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Ratsun spell checker/grammar improvements

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Just a heds up. they stopped teaching spelling in school. we al rely on our phonees to correct are spelling ot our browserss. and what in da humpty dumpty is grmar? 

So yes, we are all screwed. And i prefer not to turn this into Hybridz, i like my freedom of punctuation and grammar. 

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Seriously folks, if you need a spell checker, type the text of your post into a word document, spell check it, then cut and paste into the appropriate  into the appropriate text field in Ratsun.




AMEN!  Less PIGIN and more English [of whatever version].  Most of the posted gibberish couldn't even pass for Pigin [or Pidgeon to use one of the conventional spellings] .  Air New Ginea is officially "Air Niu Gini" and at least that sounds right.  More than can be said for the thumb twerking fools that we occasionaly are doomed read here.  It used to be standard that you had to read and write at the 6th grade level to graduate from High School [a pitiful standard at best] but that may have gone out the window with the "let's not give them phobias by holding them back from their classmates, even though that means that the next year will be dumbed down to the least common level of competance."  Obviously I do not believe in "progressive education.'

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Seriously folks, if you need a spell checker, type the text of your post into a word document, spell check it, then cut and paste into the appropriate  into the appropriate text field in Ratsun.


Dammit Mike, you made me read my original post 3 times!

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I hope we dont turn into a site like Hybrid Z, but I dont see that happening. We have a lot of content here you simply cant really find other places. Hybrid Z has the same regurgitated stuff that every Z site has,


This site here is a lot like a Datsun enthusiast melting pot. Not everyone has great spelling and grammar, but a lot of times it isnt required to get their point across, thought sometimes it helps!!


Edit: I can find 10 awesome build threads on this site right now, that would have been banned from HZ for punctuation and spelling/grammar errors. If you turn into a bunch of spellcheck Nazis, you limit your content and youlimit people actually wanting to post on your site.


Its pretty incredibly rude and uncalled for on an internet forum to send someone warning messages about their spelling.


Our content is killer here, we have build threads from all over the planet, most other sites dont have that.

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Yes. Posters are encouraged to be legible if they want their questions answered without going down the wrong road because of misunderstandings.  


And fuck anyone that sez How R U? This aint twitterz or failbook. Take the time to make sense

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i agree with mike on the txtmsg shorthand. my son types like that in text msgs. drives me batty. there are a few exceptions to this which i think are acceptable, like stfu, gtfo, dafuq ... things like that. you can make it pretty far into a post and get your point/question across with the occasional spelling and grammatical errors before it looks like your cat walked across the keyboard

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Edit: I can find 10 awesome build threads on this site right now, that would have been banned from HZ for punctuation and spelling/grammar errors. If you turn into a bunch of spellcheck Nazis, you limit your content and youlimit people actually wanting to post on your site.



we keep a pretty good balance lol people just have to remember,

we cant help you... if you cant type a legible sentence.


even Iv had temp bans from HBZ for not capitalizing the start of a sentence lol

so I called up one of their admins Iv known for years and was like WTF....  theres one mod over there thats all gung hoe...

great site...... that has gone to shit... only good for reading anymore lol god forbid you post without a BA in English lit.

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