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Dude i started going to the dentist again last year,, first time since 1986 .... The weirdest thing was feeling the real shape of the inside of the front bottom teeth...... I bet it took 4-5 days to stop freaking out about them being round shaped...   and yeah  Datsenmick  is right,,, the technology they use is light years better than anything i experienced before.... Even the amount and placement of the novacaine seemed more precise and work better.


When I was eight it took 4 or more separate injections, two inside and to on the outside to fully freeze the gum. Then he would leave for 15 min to let it take effect. Often it didn't and another injection is used, and they are just as painful as the first. Maybe they go deeper? I know that days later there is a soreness. Also the hole is so large the stuff they use often squirts out of your gum or leaks and tastes like shit.


Now, he swabs (probably oil of cloves) on the gum to deaden even the smallest prick of the needle. Next he grabs your upper lip and pinches it lightly and jiggles it. This is a superb piece of misdirection. You are concentrating on this slightly annoying sensation when the needle goes in and it's over before you know it. That stuff they use today works really fast by the way, I mean seconds and they don't fully remove the needle just slip it out sightly and aim in another direction so you don't have a second poke. It's already numbing up and that's it with one small needle. He starts working on it in about 5 min. Oh yeah, over head TV. Distraction is a great pain (well I wouldn't say reliever) but your preoccupied and less likely to notice the small stuff. Pretty hygienist helps too.

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Have you ever heard of the turtle effect? Yeah you know when a turtle gets scared and it head goes back in the shell. Thats what just happened to my little buddy. Now I gotta drink more to get some sleep.



Winney Hoofer, Dental hygienist of the year. Graduated top of all her classmates at Rocko's school of equestrienne care and dentistry, NCAA arm wrestling champion women's and men's devision. Line up at the door fellas.

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