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                          I watched the head of Homeland Security on the news tonight.

He said that these were criminals,& people who've been warned'caught before,

& have still stayed in our country.

                        I also had a weird thought,after seeing the protesters holding up

signs at the rallies - the signs were all in English.I find that ironic,as many of them

can't won't speak English. 

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How do we know they're splitting up families?

I know the white racist families who rule Mexico and keep a caste system in place are breaking up families by not increasing opportunities for darker Mexicans so they wind up coming to the US for work. Hell, Mexico didn't even count blacks in their census until 2015. Fix yer shit, Mexico.


Mexico has started counting its Afro-Mexican population


For the first time ever, people of African descent living in Mexico were able to identify themselves as black in the national census.


Mexico’s 2015 population survey, released Dec. 8, counted 1.38 million people of African heritage, representing 1.2% of the country’s population (link in Spanish.) Most live in three coastal states, including Guerrero, where they account for nearly 7% of the population, and overall they are poorer and less educated than the national average, Mexico’s census bureau (INEGI by its acronym in Spanish) has found.




In Mexico, racism hides in plain view


The enduring taboo subject is skin color, whether an individual's complexion betrays an allegiance to the Spanish who conquered the Aztec empire in 1521 or the Aztecs who were conquered. It's no exaggeration to say that, in this country and especially in this city, the best, highest-paying, most important jobs often seem to go to those who, in addition to having the best education and the strongest connections, have the lightest skin.


On television, in politics and in academia, you see light-skinned people. On construction sites, in police forces and in restaurant kitchens, you're more likely to find those who are dark-skinned. In the priciest neighborhoods, the homeowners have light skin, and the housekeepers are dark. Everyone knows this, and yet no one talks about it, at least not in elite circles.




"What’s up with all the horrifying Nazi gear in Mexico City’s markets?"


MEXICO CITY— La Lagunilla market can best be described as “labyrinthian.” It’s a maze of color, sound and bustle in a city already incomprehensibly saturated with activity.


A sprawling weekend market and tianglis, or vintage flea, it technically begins at the south side of Eje 1 Norte, but has no fixed borders, growing in size and density depending on the day and vendor population. Inside, it offers everything from knock-off Luis Vuitton, to fresh tortillas, to stacks of hand painted (and often fairly gory) retablo votive paintings—depictions of the lives of the saints. It’s also got a ton of Nazi gear.


On our first visit just a few weeks ago, for what was supposed to be a quick look and a bite to eat, we ended up unearthing a full SS outfit (with cap), swastika armbands, Deutschland insignia and even vintage Nazis war medals shipped from Europe via “specialty dealers.” The sheer amount of Nazi-themed gear we encountered—new, old, even homemade—was, to put it mildly, enough to make us forget all about the aguas frescas we’d come for.





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Murica should have turned this place into a carpark in 79.




It will be interesting to see what decisions are made by the Trump administration now.

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Murica should have turned this place into a carpark in 79.




It will be interesting to see what decisions are made by the Trump administration now.

we started crap there in '53 though.


CIA-assisted coup overthrows government of Iran


Working with Shah, the CIA and British intelligence began to engineer a plot to overthrow Mossadeq. The Iranian premier, however, got wind of the plan and called his supporters to take to the streets in protest. At this point, the Shah left the country for “medical reasons.” While British intelligence backed away from the debacle, the CIA continued its covert operations in Iran. Working with pro-Shah forces and, most importantly, the Iranian military, the CIA cajoled, threatened, and bribed its way into influence and helped to organize another coup attempt against Mossadeq. On August 19, 1953, the military, backed by street protests organized and financed by the CIA, overthrew Mossadeq. The Shah quickly returned to take power and, as thanks for the American help, signed over 40 percent of Iran’s oil fields to U.S. companies.


Nationalism, not communism, proved to be the most serious threat to U.S. power in Iran.



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A long, long, long time ago RW deployed to a joint Murican/Straylian facility in the outback of gods country.


It was due to some pesky buggers like this who wanted to protest against Murican/Straylian cooperation.


On the day of the main protest, the first line of protestors walked towards us, smeared in their own excrement, with many of them either holding the hands of young children (think three years old or under), or holding the children in front of them so we wouldnt intervene.


