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Well there are about 4 million Jews in the US and just under 6 million in Israel. The NRA has about 4.5 million and look at the influence it has.

While I want to agree, and do, Jewdaism is a religion, and Israel is a occupation, ahem, excuse me, country. Jews in the United States do not all agree with Netanyahu bullshit.

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There are Muslims living in Israel,some holding public office.

You think that'd ever let Jews/Christians do that in Palestine?Or even live?

You mean like Hanan Ashwari who is a woman Christian who is largely responsible for the recognition of Palestine in the first place, as well as a prominent legislator for Palestine for many years before resigning?

Or did you mean something else?



Palestine is really mild compared to the region including Israel.

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I think Americans probably think foundly of Israel thanks to AIPAC and the UN, I really think there are 2 Israels, one that does business and one that pays of the Generals, they are bullys in my opinion. They keep building these ugly condos to draw a new line in the sand to push out families that have been there for many generations and basically kill them.

Of course we love them because we supply them with fresh arms, Hilary is   was really hot on this topic. 


However you might be able to have a better conversation with an Israeli vs an American because of all the post ww2 propaganda.


I can remember in New York City [do I have to name the state?] in the late '40s and early '50s we Irish Americans all went to Croke Park in the North Bronx for the various Irish County [ALL 32.despite the 1920s compromises] organizitions get togethers, Gaelic Football and much Beer Drinking.  As you entered, there were 2 "donation" tables.  The first was for the benefit of the widows and orphans of the various rebellions against English [note not British, after we were cousions to the Scots and Welsh] in Ireland  some of which "mysteriousy" were diverted to the IRA [no that's not a Transitation orgrinazition that runs trolley cars] and the second and very busy table was for the Jewish Urgun [i may have misspelled that] insurgency against the residual British protectorate of Palestine.  By the way, PBS several years ago showed 2 very interesting videos!  The first was a video of the British "Protectorate" troops raiding a house to arrest and detain Jewish Urgun partisans.  The second was the very same house being raided by Israili troops to arrest and  detain Palestainian insurgents in the very same house!  "What comes around comes around?"

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You mean like Hanan Ashwari who is a woman Christian who is largely responsible for the recognition of Palestine in the first place, as well as a prominent legislator for Palestine for many years before resigning?

Or did you mean something else?



Palestine is really mild compared to the region including Israel.


My neighbors are Lebanese.  Many years ago we talked about the Israeli / Palestinian situation.  I offered the observation that it was time to retire all the Grey Beards and promote Hanan Ashrwari to the front line of the negotiators,  Perhaps make her the Palestine's Prime Minister designate! They agreed!  She is the only Mid East Palestinian person vs Israel who has any grip on reality!

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Well that not exactly correct. There are extremists in every religion. I'm sure there are tracts in the Bible that say it's ok to smite your enemies... unto the death....blah blah blah. In the civilized world these are not taken a literal commandments. Ask a priest and you'll get a lot of backtracking about it. All nations war at some time, and killing is state sanctioned, there's no breaking of a laws, religious or otherwise. So if you find some obscure passage in the bible about killing your enemy you might seize upon it and go out and kill without guilt. Radical Islamists have done just that. They feel they are in a religious war. We would disagree, they do not.   

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Well that not exactly correct. There are extremists in every religion. I'm sure there are tracts in the Bible that say it's ok to smite your enemies... unto the death....blah blah blah. In the civilized world these are not taken a literal commandments. Ask a priest and you'll get a lot of backtracking about it. All nations war at some time, and killing is state sanctioned, there's no breaking of a laws, religious or otherwise. So if you find some obscure passage in the bible about killing your enemy you might seize upon it and go out and kill without guilt. Radical Islamists have done just that. They feel they are in a religious war. We would disagree, they do not.


It's the institutionalization of religion that leads to bullshit

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What's up with Israel bashing ? They're the only country over there that wants peace and won't attack innocent people or countries.They're greatly outnumbered population wise and by how much land they have and yet continue to exist.As far as the Middle East goes,it's a country that just wants to be left alone unlike others in that region that want all non-Muslims dead.

The only reason that abortion of a "country" exists is because of usa being like the big brother keeping neighborhood kids from picking on little brother. They constantly stir the pot and then run and hide behind America, while bitching about so called antisemism. Isreal needs to be broken up and Jerusalem needs to be designated neutral ground, palistine on one side and a smaller Israel on the other.

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Well that not exactly correct. There are extremists in every religion. I'm sure there are tracts in the Bible that say it's ok to smite your enemies... unto the death....blah blah blah. In the civilized world these are not taken a literal commandments. Ask a priest and you'll get a lot of backtracking about it. All nations war at some time, and killing is state sanctioned, there's no breaking of a laws, religious or otherwise. So if you find some obscure passage in the bible about killing your enemy you might seize upon it and go out and kill without guilt. Radical Islamists have done just that. They feel they are in a religious war. We would disagree, they do not.

if Islam is the religion of peace then wouldn't Islamic extremists be extremely peaceful?

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Catholic parents don't condition their kids???????? Look up cult recruitment practices and tell me the difference! Course they do.


To believe that the only way to god is through a religion run by fallible humans who translate/filter the meaning of the bible. To mindlessly believe in a church top heavy with a hierarchy of noblemen and 'princes of the church' to keep control and run the vast organization of ceremony and pomp, bowing and scraping to a Pantheon of idols (it's OK because they are saints and icons) and enforces obedience to them with constant threat of excommunication for an impossibly long list of sins.Then has the nerve to dole out forgiveness at confession for every sin committed during the week. There is no guilt like Catholic guilt. A religion that is an endless spinning wheel of guilt and forgiveness, guilt and forgiveness. Catholics are leaving in droves??


I guess it could be argued that Catholic parents don't brainwash their kids..   Down to 1/5 from 1/4 of the total population in the US, in just 7 years. For every new member 6 leave.

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