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Sounds legit. I don't care much for the name, but that's not my business. I keep picturing a sign saying "Welcome to Jeff"

We had the numbers to get it done...then on the day of the vote...pearl harbor happened and the subject got shelved.

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I think I have said this before.

The problem with banning people from these shitholes is?


I hear ya....



House party. You come home to your house and the kids are whooping it up with their friends and just about anyone who hears about it. Front door wide open. It's getting rowdy and furniture is getting broken and friends and family are being roughed up. First order is to shut the fucking door to keep the shitheads from waltzing in and only let in the friendlies. Now it's time to clear the room of douche bags and huck them out the back door with a boot up the arse. My home, I say who comes in.... problem solved.

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And with the bromance growing stronger, it appears that President Trump is going to get a human present in the form of a treasonous weasel.




It will be interesting to see how the legal system will handle him.

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Rick Perry will put an end to that waste of govermental space now that he's the head :thumbup:

Payback's a bitch, yo!

Scott Pruitt is the pick for EPA. Rick Perry will be running the Department of Energy if confirmed by the senate.



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How do we know they're splitting up families? Where are these raids happening? Where is CNN's outrage?



All seems to be pointing to not really happening.....MSM would be all over it like bees on a bear eating their honey....



                             Isn't the Mexican government partially to blame,by allowing them to leave 

their country.I can't remember ever seeing Mexican troops deterring them.

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Uh I don't think a country should stop it's citizens from leaving and some aren't even Mexican to begin with. That's more like the communists and the Berlin wall. Walls to keep people out but not to keep them in. Anyone remember checkpoint Charlie???

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You'll never see me w/out a gun.


I have a 50 state carry right, including sanctuary cities, federal buildings, blah, blah, blah. I have to keep my training up or I lose it though. And pass a psyc. But whatever.


I've stopped a few things. Glad I had it. But open carrying is asking for trouble.

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You'll never see me w/out a gun.

I have a 50 state carry right, including sanctuary cities, federal buildings, blah, blah, blah. I have to keep my training up or I lose it though. And pass a psyc. But whatever.

I've stopped a few things. Glad I had it. But open carrying is asking for trouble.

Got fucked by my phone on this post.... eh, whatever. My phone reversed the order of the pages and I didn't double check the date.... this is in response to page 1 not page 600+...

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I think I have said this before.


The problem with banning people from these shitholes is?






Re: a new EO,I did wonder when Trump and his crew would think of that.


It's not like here in AUS where if the High Court rule that a law passed by the Parliament is invalid that the PM and Cabinet have to re-draft a whole new set of laws and go through the motions of getting it passed in the Senate and House of Reps.


Trump can simply get out his pen and sign a new,differently worded EO easy as.

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New bullet proof EO, and while that is going through, beat their ass in district court .. win twice and make an example of these show offs that think they are rock stars one guy talking about "I'd like to thank"



Trump is a weird dude , handshake pull a nervous habit?

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The shit the media is fixated on is comical.It's a handshake.He wasn't caught picking his nose or scratching his balls.



There is nothing better than a firm handshake, but it should express that you are (at least at that moment) equals if not friends. It never fails to surprise me when someone I know or have never met, hands me one that is little more than a dishrag in firmness. It's like shaking the hand of a warm corpse. As a handshake is an expression of yourself, why display such wishy-washy weakness to someone else? On the other hand pulling someone towards you seems kind of aggressive to me..... an attempt at controlling the other, a dominance ploy.

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Uh I don't think a country should stop it's citizens from leaving and some aren't even Mexican to begin with.

Mexico can't even bribe their people to stay.


Mexican President’s Photo Op with Deported Migrants Backfires


“Today there has been the creation of jobs not seen before and there is productive investment,” EPN said.


The words spoken by the Mexican president come at a time when the peso has been consistently losing value against the U.S. dollar and the price of gasoline continues to rise. During the event by EPN, government officials told the migrants about government credits of $25,000 pesos or roughly $1,200 USD so they could start their own business.


Pedro Vasquez, another Mexican migrant who was interviewed by various news outlets at the airport, said he would be traveling back to the United States within 15 days and that a wall would not be able to stop him. The 38-year-old man from the Mexican State of Hidalgo had been living in Georgia making about $4,800 a month before his arrest for driving without a license.




The Congressional Hispanic Caucus now wants to meet with ICE to try and save some face with the press after talking big shit about sanctuary cities being untouchable.


ICE is snatching illegals out of Cali like it's nothing and Jerry Brown hasn't said so much as "boo". the Cali democrats have been neutered and the repubs have been emboldened. combine all this with Cali needing $100 mill in federal natural disaster money and you have a state government shown to be powerless to help it's people or stop Trump. has anyone else noticed that the Cali secessionist talk suddenly stopped?

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