Suffice to say, RW has had a fervent dislike of anti Murican/Straylian protestors since.


BTW, to the trolls (you know who you are), if you havent been there, well, just sayin.................

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Jerry Brown should hit Trump up for some federal disast.....wait.....


Cali: Damage to Oroville Dam spillway worsens — could cost $100 million


OROVILLE, Butte County — A foaming mass of whitewater cascaded down the badly damaged Oroville Dam spillway Friday after state officials upped the flow in an attempt to avoid what would be an even more disastrous overflowing of California’s second-largest reservoir.


By increasing the flow, dam operators were conceding they were likely to lose a big portion of the spillway to erosion — perhaps the entire bottom half, or about 150 yards of concrete that will have to be painstakingly rebuilt during the dry months. The cost, state officials said Friday, will likely top $100 million.


As they spoke, the gaping hole in the spillway — which first cracked open Tuesday — got bigger as 65,000 cubic feet of water per second ripped into it, causing a rain-like mist to fall throughout the area just as the real rains that had caused the debacle ceased.




Emergency spillway unused, 2013 photo of damage surfaces, supervisor blames DWR


Butte County District 1 supervisor Bill Connelly said the DWR should have released water much sooner.


"They didn't prepare in knowing in advance that there was a snow pack way above average and it was projected that there were warm rains coming," said Connelly, who grew up in Oroville and has been involved in the dam's re-licensing for the last 14 years.


Recently a photograph surfaced showing crews working on a crack in the same vicinity of the spillway in 2013. The State Division of Dam Safety reported that the last inspection was performed in 2015 and was reportedly "visual" and at "some distance."


"This is evidence of a lack of correct maintenance that puts my citizens at risk," said Connelly.



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A long, long, long time ago RW deployed to a joint Murican/Straylian facility in the outback of gods country.


It was due to some pesky buggers like this who wanted to protest against Murican/Straylian cooperation.


On the day of the main protest, the first line of protestors walked towards us, smeared in their own excrement, with many of them either holding the hands of young children (think three years old or under), or holding the children in front of them so we wouldnt intervene.


Suffice to say, RW has had a fervent dislike of anti Murican/Straylian protestors since.


BTW, to the trolls (you know who you are), if you havent been there, well, just sayin.................


The original site near Woomera was closed down.  It is down in the center of Australia and has expanded to the "Castelmain" expansion growth facility.  Let's hear it for Jack Dugan!  "There was a Wild Colonial boy etc." 

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The original site near Woomera was closed down.  It is down in the center of Australia and has expanded to the "Castelmain" expansion growth facility.  Let's hear it for Jack Dugan!  "There was a Wild Colonial boy etc."


Well done Mike, Woomera it was.


On our Exfil we drank a local pub called the Eldo (there were 13 of them in the township) dry.


I woke up on the descent into my home town, passed out on the luggage pallets in a Straylian Hercules aircraft. The loadmaster was trying to wake me (and the majority of my coworkers) up.


Met some fantastic Muricans on our deployment.

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What percentage of vintage Datsuns (Oops, they're all vintage) now in Cali would be in the 51st state of Jefferson ??




Just wonderin'.

Sounds legit. I don't care much for the name, but that's not my business. I keep picturing a sign saying "Welcome to Jeff"

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I don't care what you buy or from whom. I know plenty of fine Jeffs. Hell, I even know a decent Chad. Thomas Jefferson is one of my favorite people to misquote.


Having a state with a first name would just lend itself rather well to comedy.


I did not mean to offend. If it makes you feel better, my mother-in-law is named Virginia. She's a fine upstanding lady.



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I watched the head of Homeland Security on the news tonight.

He said that these were criminals,& people who've been warned'caught before,

& have still stayed in our country.

                        I also had a weird thought,after seeing the protesters holding up

signs at the rallies - the signs were all in English.I find that ironic,as many of them

can't won't speak English.


I've found the ''can't'' is more often than not won't, it's easier to not follow laws or directions. My brother used to run a plumbing crew, he'd occasionally get thrown new hires that ''didn't speak English''. After a couple hours of no inglés bullshit, he'd say fine no English then you're not getting a check on Friday...100% of these fuckers all of a sudden could speak perfect fluent English...be like 'what the fuck you mean no check?'. That's why the signs are English.

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