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Robin Williams: I find it very reassuring, George W. Bush talks to the stock market, and then

[makes sound like airplane crashing]

Robin Williams: It must be him talking about business, it's like having a leper giving you a facial; it doesn't really work! Oopsey! "A lot of our imports come from other countries." No shit, Jason!

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That debate was a shit show. I was lulzing throughout.


Cruz is a dirtbag. Rubio is a robot. Bush has a dark cloud over him. Carson is asleep. Not sure what I thought about trump.. he has ideas but no substance. Waiting to see the details.

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Mike.....ban Matt please....




Too busy lultzing



Case in point; Traditional belief held there was a direct relation as oil prices fall, business profits rise and the market goes up, but this has flip flopped. Today the market is falling with the price of oil. Economists have no idea why this is happening,

... maybe because 'we' ran out of oil back in the 70s. All the easy stuff found and exploited. Now we are squeezing it from rocks in order to be self sufficient. Maybe the economy or a big chunk is based on oil production. Oil price goes down the market slumps.

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My fear is that Carson would be the Jimmy Carter of the Republican party. Plenty of integrity, honesty, and intelligence; all the things that disqualify him as a viable acting president. For a show ball's chance in hell, he has to connect with the American people, but his soft spoken Dr.Carson bed side manor doesn't translate as "leader".

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I hate to say it but besides Trumo all the rest are way to evangelical.  Don't they realize that we get less and less religious ever year?  They are already going to have a tough enough time getting elected with all the war crap they want to continue.  

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I hate to say it but besides Trumo all the rest are way to evangelical.  Don't they realize that we get less and less religious ever year?  They are already going to have a tough enough time getting elected with all the war crap they want to continue.  


not quite what they appear to be.... check out any evangelical voting guide and NONE are endorsed

except for mike fuckabee who is out thx be to god


Carson may be asleep, but at least he's not a pathological nutjob


you sir need to do your homework... he is the creepiest and nuttiest of the lot... look up 7th day adventist & then peruse some of his more sick quotes

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My fear is that Carson would be the Jimmy Carter of the Republican party. Plenty of integrity, honesty, and intelligence; all the things that disqualify him as a viable acting president. For a show ball's chance in hell, he has to connect with the American people, but his soft spoken Dr.Carson bed side manor doesn't translate as "leader".

Huh. I won't say I agree with that analysis entirely but that's some profound insight. I have no use for Carter but I have never doubted his honesty and have always attributed his political failings to naivety rather than corruption. That's good food for though right there. I like to think there's a bit of street thug still left in Carson that would alert him to when someone is trying to pull the wool over his eyes but I certainly have no facts to base that on. Honestly, out of all the repugs Carson seems to be the most honest.

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I thought you we Argentinean?

Ya, but I'm an alien, I have prove....


did clarkson (i think) ever get extradited back to argentina from britain to stand trial for his supposed crime of poking fun at whatever the fuck that was?

No idea, that was a hilarious episide!

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