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Is that really a CNN reporter? or staged?



You know 20 years ago movie presidents used to yell at their CIA... "Why the hell do I have to learn about this from CNN? Why can't you guys figure this shit out?" Today they are the last place to look. They are to TV what the National Enquirer is to newspapers.

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In the area if ironic appointments I would like to see Donald Trump make.


1. Sarah Palin Press Secretary. After the press spent so much time attempting to destroy this woman it would be sweet to watch them have to come to her for information.


2. Hillary Clinton Ambassador to Libya. Your turn to see what is like to ask for security and not get any.

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Sarah Palin is a vapid moron.  I mean, shit, you could put a head of lettuce against her intellect and the lettuce would get into Harvard.  She is really good at parroting what smart people have told her to say.


In fact, if you want to blame Obama for stuff, blame Palin.  Had John McCain had a decent running mate, he would have beat out Obama in 2008.  I would have voted for McCain in '08 gladly without that ditzy cheerleader on the ticket.  Just imagine what she would have fucked up.  Probably worse than Trump!

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Jesus, Palin? Fuckin' MILF twit.


Sarah Palin is a vapid moron.  I mean, shit, you could put a head of lettuce against her intellect and the lettuce would get into Harvard.  She is really good at parroting what smart people have told her to say.


In fact, if you want to blame Obama for stuff, blame Palin.  Had John McCain had a decent running mate, he would have beat out Obama in 2008.  I would have voted for McCain in '08 gladly without that ditzy cheerleader on the ticket.  Just imagine what she would have fucked up.  Probably worse than Trump!

Thank-you for repeating the media line on the woman.

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You realize infowars is garbage, right?  Fuckin' nutjob conspiracy theories.


You realize they been right on about almost everything in the past two years?, you're the most closed minded "liberal" i have ever encountered, Matt, trully unliberal to be honest, very disappointed in you for not even trying to look for the truth, ill give you a clue, follow the money, not hard to do!

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Don't knock Chelsea, you ever been with a female equipped with chipmunk cheeks and overstuffed bee stung lips?


It's everything you think it is and more!


People around here are on edge and their driving proves it.


My daughter and I spent the morning at the beach and we were driving south on the 1 ( which is technically not a freeway so I should not go 80 if I do not want to be ticketed) a little north of Ventura.


I am in the fast lane driving 70 (yes today I was one of those assholes).


3 vehicles come up on me going 80, two pass and the last guy driving a Honda Accord is definitely agitated as I can see in my rear view.


He passes me on the right and mouths the word "motherfucker".


In this case I would have gestured to him to pull over so we could "talk about it" but I had my daughter with me.


And I was wearing flip-flops, never fight without adequate footwear...


Still, that guy was begging to be made an example of....


In the fast lane a little north of Ventura is freeway...unless you mean that little section where the 1 actually branches off on its own around Faria beach, but it's only a 2 lane road.  So yeah, it is all freeway now, and you should get over.  None of that is highway anymore...there is no cross traffic.

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