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Vet, history of mental issues. Goes into FBI office and makes claims he was being forced to fight for ISIS,.............which all leads to how in the hell dose this guy get a gun on a plane.

Looking like a massive failure of communication between agencies again. Guy should have been red flagged long ago.


Not shocked CNN is doing the white thing and altering the photos again.

The guy's a chameleon,3 different colors.

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I see what you're saying Mike. I can almost agree with it, but we don't have enough details to know. He's causing terror, that's certain. He might not be a foreign terrorist..  Domestic terrorist would seem to apply here, even if he's bat shit crazy.. or PTSD.. or whatever.


If he's bat shit crazy then what motivation does he have? Schizophrenia? voices in his head saying to do this? This is not at all the same definition of a foreign or domestic terrorist who kills for the disruption and effect it has on others.



By your reasoning anyone that kills someone else in public is a terrorist. Guy robs a bank and in the resulting shootout, kills three cops and a civilian.... terrorist??? I don't think so. Mentally deranged person shoots up an air port, multiple people killed for no obvious reason.... terrorist?? I don't think so. Neither of these two examples involved the shooter deliberately setting out to cause terror for some reason. 


The term 'terrorist' should not be used carelessly as a blanket to cover all acts that might result in some form of terror. Almost any violent act can do this. It should be reserved specifically for those individuals who's act is directed solely for the goal of causing terror. 

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Just open the door and let'em in, yeah yeah, yeah yeah. (done to the song by Wings)


Looting, Riots In Mexico Spiral Out Of Control Over 20% Gas Hike; Hundreds Arrested


Mandatory 15 to 20% increase in price! Along with a drop in the value of the peso. Would be like doubling the price of fuel.

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So is Trump succeeding in making Mexicans hate him so much that they won't illegally enter our country?


No, they will still come, no matter how many jobs are created in Mexico, they will still come. 


Mexico has been its own worst enemy for years. Borderline Socialists Country, Unions are everywhere and the Cartels control entire towns. Who wants to live in that Utopia!?


And don't forget our Ol'Pal Corruption!  

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A terrorist, by today's use of the word, acts to instill terror in his victims and the witnesses to his actions, to further or or promote his political agenda. If you are insane, you cannot be held responsible for your actions. I maintain that an insane person isn't rational enough to form the intent to terrorize people, it's just an insane act. This is not to say that the victims are not terrorized and it could be argued that the act was 'like' a terrorist act, only that an insane person is not a terrorist. Lets save the term 'terrorist' for those deserving of it and not those that are run of the mill...  insane.

The difference would be premeditation. And this are facts we don't have.

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Also if you are anywhere near that airport, you wouldn't give two shit's if the guy was nuts or not

You would be scared as shit. From that angle, it's terror. A port of entry.. a no gun zone...


Drawing many conclusion's here, but if it smells like a terrorist, acts like a terrorist, and CNN ties them somehow to a white male... most likely a terrorist.



But could very well be a nutty ptsd ex-military too. I don't disagree with you there. You certainly have a point.. if they are too nutty to stand trial.. Probably just insane.

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The difference would be premeditation. And this are facts we don't have.


mmmmm....No. A terrorist does not have to premeditate he could just as soon simply take advantage of an opportunity. An insane person could be even less likely to premeditate and most would assume (and rightly) that he just suddenly and for no apparent reason... 'snapped'.


Premeditation aside. 


A crazy person will and can induce terror but not be a 'terrorist'. It might be a cry for help or death by cop or an insane cry for attention but terrorizing people isn't going to solve his mental problem.


A terrorist has an agenda. It's to call attention to a political position. Deny and disrupt the complacent any thoughts of safety at home or anywhere previously thought 'safe' to be. Sow seeds of doubt about safety and cause huge dissension in the public mind that their government is protecting them and their loved ones. 



Let's not lump the average 'crazy' in with 'terrorists' less a thoughtless act on your part should fall under this broad blanket definition. Hell, a car jacking could be called terrorism. Lets reserve it for special heinous occasions where it's deserved.

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Imo, a terrorist is someone who acts in a violent way for political gains, more like psychological warefare, an insane person is someone who is not in touch with reality, they can be violent but in some cases they are not. One may say that terrorist organization is not in touch with reality but they are fully aware of their actions.

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I can live with that. So apply this litmus test whenever you hear about mass shootings or what ever scares you. They may be terrible but they may not be terrorist. Don't be swayed by the bullshit media.

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Its in our nature to lable people, terrorist or not, so that our minds can make sense of the violence. We want to feel safe and by categorizing people, it gives meaning to any given situation. At the end of the day it becomes us vs. them. As far as the media, i always knew they are biased because the person or organization that owns it will follow their opinions or perspective. Most of the time, its not the truth, its just their opinion.

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