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Sorry. I actually liked what a.d. was bringing up. That stuff is fascinating.

I feel like you're coming at it from a sociologist's point of view where I may being looking at it more from the point of view of a history major whose favorite era is Europe from the 1846 revolutions through the 1920s. We are probably looking at it through very different eyes. I don't see either of us as wrong but simply holding different views rather like the blind men who were asked to describe an elephant but each only allowed to touch one part of it - the floppy ear you hold seems very different from the trunk I touched but they're both parts of the same animal.


speaking of history, Olbermann is dressed like JFK and ranting like 'Buck' Turgidson against the Russkies! if he tries to ride a missile into the Kremlin I may have to hide a boner - not gonna lie.


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pepe supporters are now encouraging the alt-right neckbeards to seek out such lefty DIY venues on social media, attend happenings, film code violations and report the violations to local authorities - not to save lives, of course - just as payback for SJWs shitting on nerd/gamer culture as well the hypocrisy of holding big government socialist views while risking people's lives by putting on shows in venues that can't pass basic code and safety standards and greedily refusing to pay "the man" for permits.


WTF does this double plus-good bellyfeel speak even mean? F this shit I'm going to go wire up my heated seats.

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I feel like you're coming at it from a sociologist's point of view where I may being looking at it more from the point of view of a history major whose favorite era is Europe from the 1846 revolutions through the 1920s. We are probably looking at it through very different eyes. I don't see either of us as wrong but simply holding different views rather like the blind men who were asked to describe an elephant but each only allowed to touch one part of it - the floppy ear you hold seems very different from the trunk I touched but they're both parts of the same animal.


speaking of history, Olbermann is dressed like JFK and ranting like 'Buck' Turgidson against the Russkies! if he tries to ride a missile into the Kremlin I may have to hide a boner - not gonna lie.



To think I used to like this guy. Now all I hear from his mouth is this...



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I guess this proves that President-Elect Trump has poor taste in music;




Rick Perry for Energy Secretary?


Could it be a case of "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"?

oh, it gets better!!!


U.S. Energy Department balks at Trump request for names on climate change


The U.S. Energy Department said on Tuesday it will not comply with a request from President-elect Donald Trump's Energy Department transition team for the names of people who have worked on climate change and the professional society memberships of lab workers.


The response from the Energy Department could signal a rocky transition for the president-elect's energy team and potential friction between the new leadership and the staffers who remain in place.


The memo sent to the Energy Department on Tuesday and reviewed by Reuters last week contains 74 questions including a request for a list of all department employees and contractors who attended the annual global climate talks hosted by the United Nations within the last five years.




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oh, it gets better!!!


U.S. Energy Department balks at Trump request for names on climate change


The U.S. Energy Department said on Tuesday it will not comply with a request from President-elect Donald Trump's Energy Department transition team for the names of people who have worked on climate change and the professional society memberships of lab workers.


The response from the Energy Department could signal a rocky transition for the president-elect's energy team and potential friction between the new leadership and the staffers who remain in place.


The memo sent to the Energy Department on Tuesday and reviewed by Reuters last week contains 74 questions including a request for a list of all department employees and contractors who attended the annual global climate talks hosted by the United Nations within the last five years.






Yeah, just saw the Maddcow report on it and they are spinning it hard. Why the names? Maybe because they want to chase out all the ones getting sweet Global Warming money for their "Studies" on the theory chasing. 


As long as they are claiming to be working on it, they get money for research. Why keep dumping money on it when it is doing nothing but reaching the same theories and conclusions, or is it?

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Yeah, just saw the Maddcow report on it and they are spinning it hard. Why the names? Maybe because they want to chase out all the ones getting sweet Global Warming money for their "Studies" on the theory chasing.


As long as they are claiming to be working on it, they get money for research. Why keep dumping money on it when it is doing nothing but reaching the same theories and conclusions, or is it?

Why keep looking for solutions you've not yet found? Do you hear yourself? Climate science is critical weather you believe we are causing problems or not.

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I guess this proves that President-Elect Trump has poor taste in music;




Rick Perry for Energy Secretary?


Could it be a case of "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"?

I'm with Ye ..you might be more kim? :)


Jim Brown a good footballafamer

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Why keep looking for solutions you've not yet found? Do you hear yourself? Climate science is critical weather you believe we are causing problems or not.

Lets see....


-We can't accurately predict tomorrow's weather.


-Ocean levels have been rising since the 70s yet San Diego beaches look exacly the same today as i remember in early 80s.


-My home town of Tigre in Argentina would have been under water already.


-Gore said the polar ice caps "will be gone by 2010" aaaaaannnd they're still there.


The planet has been warming since the last ice age....fucking duuuuuhhhh!.....no do recognize the planet is warming, but not by "man made global warming", fuck off and follow the money.

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Why keep looking for solutions you've not yet found? Do you hear yourself? Climate science is critical weather you believe we are causing problems or not.


All this time and money and still no smoking gun. Yeah, I'm in! 


Why not spend that money on actually making a difference, cleaning water supplies, restoring eroded beaches, curing something or helping other countries clean up their air. Instead we are chasing man bear pig. 


Sorry, I am not on board with the "We have to find something to blame it on" crowd. The planet has been evolving for millions of years and will keep on doing so long after we are gone. 

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Am not Russian spy, merely humble Lada Datsun owner.

The irony being is that at one point I did actually start learning Russian, due to my step-mother when I was a teen who we refer to in the family as "the crazy Russian woman", dragging us all to the Russian Orthodox church every fucking Sunday. Why? Well because she was Russian and part of a large Russian family and that's what they do.


Oh the fun of Russian Orthodox, who celebrate Christmas on my god damn fucking birthday. You know what a great birthday gift every year is? Spending two hours standing in mass while some guy yells at you in Russian.


The only upside every Sunday was after you take communion, you head back to the house, and as I was 15 or older you go with the men, do the bread and salt and drink vodka while the women folk go off on their own. Food was bitchin' though. 


So yeah, I'm a wee bit familiar with Russians.

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