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There is truth, then there is random adhd spouting of every possible conspiracy plot known to man.  In spitting this garbage, they hit a mark once in a while.  Like a room full of monkeys writing Shakespeare eventually.  Doesn't mean they understand it or have any directive.

Like a broken clock that gets the time right twice a day. It just can't help itself.

Far from random seems pretty focused lately even if garbage. Monkeys on a different time scale.


What if the clock is right 4-5 times a day , rethink how a clock works?

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Here in AUS when a party loses the election,the leadership look at how they fucked up with the campaign strategies not how others lost the election for them. 


One recent exception was the 2016 AUS election where the Conservatives blamed a campaign from the Labor Party about Health Care changes,which the Conservatives labelled "mediscare".


However overall the Conservative coalition parties accepted that there were a lot of miscalcuations on their part that lost them senate and parliament seats,giving them a wafer thin majority and less senate seats than they held before the election.

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Far from random seems pretty focused lately even if garbage. Monkeys on a different time scale.


What if the clock is right 4-5 times a day , rethink how a clock works?


Yes.... then it would be waffling like a politician wouldn't it..

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Ha ha ha, this is fucking hilarious!




Hopefully President-elect Trump will really rub salt into the wound and give Mr Coney a massive promotion.

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Ha ha ha, this is fucking hilarious!




Hopefully President-elect Trump will really rub salt into the wound and give Mr Coney a massive promotion.


That cunt has no one to blame but herself. No one but herself. FBI let her off easy.

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As former PM of AUS John Howard said (as have likely by now many other pundits and commentators) - HRC's "deplorables" comment only made it more enticing for people not engaged with her to go with the Donald.


Steve Price (a radio jock here in AUS) pointed out that Dems speak down and in a lecturing tone to others and this is what alienates many from their cause. 

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Maybe voting in the States is taken for granted, too long, too lax, too complacent. 


Almost 219,000,000 possible voters

Only  126,600,000 votes cast... about 55%

Almost 92,500,000 didn't vote. That's well over 2 1/2 times the population of Canada.


The average voter turn out in Canada is 70% the lowest since 1867 was in 2008 at 58%

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Maybe voting in the States is taken for granted, too long, too lax, too complacent. 


Almost 219,000,000 possible voters

Only  126,600,000 votes cast... about 55%

Almost 92,500,000 didn't vote. That's well over 2 1/2 times the population of Canada.


The average voter turn out in Canada is 70% the lowest since 1867 was in 2008 at 58%


The remaining 45% to me are the most unmotivated and uniformed people among us.

Do you really want them voting and possibly making a difference? they even sat this one out and it's been billed as the most important election of our lives by both sides!

All they would do is the minimum most likely voting the way that Kim Kartrashyass or some communist social warrior rap artist tells them to. I mean look at the idiots we already have voting that are out there throwing a collective temper tantrum.

No thanks.

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translation: "the polls make it clear I'm gonna get my ass handed to me because Germans think my policies suck big green donkey weenies but imma try and get out in front of this mess so I can tell the peons I already warned them about this a year ago!".


Merkel warns of possible Russian interference in German election


Chancellor says Moscow may attempt to undermine 2017 vote, following alleged meddling in US presidential race


BERLIN, Germany — Chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday warned Russia could try to influence Germany’s general elections next year through cyber attacks or disinformation campaigns, after Washington accused the Kremlin of similar meddling in the US vote.


“We are already, even now, having to deal with information out of Russia or with internet attacks that are of Russian origin or with news which sows false information,” Merkel, said at a press conference alongside Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg.



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That cunt has no one to blame but herself. No one but herself. FBI let her off easy.


wondering if she's gonna give back the 32 million donated by the Saudis





and she wonders why Obama supporters voted for Trump, they must be rascists

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Maybe voting in the States is taken for granted, too long, too lax, too complacent.


Almost 219,000,000 possible voters

Only 126,600,000 votes cast... about 55%

Almost 92,500,000 didn't vote. That's well over 2 1/2 times the population of Canada.


The average voter turn out in Canada is 70% the lowest since 1867 was in 2008 at 58%

In our wonderful democracy we have compulsory voting.


Not saying its rght, not saying its wrong, just saying...................

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wondering if she's gonna give back the 32 million donated by the Saudis





and she wonders why Obama supporters voted for Trump, they must be rascists

Wonder if she will have mysterious ailings for not delivering on her end?

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I can't imagine many Obama supporters voted for trump.


If Russia is meddling in world elections, that's smart.


If Germany proves this meddling it could be fuel for the electoral college to nullify our election.


That would be a fun way to go into Civil war II

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I can't imagine many Obama supporters voted for trump.


If Russia is meddling in world elections, that's smart.


If Germany proves this meddling it could be fuel for the electoral college to nullify our election.


That would be a fun way to go into Civil war II

Just how did Russia meddle with our election ? Lets assume they did,is it any different than our media meddling with our election ? Germany will prove meddling as well as Comey proved Clinton's a crook.

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Also, comparing the U.S. media companies and foreign countries is a huge stretch. One has a military agenda.


Media companies (the big 4), are owned domestically. Even Murdoch had to become a US citizen to own his media ventures here.

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And so the craziness begins.




Does he have any idea of the logistics in deportation?


Many years ago when RW was an LEO, I was involved in the deportation of what our Gubment called "prohibited non citizens". It was a fancy term for illegal immigrants.


The resourcing requirements just to throw one person out (mind you we cant just throw over the border) is huge.


Watch ID fraud in Murica go through the roof.


Dodgy Green card anyone?

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