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So, the Obama admin has evidence that Russia, under direction from Putin, hacked everything on purpose to give the win to Trump


Putin says put up or shut up. 


Obama admin doesn't want to release it because it might embarrassing to Russia


Meanwhile, the Chinese are stealing our drones! Nice! 



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Sorry, racial slur had to be removed. I'm sure we have Chinese members here. Don't want them calling you a beaner. 


Maybe drones are being allowed to be stolen. (CIA told me)

Don't know what racial slur you removed but maybe you should remove the one you just posted ? 

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Don't know what racial slur you removed but maybe you should remove the one you just posted ?


He's got a point Mike.


Now none of you Muricans go calling me a goddam Aussie (or worse a Kiwi), we do have a strategic alliance you know.


Hell we ARE you aircraft carrier in the southern hemisphere!

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That was for Jessie and intended to be funny, but yes, taken down. Feel free to call me a Canuck or Northern Socialist (although I'm not much more socialist than a Yank who decries it in others but calls it something else in his own case)


Just checked. This is Cuz.....

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He's got a point Mike.


Now none of you Muricans go calling me a goddam Aussie (or worse a Kiwi), we do have a strategic alliance you know.


Hell we ARE you aircraft carrier in the southern hemisphere!

I actually didn't know calling someone from Australia that was a slur, I have used it more than once in private emails to friends over there and they didn't call me out.

Wish I had known this sooner.

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I actually didn't know calling someone from Australia that was a slur, I have used it more than once in private emails to friends over there and they didn't call me out.

Wish I had known this sooner.

Ill give you this one for free.


You actually cant offend an Aussie, we have hides like a Rhino.


Now, our First Nation inhabitants on the other hand, well.....................

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He's certainly not referring to his own supporters is he???


What about the supporters of HRC who rioted after President Elect Trump won?



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For someone that says he has a hide of a "rhino" you brought up the word "kiwi" that we all haven't had the pleasure of someone calling >>you<<  outta spite for quite some time now,,,,,,,,,,, that is until you brought it up just now....................


Hmmmmm i guess that skin is more tender than your writing would lead us to believe eh?

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NO REFUNDS!!!! Occupy InaugurationPROTESTS PLANNED!This is an urgent, unprecedented moment in history, with people everywhere rising up for an America and a world that works for all of us.We do not consent to a presidency that bullies and demeans people. We will not stand for the mistreatment of people of color, women, immigrants, Muslims, LGBTQIA+ folks, the poor and working people.The Green Party and the post-election Stein/Baraka campaign, ARE TAKING ACTION.How?Right now, at this very moment, we are preparing to take part in the “Occupy Inauguration” protests planned for January 20 and 21st in Washington D.C.Our campaign is committed to standing together with oppressed communities and demanding that Trump respect the human rights and dignity of all people in our society and throughout the world. Solidarity must be our guiding principle.And we will express our solidarity by “Occupying” the Inauguration in January.Will you help us?Because unfortunately, it’s going to cost us about $20,000 to send our delegation to these protests. If you contribute today, your support will be instrumental in helping us “occupy” and will go a long way to pay for the practical costs involved as we organize.http://www.jill2016.com/occupyinaugurationNO REFUNDS!!!!

I'll get my popcorn and beer ready, CNN has front seats i presume?

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hold up, kiwi is a racist word? don't they call themselves tha.....? wait. there's already a rule about that, huh? as a Saltine-American I am ohhh-fended! can we still say "day of the rake"?

Without wanting to get this thread too far off track, most Aussies dont give a flying fuck what they are called (including a Kiwi).


Keyboard warrior away bannana boy ;)



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Without wanting to get this thread too far off track, most Aussies dont give a flying fuck what they are called (including a Kiwi).


Keyboard warrior away bannana boy ;)



i hope you aint selling that shit,,,, cuz aint nobody that's been n here for more than a year or two,,,,,,,  is buyin it..


Most probably don't but you taking my point as a personal threat ( use of warrior)  , ,, and the multiple meltdowns YOU personally have had on Ratsun from people giving you even the littlest hard time...........  ;) .




self-ag·gran·dize·ment (sĕlf′ə-grăn′dĭz-mənt)


The act or practice of enhancing or exaggerating one's own importance, power, or reputation.

self′-ag·gran′diz′ing (-ə-grăn′dī′zĭng) adj.


:rofl: :rofl:

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