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Sold 510, getting parking tickets in mail. need advice.

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So over 2 years ago now i bought a rustbucket 510 and put it back on the road. many of you know the car, it was internet famous for awhile. rapheals old baby blue car. anyway i put it backtogether, drove it for a couple months and sold it over two years ago. Its been awhile but im 99% sure i mailed in the release of interest.


Anyway now im getting parking tickets in the mail. some have already been sent to collection agencies. Not sure how the car could possibly still be in my name because i know its changed hands at least 4 times since i sold it in 2012.


Not sure what to do? take the mail i got and go to the court house? i feel like no matter what all that will happen is ill argue with them and end up having to pay the tickets anyway.



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Report of sale form should protect you.  I would send a copy back with the ticket and tell them to look somewhere else for the revenue.  Not sure how to reference it without a copy.  Try the DOL website for more info


I know the form is supposed to protect the seller. my concern is that i shouldnt have gotten this ticket in the first place if that form was properly submitted.


I would have most likely mailed it in, i dont like doing it online. i cant find it in my huge stack of title/registration/ins paperwork so odds are i did truly send it in.

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That lil form means jack shit unless they actually go register the car in their name, even when you mail in the release of interest, it does not go out of your name untill they register it, it just makes them pay more in fines if they take forever, i know ive been fucked by this very situation. Private company kept giving me tickets in portland, i finally went to where he was getting tickets, and left a ntoe on the truck telling the fucker to put it in his name, or i would report it stollen since it was obviously still in my name. Then took pics of him getting in the truck and told them to go after him, and to fuck off if they ever contacted me again.  Always keep copies of your bill of sale, and that form for yourself as well to prove it was sold.   If people are driving it and have never re-registered it, then its in your name and you could be held responsible if they killed someone in a wreck, or it breaks down and gets towed.   If you want it found and dont know who owns it and the state gives you shit, report it stollen, say you let a buddy drive it a while, and it then got stollen from their home.  Once they get pulled over for a stolen vehicle they will get that shit fixed asap, even if they have a title (thats in your name) they will be up shit creek for driving a car 2 years and not registering it.  Hate people that do shit like that.  Why when i sell cars (didnt with the 610 since its getting shipped to japan) i go to the dmv with them and watch as they put it in their name. 

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RCW 46.12.655 Release of owner from liability.  

(1) An owner is relieved of civil or criminal liability for the operation of a vehicle by another person when the owner has:

     (a) Made a bona fide sale or transfer of a vehicle;

     (b ) Delivered possession of the vehicle to the person acquiring ownership;

     (c ) Released interest in the vehicle and provided the certificate of title and registration certificate to the person acquiring ownership; and

     (d) Filed a report of sale that meets all the requirements in RCW 46.12.650(2).

     (2) A person acquiring a vehicle assumes civil or criminal liability for any traffic violation under this title, whether designated as a traffic infraction or classified as a criminal offense, that occurs after the date of sale or transfer of ownership based on the vehicle's identification including, but not limited to:

     (a) Parking infractions;

     (b ) High occupancy toll lane violations; and

     (c ) Violations recorded by automated traffic safety cameras.

     (3) A person shown as the buyer of a vehicle on an abandoned vehicle report submitted to the department by a registered tow truck operator assumes liability for the vehicle. Any previous owner is relieved of civil or criminal liability for the operation of the vehicle from the date of sale.

     (4) A person who had no knowledge of the filing of the report of sale is relieved of civil or criminal liability for the operation of the vehicle. Liability is then transferred to the seller shown on the report of sale.


[2010 c 161 § 310; 2006 c 291 § 3; 2005 c 331 § 1; 2002 c 279 § 2; 1984 c 39 § 2. Formerly RCW 46.12.102.]

Notes:     Effective date -- Intent -- Legislation to reconcile chapter 161, Laws of 2010 and other amendments made during the 2010 legislative session -- 2010 c 161: See notes following RCW 46.04.013.




Figured since you're from WA you'd like to know how you actually stand legally.


I sold a Toyota pickup quite a few years back that got towed after the Seattle PD had ticketed it 3 times for a parking violation.  Once it hit the tow yard I got notifications, even after filing the ROS online and on time.  I called the tow yard and was informed that they send info to ALL listed parties with the vehicle when not officially transferred.  They also told me I had nothing to worry about with my record of the ROS having been filed.  I then contacted the SPD and followed their instructions and was released from the tickets.


Sidenote, it was a good friend that I sold it to and he couldn't afford to get it out at the time and he was going to release interest and give it to the tow yard.  I asked hm to wait because I had found out that if I chose to have the ROS recinded as a deal gone bad, I could then pay the tow yard bill and have the vehicle back.  I did and resold it after using it for another 6 months..

