different ? Trump's early attempt to halt travel from China didn't go over very well if i remember correctly.I believe with anybody but Trump this country would NOT have shut down.We never did before with these pandemics.As someone else mentioned,the worst hit cities are run by ???? Democrats.Explain that.

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Lets see now... he doesn't wear a mask and doesn't support their use because it infringes on freedoms. Holds rallies without social distancing or masks, has no idea what covid 19 is at all and says the most retarted things about it. When the press secretary is constantly explaining "what he really means is" you know he's just fucked up yet again. Hard call on when to shut down but don't give him any credit. I think it shut down in spite of him and would have been sooner.  I think he's working for Putin to destroy America or he's the anti-Christ so watch out.   


You!!!.... could do a better job.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Lets see now... he doesn't wear a mask and doesn't support their use because it infringes on freedoms. Holds rallies without social distancing or masks, has no idea what covid 19 is at all and says the most retarted things about it. When the press secretary is constantly explaining "what he really means is" you know he's just fucked up yet again. Hard call on when to shut down but don't give him any credit. I think it shut down in spite of him and would have been sooner.  I think he's working for Putin to destroy America or he's the anti-Christ so watch out.   


You!!!.... could do a better job.


I think this has more to say about how stupid the press core is in our nation. 


I know there are better people for the job. They have moral integrity though. That limits how far they can ascend into office.

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8 hours ago, john510 said:

Are you one of those that thinks with a different President none of this happens ? How could any other person make this any different ? Trump's early attempt to halt travel from China didn't go over very well if i remember correctly.I believe with anybody but Trump this country would NOT have shut down.We never did before with these pandemics.As someone else mentioned,the worst hit cities are run by ???? Democrats.Explain that.

I'll explain that last one for you.  Cities are dominantly hubs for liberal minded populations which makes perfect sense where civilization needs to work together closely.  Rural areas are dominantly Conservative minded populations for opposite reasons.  Rural areas are less prone to disease because of the nature of contagious disease.  I don't think you really needed this explained though.  You just wanted a gotcha point.  But this is a disease.  Not a political issue.  USA is such a fucking political mess that they turn a pandemic into a political issue.  They turn a fucking face mask into a political statement.  Pathetic really.  Not so much on an individual basis, but more on a societal basis.  


Your first point on our President:  I personally know that a different president couldn't have stopped it.  But I do firmly believe that had he not let his ego push him to not wear a mask, his base would as well have largely not protested the use of face coverings.  And that would have significantly reduced the infection rates in this country, and the world.  As it is now, we've fucked up so thoroughly that we wont impact the world much any longer as we are essentially not able to travel out of our country.  It's funny.  The fight for our "freedom" to shop without a mask has removed our freedom to go to the majority of the world.  And this is largely rooted in Trump not wanting to look weak. 


It is also becoming more and more likely based on reports that this didn't even originate in China, or if it did, nowhere near when they say.  Cases of abnormal pneumonia are being shown spiking in many countries mid to late last year.  They weren't testing for CoVid because it was not a known diagnosis at that point.  This is speculation.  But what I am very aware of is that "who smelt it dealt it" is historically not solid evidence.  FYI:  I don't think it is far fetched to think a lab in China breached an experimental disease.  Totally possible.      

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23 minutes ago, tr8er said:

I'll explain that last one for you.  Cities are dominantly hubs for liberal minded populations which makes perfect sense where civilization needs to work together closely.  Rural areas are dominantly Conservative minded populations for opposite reasons.  Rural areas are less prone to disease because of the nature of contagious disease.  I don't think you really needed this explained though.  You just wanted a gotcha point.  But this is a disease.  Not a political issue.  USA is such a fucking political mess that they turn a pandemic into a political issue.  They turn a fucking face mask into a political statement.  Pathetic really.  Not so much on an individual basis, but more on a societal basis.  


Your first point on our President:  I personally know that a different president couldn't have stopped it.  But I do firmly believe that had he not let his ego push him to not wear a mask, his base would as well have largely not protested the use of face coverings.  And that would have significantly reduced the infection rates in this country, and the world.  As it is now, we've fucked up so thoroughly that we wont impact the world much any longer as we are essentially not able to travel out of our country.  It's funny.  The fight for our "freedom" to shop without a mask has removed our freedom to go to the majority of the world.  And this is largely rooted in Trump not wanting to look weak. 


It is also becoming more and more likely based on reports that this didn't even originate in China, or if it did, nowhere near when they say.  Cases of abnormal pneumonia are being shown spiking in many countries mid to late last year.  They weren't testing for CoVid because it was not a known diagnosis at that point.  This is speculation.  But what I am very aware of is that "who smelt it dealt it" is historically not solid evidence.  FYI:  I don't think it is far fetched to think a lab in China breached an experimental disease.  Totally possible.      



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22 minutes ago, john510 said:

So Trump supporters don't wear masks because he doesn't ? Somebody's been infected with the mediavirus.





I'll call this the pied piper syndrome.


Switch it around. If he had worn a mask and told everyone to do the same where would the Dems be right now? Lead by example, but he can't. He's no leader just a host. Instead he's irreparably fucked this up. He was put in power by Russia, has never criticized Russia or stood up to them, was up for impeachment, worst, I mean THE WORST orator/ad liber ever, has legitimized that fat little fuck in NK by meeting with him just for a photo op for himself, can't filter anything he says or tweets and right this minute is dismantling the US. You guys have one last chance to fix this cock-up in November.


John, run for prez, you would be far far better at it.

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35 minutes ago, datzenmike said:





I'll call this the pied piper syndrome.


Switch it around. If he had worn a mask and told everyone to do the same where would the Dems be right now? Lead by example, but he can't. He's no leader just a host. Instead he's irreparably fucked this up. He was put in power by Russia, has never criticized Russia or stood up to them, was up for impeachment, worst, I mean THE WORST orator/ad liber ever, has legitimized that fat little fuck in NK by meeting with him just for a photo op for himself, can't filter anything he says or tweets and right this minute is dismantling the US. You guys have one last chance to fix this cock-up in November.


John, run for prez, you would be far far better at it.


Dude you do know that the Russia narrative was a hoax to de-legitimize the election? The narrative was the illegal use of the USA foreign intelligence agencies, and along with the FBI set to spying on a political campaign. 


Several high standing politicians were outwardly claiming to know that this "Collusion" was real and they had material facts to support it.. When in actual fact and under oath they had a totally different story. There was NO Russian collusion... There was an actual political hit job put in place by the former administration. 


You've been had Mike.



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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

There is no truth anymore.


Nothing coming from the Media is truthful. Its all slanted in favor of the narrative or running cover for like minded positions.


Reason why I chose the position I did is because I can read actual FBI briefs / notes substantiating the illegal use of the FBI and Intel community as a political weapon. 


There was so much hubris from the democrat party that they expected to cruise into another administration. So the use of these institutions as weapons was to never have been uncovered. 


You can be told a story, but not THE story. It takes some effort to read the information that surprisingly has been released now and not 40 years from now.


I have been a Democrat since High School.... I cant be any longer. They left the real people behind in favor of corporate money and centralized power. 



I chose the Orange blowhard over communism and BLM/ANTIFA 




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If seat belts work, why airbags?


If airbags work, why seatbelts?


If seatbelts and airbags both work, why do we have any car accident deaths?


I say it is a conspiracy conspired by the ultimate liberal conspirator from the 60s and the stealer of all American freedoms since that time, including his co-conspirator from the 70s, our own leader who gave us the 55 mph speed limit, a man from Georgia.  The main conspirator was non other than Ralph Nader!

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