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Geez who the hell would sell a vehicle and not have it transferred over to the new owner? How the fuck does that happen down there??? Here, its about $30 to transfer the title of a vehicle without plates and insurance. I've bought several vehicles and went to the DMV (actually the auto insurance company) with the seller and transferred ownership. Done. He's completely rid of it and the car is now mine.



To get insured plates by the new owner, you have to show vehicle ownership in your name. (me) You can also transfer your old plates (from another of your cars) to the new car but they have to have a valid insurance sticker paid for at time of transfer.


To sell a vehicle assuming the new owner will hold up his end is just crazy.

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Geez who the hell would sell a vehicle and not have it transferred over to the new owner? How the fuck does that happen down there??? Here, its about $30 to transfer the title of a vehicle without plates and insurance. I've bought several vehicles and went to the DMV (actually the auto insurance company) with the seller and transferred ownership. Done. He's completely rid of it and the car is now mine.



To get insured plates by the new owner, you have to show vehicle ownership in your name. (me) You can also transfer your old plates (from another of your cars) to the new car but they have to have a valid insurance sticker paid for at time of transfer.


To sell a vehicle assuming the new owner will hold up his end is just crazy.


The seller releases interest in the vehicle and that's it - it's totally up to the new owner to transfer the title into their name. It's not a matter of the seller choosing to do it or not, we simply don't have the ability.

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Thanks for the info guys, I'm going to try and swing by the court house on my lunch, see if i can't get a little more info from them.


Is it possible the ticket(s) are from when i owned it 2 years ago? Like i said this Just started happening recently (notices in the mail), and i never drove the car to everett when i had it, seems unlikely but it's something a buddy mentioned.


Guess I'll find out soon enough

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Mailing in the release of interest gives you no proof that it was recorded.  I had this happen- I sold a truck to a former member here who never put it in his name. I did fill out the sellers report and mailed it in.  The guy sold it shortly after.  2 years later, I got a call from Tukwilia Police that the truck was abandoned.  Stripped and abandoned.  No release of interest was on file.  I did it online that day before it got impounded, but the tow yard contacted me anyway.  So I took the copy of the sellers report to the tow yard and they dropped the lien.


I now always file them online.  Or, I'll require the new owner to go to the DOL with me and transfer on the spot- I've had a few sellers require that of me and I've been fine with that.

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Went in today, the clerk was no help at all, as it turns out shes trying to claim the tickets were from before i even owned it... But the car had been parked with no motor at rapheals for some time during which apparently these parking violations were issued, (it took me some time to figure out all these dates) which means they had to of been issued sitting outside his house on the street.


So i asked About why the tickets are Just now being issued, her response... We had some problems with our system isuing infractions back in 2012... I told her that was the dumbest thing I've heard all day and the conversation pretty much stopped there. I mean really? 2 fucking years later and you decide to mail the stupid things?


So i dug through all my paperwork and the original bill of sale from when i bought it is no where to be found. (My only proof i didn't own the car at the time of the tickets) And she basically told me there's nothing i can do except write a letter to the judge with proof. I guess I'll take this one as a good life lesson to save all my important documentation from now on.


I went back later in the day and just payed the stupid fucking things.


Everett court 1, Casey 0, lesson learned

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Yeah except he already spent the money on the tickets.


How did Raphael get a ticket outside his house? That I know of the residential roads in Everett don't have a time limit. At least I ain't seen none posted, used to have a girlfriend off 18th and I wanna say Rockefeller and I spent days straight at her place without moving my car before

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Report of sale form should protect you.  I would send a copy back with the ticket and tell them to look somewhere else for the revenue.  Not sure how to reference it without a copy.  Try the DOL website for more info.


Nope, not in WA. Don't ask how I know...I don't want to talk about it. :angry:




I just saw this same shit on Judge Judy.

Registered owner of the car went and stole it back.


My concern: Its not insured. Can't insure a car registered to someone else.


Fuck it. File for lost title.



I would go get the car back too as I would still be liable for anything the car does. Whoever bought it can consider what they paid me as rent.



Yeah except he already spent the money on the tickets.


How did Raphael get a ticket outside his house? That I know of the residential roads in Everett don't have a time limit. At least I ain't seen none posted, used to have a girlfriend off 18th and I wanna say Rockefeller and I spent days straight at her place without moving my car before


Not if the tabs are expired.





If indeed the tickets were before you bought it there should be record of your purchase in the system. That would be your only recourse if you don't have any records.

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no tabs, expired tabs, parked wrong direction, covered with a tarp, non  operational (means it looks like it hasnt moved for a while, they put a letter on your car saying move or ticket, then tow)  its bullshit. I got a parking ticket for parking the wrong way in corvalis, everyone else on the street did it, so id id it as well, and i got a fucking ticket.....

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